Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Targeted Article Marketing - 6 Sure Ways to Get Started with Article Marketing

There are a number of advertising strategies for the internet, but not all of them are able to claim to withstand the test of time. Article marketing, however, is one of those few that are still left standing after all these years. There is truly power in the written word.

Given how effective article marketing is, you surely want to know how to get started on it in order to promote your website. Here are six ways to do that:

1. Be a certified expert on your topic. If you want your articles to have a strong following, make sure that the information you provide is accurate. If readers see you as an authority on the subject, they will diligently follow what you write about.

2. Inject humor. There's no such thing as a boring topic. If your subject is too serious, you can always lighten it up with a little bit of wit. If your subject is fun in the firs place, this step shouldn't be too hard.

3. Use appropriate keywords. If you want search engine crawlers to index your site, use the latest and most popular keywords related to your topic as of publish date. Make sure to keep watch of the latest trends on the internet.

4. Maximize your resource box. Make sure you have your complete information in your resource box at the end of each article. Include your name, your field of expertise, the name of your business, the kind of business you do, and of course, the correct link to your website. The information doesn't have to be long; it just has to be complete.

5. Create an e-book. If you've written more than enough articles, you can compile them in one convenient e-book. It makes your work accessible to readers. You can also sell it and therefore, earn more.

6. Create a blog. This is an alternative to creating an e-book. If your priority is to attract more visitors to gain a wider audience, you can post your articles in a blog.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Stay-at-Home Moms Need Flexibility When Trying to Make Money From Home

One of the things that I love about article marketing is that I can just leave my computer on, with a Microsoft Word document open and if lightning strikes, I can stop for a minute at my computer and jot down a couple of notes for later. Now you could just as easily do this with a note pad, it is definitely a matter of personal preference. The point is, don't let those moments of inspiration go unrecorded.

Here is the problem. You are home all day taking care of your children, but prior to this; you have always worked, and felt good about your financial contribution or just having your own money. It doesn't have to be much, but you just want to contribute something financially to the home or have a little spending money that you don't have to account for. Yes, you are completely covered up with all the demands of raising your children. Yes, you know this is the right choice to stay home with your children. But!

You want to have something of your own. You want to feel the satisfaction that even with all this; you are doing something that brings money into the home. You may not even completely understand it yourself. You just know that when you get these little breaks here and there, when you get to sit down in front of the computer, that there has to be a way that you can make some money. I mean, heck, there is only 7 billion ads on the Internet screaming that it's possible right.

I know you have tried a couple of things. The problem is that you can't schedule appointments. You just never know when the next crisis is going to begin: when one of the children is going to require your undivided attention. Heck, you can't even be sure, that when you do have a free moment, that you will have the energy to talk, much less conduct an appointment.

That is what is so great about article marketing. You contribute the time when you have it. No effort is ever wasted as long as you write it down. There are no deadlines, and everything you do will build on your previous work. And it doesn't cost anything to start. Here is an example.

An idea crossed your mind in the middle of making PB and J's. You walk over to the computer, lick off your finger, and write one or two sentences with no punctuation and then walk away. Two hours and 38 minutes later, all of the kids have finally fallen asleep. You sit down at the computer and you punctuate your sentence and you start to expand on the idea. You look up a couple of websites that you had seen earlier in the week, and refresh your thinking on your idea and you actually get 3 paragraphs written. You hear the baby crying, you are off.

Next time you sit at the computer is two days later. The website and the article you started are still up, and you have to read it all again to get your brain started. About 10 minutes after that you are typing away, and 30 minutes after that you have added two more paragraphs and you now have 378 words. That is an article. You get up and go get a drink, come back and do your final proof read, submit it to your favorite directory. By the next morning, it is published, and you have had 13 people read it, and one of them went to visit your blog.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

7 Must-Know Rules for Article Marketing

If you are just getting started with article marketing, or if you are still learning about article marketing, begin on the right foot. Here are seven simple rules you must know (and apply) in your article marketing campaign.

Rule #1: Make a plan. Before you begin writing articles, sit down and set a few goals for yourself. Know what your purpose is for marketing with articles.

Rule #2: Create a list of directories. Knowing where to submit your articles will save you time. Decide where you'll submit your articles. Create an account at each website and bookmark it.

Rule #3: Gather article ideas. You should never wait until you think you're ready to write a few articles to compile ideas. Jot down ideas you have every day. Keep a small notebook handy to write your ideas in. When you're ready to write articles, you'll have a miniature gold mine of ideas waiting for you.

Rule #4: Write fast. Lots of writers struggle over writing a perfect copy the first time around. Forget about it. Write fast, letting your thoughts flow onto the page. Once you're finished with your draft you can edit as much as you like.

Rule #5: Check spelling, grammar and word count. Before you submit your article to any directory, be sure you run a spelling and grammar check on the document. If you tend to forget to do this, write yourself a reminder on a sticky note and place it on your monitor screen.

Rule #6: Include a well-written resource box. This is the most important, and often most overlooked, part of the article marketing process. Always include a resource box with your articles that creates a call of action to your readers.

Rule #7: Be consistent. You can't write a handful of articles and expect huge results. Article marketing requires persistence and consistency. Plan long-term and you'll start getting amazing results from your article marketing efforts.

By the way, you can make money by writing articles just like this. I'm

doing it right now by following these methods:

Paid Links Are Out, Article Marketing Is In

How will you promote your website in 2008? Will you be buying links in 2008? Are you aware of the benefits of article marketing? As the title of this article suggests, writing articles as a way of promoting a website is suddenly back in fashion.

As recently as the beginning of last year, webmasters were able to basically buy their way to the top of the search engine rankings but Google have now put a stop to this via their war on paid links campaign. People are now running scared of even exchanging web links and so article marketing yet again has come back into the limelight. This is one form of web promotion that not only works but is here to say.

If you would like to see your website obtain higher rankings for its keywords and ultimately gain more traffic, then I would seriously advise you to commence writing articles.

You can write about any subject however content that is related to your website would be preferable. The article should be at least two hundred and fifty words in length, in truth the majority of article directories would rather them have between four and five hundred words. The article needs to be your own work; unique and fresh content is very much sought after at the moment.

You can then submit the article to one or more of the main article directories/websites. My favourite is EzineArticles, others include goarticles, searchwarp, articledashboard and ideamarketers.

Submitting two or three articles will not have too much impact however submitting three hundred will.

I wish you all the best with your web promotion in 2008, happy writing.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:
Stuttering information
Manual article submission service
Debt specialist

Article Marketing For Your Business - How To Use Article Writing and Marketing To Attract Clients

Marketing for your business with articles will get you highly responsive and targeted leads. There is no cost involved, so you just invest your time and the pay-off can happen very quickly. Here are 7 ways to write articles that will increase your business, both online and offline.

  • Write short articles, from two hundred fifty to three hundred fifty words in length, that discuss what your product or service can do for the reader.
  • Teach or share a point in your article so that your readers will learn something that will help them in the future.
  • Present the information in your article in a clear and concise way so that it is easy to understand.
  • Leave the reader wanting more. This means that you will end the article before you have given a final conclusion to the problem or situation you are discussing.
  • Have a clear call to action in your resource box. Tell your readers exactly what you want them to do after they have read your article.
  • Spend time on keyword research so that you can maximize the benefits of each article you write. Choose two or three keywords or keyword phrases to focus on so that you can attract people who are searching for your product or service.
  • Write as many articles as you can. Every article you write will work like a robot for you every minute of every day to bring you leads, prospects, and clients for your business for years to come.

Follow these 7 tips and you will have visitors to your website or blog and your business will build very quickly. The more articles you write, the more you will know how to focus on the exact people you are trying to attract into your business.

And now I invite you to download two free writing templates to make the article writing process fast and easy by visiting to write short articles that will bring you more business now.

Article Marketing - How To Fail

There are six main reasons why article marketers fail at this marketing journey and you should try your best to stay clear from these pitfalls. Don't try to think that you can be one of a kind and leisure your way into one of these horrible article marketing pitfalls, or you just might get stuck!

How you can fail at article marketing.

  • You stop writing articles. This is the most popular reason why people fail at article marketing. They just stop writing articles. Either because they're too lazy or they think that after they're done writing 1-10 articles they're done. This is rarely true. To tell you the truth, you probably won't see great results on your keyword until you write about 300 articles. That's the plain truth and there is no going around it. To stop writing articles is the number one reason why people fail at article marketing.

  • Your content in not valuable to their readers. Meaning that your articles don't give any kind of valuable information to your readers when they're done reading their articles. So in short, your articles are pretty much worthless. Article marketers think that just writing articles will get them the traffic and profits they want, but this is only true if you actually give your readers some information!

  • You only write articles at one article hosting server. By doing this, they miss out on tons of publicity! There are other great article hosting servers out there, you just have to research in order to find them and write your articles there.

  • You don't write unique articles. By this, I mean that you try to duplicate content trying to find the easy way out. Duplicate content does not get ranked on google, the most used search engine. The only way duplicate content can get ranked, is if the duplicate get's more inbound links than the original or other duplicates. This is a much harder task than simply writing your own unique articles.

These are just simple ways that some article marketers fail at their article marketing efforts. Try your best to stay away from these pitfalls and you will succeed!

Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!

Is it Just Another Windmill Attack to Demand Integrity in Online Article Marketing?

Many online article marketers think that they can justify being shrills using false identities and fake names. They do so, by pointing out the common use of pen names in writing and call those who decry their methods no more than self-righteous, refreshing and bemusing, Don Quixote's.

I dare to take a stand on these "Shrill" and Buzz Marketing tactics in online article writing and yet I realize that no one cares what anyone thinks until they do something, and well I have and now I speak. I say to those who proclaim innocence, while using false names and misrepresentations; who is swinging at wind powered machines?

You see, I am pointing to what is clearly fraud and if necessary I can further point those who break the law and the spirit of truth to recent FTC rulings against Buzz Marketing. The use of fake names to promote online gimmicks, get rich quick schemes, trinkets, ridiculous diet plans or even to attract AdSense clickers is unethical.

The integrity of the Internet is at stake, and as the saying goes you can only believe half of what you read, we need not allow scoundrels in the midst to take it down to 35% or less. I think these points should enjoy further discussion and in the process, perhaps others will note the obvious misrepresentations occurring and the growth in micro-payments of their ill-gotten gains.

We must hold the online article marketers to a higher standard, each individual engaged in this activity needs to do so with the utmost integrity and ethical standards. It is not okay to lie or use a fake name and be a shrill for one's own personal gain. If you are going to do so, you must use your real name.

Many people say that no one uses their real name on the Internet? Well then, if everything is fake and you really believe that, then you are a fake too, if you operate in such a fashion. Indeed, how can one justify perpetuating such misdirection and misrepresentations against the billions of other Internet users out there? It is not okay to deceive, not even on the Internet and it is illegal to use deceptive marketing practices. Maybe jail time might wake some of these folks up?

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing Tips For Supercharged Profits!

Article marketing when done correctly is a powerful website promotion technique. It is hardly a secret that most well-informed marketers and webmasters use article marketing as one of the many traffic driving techniques. We will take a closer look at the world of article marketing and some tips that will supercharge our traffic and explode our sales.

People use article marketing to post their ideas, views, opinions and knowledge about their pet topics. Article submission directories offer interesting reads and are rich sources of information to readers. They are like online new stands where you can read and even download any article you like except that they are free at article directories. This is mutually beneficial. Readers get their information and sometimes are entertained by the interesting snippets and funny jargons and style of writing authors use. Authors get to tell stories to their readers. Getting targeted visitors to their websites is the main reason for article marketing. What are some handy tips we can use to multiply our efforts?

1. Keyword and Content Research

Many webmasters and internet marketers fail to do a proper keyword and content research. There are many benefits in conducting these researches. They tell you what the market is searching for so that you can correctly target the right market. It is time and effort well-spent. You will also find that a targeted article will attract quality, buying traffic to your website and not just curious readers. So hang out at the forums and blogs to read what people are saying and looking for.

2. Hire a Ghost Writer

It is best if you can write your own content. However, if you are one of those who hate writing, do not let that stop you from using article marketing as a traffic generation tool. You can always hire a ghost writer to write for you. There are several places where you can get a decent writer at affordable rates such as Scriptlance, Elance, The Phantom Writers, Rentacoder and Killer Content. But make sure you ask for a sample article to check the quality. You may also head to Copyscape and do a quick verification if there is any plagiarism.

3. Private Label Rights Articles

There is such a wonderful source of content called private label rights articles. Most come in monthly packages from membership sites or can be bought one-off. Many people make the mistake of using them in their original unedited format in article marketing. Guess what? The search engines quickly size them up as duplicate content. So remember to modify them.

4. Submit To Multiple Distribution Channels

Submitting manually to hundreds of article directories and other distribution channels would take you ages. There are many paid article submission services that will post your article to article directories, newsletters and Ezines. Some examples are iSnare, Article Marketer and EzineTrendz. Depending on your budget size and desired profit margin, you can choose one that fits the bill.

Article marketing like any other marketing techniques is a numbers game. The more you expose your article, the more traffic you will enjoy. Read up more on marketing with articles at my blog and find out which article submission software have been helping internet marketers and webmasters see a sustainable hike in their web traffic and income.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at