Saturday, June 7, 2008

Article Marketing Success - How To Write Articles That Compels Your Reader To Buy From You?

Did you know that one article can bring you as much as 100 highly targeted visitors? It takes you less than thirty minutes to write a well written and informative article. If you deliver the good, the reader is going to click on your resource box and see what you have to offer.

Some of my most best articles have more than one hundreds click and hundreds of views. But these statistics don't include all the publishers who downloaded my articles.

And what if an ezine publisher with thousands of subscribers like your article and send it to his list with your well crafted resource box?

I am sure this could bring your sales your way.

But if you wrote an article that doesn't make sense, nobody is going to send it to his list. And what do you think about readers who stumble about your article?

This poor surfer was searching for information. He was searching for a real expert he can rely on, and instead, he found a couple of "bizarre" sentences that didn't give him a single benefit.

Do you think he is going to click on your link in the resource box? He won't! Because he knows that this article wasn't written by an expert. Why should he bother?

The reader needs help, he want to solve a problem or relive a pain. If you give him even more troubles and make him lose his valuable time, he is never going to make business with you after that... unless he is forced to do so because there is no competitors.

But this is not the case today, so take your time and write a good article.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Link Directories SEO Power

Link directories have much to do with the way that a search engine helps people find a particular web site, and ultimately, with online marketing. There are a number of reasons why link directories are important, and they should be a part of any webmaster's site marketing strategy. Link directories are popular because they allow you find websites on niche topics. Having your site added in the top directories will allow you gain a great deal of visibility.

Search engines rely on directories as a source of links. Specifically, they rely on link popularity how popular a web site is, based on the quality of both its inbound and outbound links when pointing Internet users to a web site. This is what determines your site's ranking in a search engine when people use certain keywords to get search results. To say that search engines don't need web directories is a fallacy. They both work together seamlessly, and the overall goal is the same: To help people find what they are looking for.

The formula for achieving a high rank may thus seem as simple as using as finding as many keywords as you can in describing or tagging your web site. However, that is not all there is to it. Since search engines rank a web site according to how many other sites link to it, then it would make sense to have your web site added in as many web directories as possible. Having your site add in a large number of web directories does not guarantee success. To succeed with getting your site listed, you will want to focus on the web directories that have the most traffic and popularity.

At the same time, it is important to remember that search engines also look at the quality of a web site's links. Some web directories aim only to build link popularity and will list outbound links without verifying its quality. Such directories are often called link farms, and search engines give low value to sites listed there, if not ban them entirely. This means that a web site added in just one or two directories known to be good, reliable sources of links would get an even better ranking than a site added in several less-known web directories, or link farms. This is how Google ranks its search results, and other search engines have followed suit.

It would also make sense to monitor other sites that link to your site. After all, the quality of the sites that link to yours speaks of the quality of yours as well. You would not want your site to be identified with a low-quality site, and give Internet users the impression that your site is cheap. As a webmaster, your goal should be to make sure your website is only associated with link directories that are high in quality. Avoid getting your site added in just any web directory. It could have an effect on your ranking.

The bottom line is that having your link added in a high-quality web directory is one of the ways by which you can ensure a good ranking in search engine results.

DM web directory offering high quality backlinks and article directory submission.

Maximizing Clicks In Your Resource Box

Building article directories is all the rage now. Practically every time I submit an article I get a pop-up asking me if I'd like to build an article directory like the one I'm visiting. But I have no interest in that. I like to write and submit articles.

Is article marketing just a phase? I don't think so, look at where television was just 50 years ago and see how it has grown. The Internet is the television of future. Millions of people worldwide are entertained and informed by it every day. And one thing that is an absolute necessity for the Internet to continue growing is the need for fresh content. Just like television, both mediums need a constant source of fresh material to present to the public. That is very good news for those of us in the article business, and for that reason, I believe that article marketing is here to stay. The question is, as article writers, how can we capitalize on that? The answer is; write and submit targeted articles and add a well thought out resource box to each article.

By designing a good, well-conceived resource box, you can maximize the number of clicks each article generates. For each article I write, I design a different resource box. It is targeted specifically to the content of that article. In the first line, I add a link to your main site's opt-in page. In the sentence or two that follows, give a short description of what your site offers. Make sure you tell viewers the benefits of visiting your site. If they click through to your website, give them good reasons to sign-in. Promise free downloads. On my website, I offer them the opportunity to view and download numerous articles, pdf's and information on a number of techniques to generate money by writing articles.

Following that information, skip a line to start a new paragraph. In that section of the resource box, offer either one of your own products or an affiliate item. Follow that with a short sentence on how it would benefit the reader to through to that item.

Again, you should skip a line here and start a third paragraph. In this final section, provide a link on an additional product you are promoting. Try to vary the products and the order of their appearance.

Maximize viewer response by using three separate paragraphs. Using these techniques, your links will stand out more prominently, and you will dramatically increase the number of clicks.

Start your own affiliate program!
Let others make money for you!

Free Downloads! FREE Ebooks!

Article Marketing - Don't Leave Your Readers Dying To Contact You, Yet Unable To Figure Out How

When writing articles and posting them on directories, there are 5 things that you can do that will add to the effectiveness and conversions of you articles. Effectiveness being measured by how many people read the article, and then how many people visit your website as a result of the article.

First, enough emphasis cannot be put on the resource box. The bottom line is this is the reader's direct link back to you. The better the information, the easier it is to get to your site, and having a firm call to action can all have a significant impact on the final piece of the puzzle when trying to get targeted traffic to your website and build your opt in subscriber list.

Think about it for a second. You can have a title that not only has the perfect key words, but has the perfect burning question that everyone is dying to know. In your article you could masterfully paint a picture of the importance of the topic and then give the perfect response that will help your readers not only know where to start and the steps that they need to begin, but in addition gives them complete confidence that you are the person that they want to have help them because you are obviously in tune with them and their needs.

At this point, they are scrolling down as fast as humanly possible to get to the resource box that is going to lead them to you and help them achieve their dreams and goals and when they get there all they find is one sentence with your name and a link that doesn't work properly because you put a period at the end of your web address.

You do not want this to be the reason that keeps people from being able to do business with you. Why they should contact you, a call to action and two to three full length, which means include the http://, web addresses is a strong start with your resource box, if you want to learn more about how to make your resource box as effective as possible, come sign up for my ezine.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

List Building and Why You Need To Do It!

I'm sure you have heard the saying 'the money is in the list'. This is quite true with Internet Marketing and list building really is a necessity to make a good income online.

So just how do you build a good, targeted list that will take your online business to the next level? Here are some points that may help you in your list building efforts.

1. Sell your offer so that your visitors just can't say 'no' to signing up to your list. You need to make your visitors think that opting in to your list is the best decision that they can make at this point in time.

So if your niche is on dog training then offer a free report on 'Tips for Training Your Dog' or something similar.

2. Whatever it is that you offer your visitors make sure that it is targeted to your niche. You don't want to offer a free report on horse riding if your niche is about dog training. You need to offer your visitors something that they would really value and in return you will get a good list.

3. Once you have subscribers signed up to your list it is important to build a good relationship with them. You can set up your autoresponder to send out a sequence of emails to your customers at intervals set by you.

4. Make sure that your emails are also targeted to the niche that your subscribers subscribed to. If your emails are not related to the niche then your subscribers will not be interested in reading them.

Also make sure that any products that you promote through your emails also relate to the niche otherwise you are just wasting your time and are not likely to make any sales.

To learn more about how you can master niche affiliate marketing, please visit his website today to start right away

Franck Silvestre specializes in providing a successful niche marketing plan right from the start.

Article Marketing - How Do I Quickly Repurpose 5 Existing Articles to the Article Directories?

Q: How do I re-purpose 5 existing articles to the article directories ASAP?

A: That's a great question because many people have existing content sitting around somewhere that they could quickly and easily post online in the article directories.

So here are the steps to get your existing content up quickly.

Step 1 - Focus on just one article directory to start, and I'll suggest EzineArticles. I'll show you my three tiered submission approach to all the article directories in another article.

Step 2 - Get an account at EzineArticles - Simple and easy to do. You get your account and can start submitting articles right away.

Step 3 - Chunk it down - Most content that has been written before may be too long for the article directories. Writing articles for distribution on the internet is a different animal. If you have an article that is 900 words long, you want to chunk it down into at least 2 articles, maybe three. In this way you have 3 "article agents" out there working for you instead of just one.

Step 4 - Submit your article - So many people put off this step because they are waiting for their article to be perfect. DON'T do that! Get your article(s) out there working for you. You can go in and tweak and fine tune them later. This is especially true when you are re-purposing old content.

Step 5 - Do steps 3 and 4 over and over again. Article marketing is a numbers game, and the higher your article volume the higher all your other numbers will be.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Link Building Service - An Easy Way to Earn Popularity For Your Website

In this competitive world, every business organization has an aim to earn remarkable profit and a reputed name in very short duration. It is now indeed more like a necessary objective to get well noticeable among the other organization so that you can at least stand as a strong contender in the world of competition. Now the important question that arises is how to get popular among the populace and an easy answer to this complexity is better exposure. It is very easy to get your website posted on the Internet. But that is not all, the problem sustain as it is, if your website fails to attract good number of visitors. The only solution to this problem is creating a good informative website that is rich with all necessary details your company is focusing up on. Any wrong data or complicated piece of content is enough to compel the visitor to close it and look for another website. Losing interest is a common fact that visitors have while browsing the sites if they are not qualitative enough. Therefore, if you are promoting your product or service online, then there are certain factors which are must to keep in mind. One of such very significant concept is hiring link building service.

Many online firms are now seeking assistance from the providers of link building service. This is in fact an extremely popular way to navigate more and more traffic to your website. However, it is totally on the service providers to make the most of it. Professionals who provide link building service providers provide a chance to your website to flourish in an improvised manner. They manage the ranking of your website on several search engines by adapting a peculiar process of creating links of that website on several host sites. These host sites in turn are very beneficial in diverting the visitors to your website allowing a great deal of exploration. Once you get associated or linked with the host site, every visitor to the host site will promptly receive the address of your website as the referred links. This way the websites get popularity and an identity.

Link building service providers have all the latest technology applications to make your website clearly noticeable on the numerous search engines. You must to create your URL an already known link so that you can stand on the top of the search engines because all the search engines mark your website's rank according to the link you use. However, now many people own their sites and if you are among them and seeking heavy traffic then link building is indeed the perfect solution to your search. It largely helps in attracting Internet savvy users. These providers will not only give you the link popularity but also focus deeply on traffic controlling, page ranking and deep indexing.

On associating with a good link building service provider you free yourself from the worrisome details of host site and its mechanism. All this will be taken care and resolved by your service provider. Do not forget the fact that the popularity of your online business is the outcome of the accurate placement, good promotion and quality link building. Therefore, make your website the most preferred option with link building.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, SEO New York, Social media optimization and Search engine marketing firm.To get the Link building service from SEO Firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Sizzling Article Marketing - 4 Mind-Blowing Tactics To Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them.

Here are 4 mind-blowing tactics to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Let's say you have an affiliate product to sell pet products. Hopefully you have a lead capture page (homepage) setup to capture a customer's email address by offering a free report and free e-course about a topic related to pets. If not just remember to move in that direction over time.

2. Now, let's take things one step further and let's assume you want to write an article that you can submit to several article directories (FREE) to get a rush of traffic to your affiliate products, your own products and or your own website.

3. Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them. I'm going to use "get rid of flees" as the actual keyword from my research criteria here. The title is a bit too long but I'm using this example to make a point here. Note the power words used in these examples below.

"Discover 5 Safe And Natural Remedies Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Flees In 5 Days Or Less Using Only Five Basic Ingredients Found Right In Your Pantry -- Plus Save Over $500 A Year On Harmful Pesticides".

Here is another example using these tactics...

"Discover An Amazingly Simple Yet Effective Shortcut To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days or Less...Spending Only 5 Minutes A Day"!

4. Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

I have dozens of articles from when I first started writing that need to be edited because they have boring titles. I had no idea of what I was doing a few years ago. I was so focused on the keyword aspects of the article titles. This is not wise to do.

You need to find a way to make each and every article title "Grab You By The Arm" as if saying, "Hey Look At Me Now and Read Me Now!"

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at:

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Intriguing Methods to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are seriously thinking of using articles marketing to drive traffic to your site, pull up your search engine ranking, establish your expertise in your chosen field, and generate more income, you need to uncover these 5 intriguing methods so you can jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Make sure that you only submit original content. Copying somebody else's work in article marketing is a big no-no. This will not only tarnish your credibility online, but you will also be penalized by major search engines.

2. Target human emotions when writing your article. Instead of focusing your efforts on logical reasoning, touch your readers' emotions by pushing their buttons. How? If you are selling diet pills, focus on how weight gain affects the confidence and social life of your readers.

3. Keep your paragraphs shorter. Ideally, you should explain one idea on every paragraph. As a writer, you must be able to explain that idea in 4-5 sentences. You can easily do that by finding the most appropriate words to get your message across and eliminating fillers and fancy words to make your paragraph direct to the point and brief.

4. Provide your readers with useful information. Make sure that the content of your articles contain information that are highly relevant to your readers. If they are facing problems, be sure to offer solution. When you do this, online users will appreciate your writing and you will build a huge following in no time.

5. Make every word count. When you are using fillers and other unnecessary words on your articles, you are wasting your readers' precious time. To make your readers feel that you value their time, strike out words that do not help you in getting your message across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

5 Secrets to Generate Clicks With Your Articles

When writing an article, always have your reader in mind. Look at your article with a critical eye and think how your reader would interpret it. Don't think of it as an article, think of it as a sales piece.

Before writing an article, write down your goals for the article. Do you merely want to provide information and let people know you are knowledgeable in the field? Do you want to generate web traffic or would you prefer it if readers click on your links? It is imperative that you develop a goal for each article you write.

1. If your goal is to entice the viewer to click on your links, make sure you give them enough information to pique their curiosity and offer them more detailed information by clicking the link in your Resource Box.

2. Make a list of the main features of the item or service you are promoting in your article. If you are writing about autoresponders, list the features of autoresponders. For each of these features, write how it would benefit the user. For example:
Feature - It can send out thousands of sales presentations simultaneously.
Benefit - Earn thousands of dollars at the push of a button.

3. Paint a picture with your benefits. Make an emotional appeal so the viewers can actually see themselves. In the example above you can change the benefit to: Earn thousands of dollars while you bask in the warm sunshine of a Caribbean beach sipping a cool drink.

4. Select two or three of your strongest features and benefits and write them into your article. Start with the items that would be most attractive to your reader. It is not necessary to go into great detail; you will do that after they click on your link.

5. Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further. People tend to skim over the available titles when they are looking for information. Your article has to jump out at them. Your title is the most important part of your article. If you write a great article and give it a boring title, no one will read it. All of your hard work will have been for nothing.

Using these five techniques, you will substantially increase you success rate with articles. I'm sorry, but I've got to go now. You see the tide is coming in and the waves are approaching my beach chair. Anyway, I can use another drink. I'll see you on the beach!

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Amplify Your Article Marketing Efforts By Helping The Reader

Article marketing is a really great way to build an online business. If you have tried other methods like ppc or ezine advertising and still have not experienced any success I seriously suggest that you consider article marketing.

Let us first take a look at why this is such a great method of advertising your business. I think that the primary reason is that today with the increase in spam and advertising messages people are not as receptive to blatant advertising as before. Many years ago to be a top marketer all you needed to do was advertise your website using ppc. Today the ppc search engines are so competitive and it really is a lot more difficult to make a profit.

As the famous sales trainer Jeoffrey Gitomer once said people buy from people that they like, know and trust. With article marketing people are most likely to have read several of your articles before they click through to your website. This means that by the time that they click through to your site they already like, know and trust you. Consequently they are ready to buy from you. With other forms of marketing you need to do the hard work first.

Now the best way to maximize these results is to write articles where you help the reader. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away. The more useful information that you give your reader the more likely that they will subscribe to your newsletter and become a paid customer. I find that 250 to 350 word articles work the best. This is so that they are short enough and do not get lost before they have an opportunity to click on my resource box.

Finally, make sure that you have your unique selling proposition in your resource box. This will be your 30 second elevator pitch that will make the reader want to click through to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing Traffic Exploded!

Article marketing is the one of the best ways to get traffic to your website. It's easy and free to do. But how can you get tons of traffic to your website? To get tons of traffic to your website, you should be working on your articles and how to market them. There are some simple ways that you can do it, and I hope that you use them in the guide shown below!

Article marketing traffic exploded

  • By going to different blogs about your articles niche and start networking with them, you can easily get a higher page ranking with your articles and get people to look at your articles more. The key to this tactic is to not piss off the bloggers about telling them that they should use your article. Just simply telling them that they should put your articles onto their blog will not work. You have to network with them and build a relationship with them. Don't just drop a comment and leave. That just pisses off the blogger, and your not going to get very good feedback.
  • Signing up with newsletters and networking with the owners is a viable way to get a higher page ranking for your article to increase your web traffic. Newsletters get sent to their mailing lists to a mass of people. If you can network with the owner of the newsletter, and get them to look at your article, they will gladly put your article into their newsletter content. Now your article will get linked to more than hundreds of people in your niche who trust that newsletter.
  • Writing tons of articles regularly is the key to article marketing. By simply writing 10 articles a day, your web traffic will increase significantly and quickly. To put it simply, the more articles that you write, the more publicity that your website gets. Also, search engines love articles, so by simply putting the link to your website into your articles signature, your websites page ranking will slowly increase. If you write more than 300 articles, that means you have more than 300 inbound links to your website!

Article marketing is a viable way to get tons of repeating traffic to your website, and should be used to your advantage. By using these simple tactics, your articles will soon soar and your web traffic will increase by hundreds!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - Can You Really Make Money in Article Marketing?

Are you just starting in online business and wonder if everything you heard about article marketing is true? If you are wondering if article marketing can make you generate huge revenue, the answer is undoubtedly, yes. Thousands, if not millions of web owners have discovered the way to millions and you need not to be a rocket scientist to learn this. Indeed, you can really make money in article marketing. How? Read on.

1. Article marketing is the most cost effective Internet marketing strategies these days. You don't need a capital or huge investment to start writing and submitting your articles to ezine sites. Yet, you can create quality links to your site to generate traffic. Huge traffic equates to huge money.

2. Article marketing drives quality traffic to your site. When it diverts enough traffic, you can use this to sell products or build mailing list of your prospective customers and earn using email marketing.

3. Article marketing can create a domino effect on your web site and on your sales. It drives traffic which is the most basic element in making money over the Internet. Once your web site becomes popular, you can sell web space to advertisers, charge other web owners when they link their sites to you, etc. The possibilities are endless!

As more and more people get rich through article marketing, it is not a bad idea to join the bandwagon. Start now and earn unlimited income.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Article Marketing - Getting Started In Article Writing

Article marketing has long been touted as an effective strategy for marketing an online business. However, writing many articles and submitting them is easier said than done. One needs to follow a formula so that he will consistently churn out quality articles.

Firstly, you need to have a goal in your article marketing efforts. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get direct sales? Are you trying to get leads for your business? Or perhaps you just want to create brand awareness? It is important to state your goals before getting started. This 'streamlines' your article marketing efforts and you won't get distracted by other less important tasks. Having a goal helps you keep focused.

Next, you need to have a schedule for writing your articles. Sure, you can write 10 articles and take the rest of the week off. But it is better to write 2 or 3 articles a day, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. This has a knock-on effect on the quality of your articles. Submitting articles consistently also produces great results for your business in the long haul. If you write just 3 articles a day, that comes to about 90 articles a month and 180 after 3 months.

Article directories are free to use, so this is one of the best cost-effective ways to market online. Its a good idea to spend some time reading other articles written by authors in your niche, to get a feel for it and tune your mind to write quality articles.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!