Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In Article Marketing Shorter Is Better!

When trying to do article marketing, you need to know that it's better if your article is shorter rather than longer. No one is going to sit in their chairs all night reading a long article. Nobody wants that. If you want to make a long article, make it an ebook instead, don't make it an article.

Articles tend to show more URL clicks and views when the article is shorter. That's because people actually have enough time to sit down and read a small article rather than a long one. Haven't you ever wondered why longer articles don't get as many clicks? When it's a long article, the reader tends to become bored and decides to skip around, not really understanding what the author is reading, and thus getting mixed messages and finally clicking out of the article.

Longer articles also look less professional. Some might think that they look more professional, but in this case, they're not. Articles that are actually professional are articles that have the most amount of information in the less amount of space. When article writers write long articles, they tend to stray away from their topic or beat around the bush, and this will make your reader irritated and will make them want to click out. So keep your articles short and to the point.

When writing a short article, try to aim from 250-500. The average successful article is from 300-500. But keeping it at 250-500 will be just as good, as long as you have enough valuable information in it. So watch yourself in your word count box when writing an article. Try to make it below 500 or above 300. This will be great practice for you when writing your articles.

Keep your articles short and to the point. Don't think that longer is better. In the case of article marketing, the shorter it is, the better.

Looking for new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons! Check out my website at

Article Marketing Strategies Revealed

Article Marketing has emerged very fast as one of the best methods to design a successful business online, especially when your resources are limited.

Take care to maintain the quality of your write-ups. If you need to successfully come up with a sound article, you must write only good quality articles that readers will be eager to check out all through.

One of the major features of your article should be the title. Think carefully about a title that will grab the attention of your readers immediately. Your title is the marketing tool for your article. More often than not, your article will be indexed together with a bunch of other articles. Generally people skim through the titles only of the articles and decide by that which one to read up. If your article begins with an interesting title then more and more readers will get hooked to it. If your title is boring and uneventful, few people will stop by read your write-up.

A good introduction to your article shows the quality of the rest of the article. Inform the reader what is in your article for them and how they will benefit from reading it.

When the introduction is over, come to a new paragraph and then start the main body of your article. Divide it into separate paragraphs from every point you want to talk about. Having paragraphed points makes it comfortable to the eyes and mind to grasp the meaning of them and makes for an attractive presentation. The main gist of this paragraph should contain between three and ten points that you wish to cover. It is not necessary to cover all the points that you are aware of on the subject.

End the article with as good a conclusion as the introduction. Review the points you discussed in the foregoing paragraphs and the benefits they will receive if they follow your suggestions.

When the article is all done and ready, scan it through a spelling and grammar checker so that before submitting your article you are sure that your article is perfect which will save you the time to laboriously go through each and every word for manual confirmation.

Not much is needed to get started with article writing and probably by now you already possess the fundamental tools that are needed. This can result in a profitable online business when approached in the correct fashion. Many easy steps are out there to open the avenues for striking business opportunities through excellent articles.

You can begin by offering your articles for sale. Several blogs, websites, and news sites regularly need new articles for content. You can consider writing articles on subjects you are competent in and sell them to blog owners and web masters. However, it is obvious that the articles you write should confirm to certain quality standards if you wish to sell them at the price your article deserves. If you are the owner of your own website or blog you can show your articles there also. There is no alternative to latest and fresh content and hence new material will always keep your website or blog relevant.

If you have some knowledge about Search Engine Optimization or SEO then it will be an added advantage for you because the more traffic your website or blog attracts through your articles the better for you. You should learn the fundamentals of search engine optimization in terms of keywords and keyword density.

Truly speaking, it is very much possible to succeed in online writing and marketing articles. Your effective online business is only a stone's throw away. Start writing quality articles now and you are on your way to a successful internet business.

For more information on article marketing and other internet marketing strategies visit

Link Building Service - Lift Up Your Page

Your site is your sacred possession and you definitely want to see it flourishing day by day. A person sheds his sweat in popularizing his site. He wants that his site be used by one and all. Once it comes in the World Wide Web, you want it to rank high. Today, the online businessmen are fighting tooth and nail to make their site famous. If any searcher tries to find any information and your site does not appear in spite of having a strong content then it is a big loss for the company. Therefore, promotion is a very important factor. There are various methods to promote a site but the best way is link building service. This service will remove your entire headache and make it use by lot. Once it gets a respectable position, you will feel job satisfaction.

Link building service is capable to bring traffic to your website. It should not be ignored at all. It is one way of advertising your site. It is a method of linking your website to a host site. Whenever he or she visits the host site, they will find the link of it on the host page and their queries compel them to click that particular site. In this manner, it comes before the eyes of a new user. In addition, your site will get a new visitor. However, the most important thing is that once a new user views your page it is very necessary that they get all the answers of their questions. Therefore, it is very important that your content is sufficiently rich. Keywords should be very much appropriate to get your page appear on the first page of Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are many books on keywords that need to be referred every time.

For effective link building, online businesses hire expert professional or often hire firms that are involved in providing such various kinds of services. It is very important that the person whom you hire is well experienced and efficient; otherwise, it would invite problems for your website. The host link should be very strong and popular because if nobody visits the host link then obviously there is no question to clink your website. Before you exchange link with any host site, be sure that the host site is complete.

Such services will definitely improve your position in the web world. It will help to increase the traffic on your site. There are certain guidelines to establish those links and one should be acquainted with those rules. Links are the important elements that helps search engine in determining the level of popularity of any site on the web. In simple words, if you have more links to your site from other site all the major search engines will rank your site highly. Once it reaches its desire position, then only your work will successfully finish. You will feel your existence in the market.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine marketing, search engine marketing firm,search engine optimization,social media optimization, link building service. To get the SEO tips from,SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Article Marketing Insights by a Real Article Marketer

Dont take offense to that if you are a real article marketer. And I will let you determine what a real article marketer is.

But one of the things I have observed online is that there are roughly 100 people or less who make a full time income online using article marketing. I call them real article marketers. Then there are people who are actually article marketing, but just do it part time and I dont know the number of this group.

But I can tell you this. At the time you are reading this, I have over 1300 articles published online, and all of them are set up in such a way that I get traffic to my web site from them every single day.

The articles are my lifeblood they drive the traffic that makes me a living.

In the process of writing and publishing 1300 articles, I have developed some insights. The first insight is that there are two purposes to article marketing.

One purpose is that of generating backlinks to your web site. To do that you need to write a few articles and submit them to hundreds of article directories.

The other purpose of article directories is to write multiple articles and submit them to a few directories, the top few directories in terms of traffic.

Another insight I have had is that you cannot accurately measure article marketing results after 20 articles, or even 100 articles. I have been article marketing for over 8 months now, and I still get traffic from the very first articles I published over 8 months ago. This means that there is a cumulative effect of time on my articles. If I had measured the success of my articles that first month I would have only been measuring 1/8 of the total time that my article is online. And if I try to do a complete measurement right now, I would only get half of the result that I will if I measure in another 8 months. What about 5 years from now?

It is impossible for me to even imagine the total impact of my articles after 5 years on the internet.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

How To Promote With Article Marketing

Getting traffic to your website or blog is the only way to make it pay, but not everyone who launches a website or blog has the money to spend on promotion. Good news. There's a promotional method that really works for attracting site or blog traffic and it's free, free, free. It's called article marketing and it is a sure way of raising a site's profile.

Step 1: Find An Article Directory

To get started, find a suitable article directory. Article directories are sites that have hundreds and thousands of articles and there are new ones emerging every day. Some are all-purpose, covering everything from family issues to healthcare, while others have a niche, such as computer advice or art. All of them are hungry for content.

With so many to pick from, choosing an article directory can be a minefield. To make it easier, look at the directory to see:

  • how many authors there are - if only a handful, forget it and move on.
  • how many articles there are - ditto; come back when they've got some content
  • can the site be found on Google, Yahoo or MSN - if you can't find many links to the site, then no-one will find your articles either.
One of the best and most effective article directories I have used is EzineArticles is easy to use and articles published on the site appear in the search engines very quickly.

Step 2: Start Writing

Once you've decided on the right article directory or directories, write an article. Bloggers will find that blog posts are a good starting point for a web article. If you're not a writer, there are plenty of writers who will whip up an article for a few dollars. Some will even help you get it published. The article you write or commission can be about almost anything related to the site, blog or business you are promoting. The ideal article should be short (say 300-600 words) and error-free, so remember to proofread and spell check.

Many article directories vet articles before publishing. Stick to the guidelines that are published on every site and approval should be a formality. Most article directories prohibit self-promotion in the body of the article. Direct promotion of a site, blog or business is reserved for the resource box.

Step 3: Work That Resource Box

The resource box is where article writers can put all the self-promotional information. Readers who have found the article useful are likely to click on the links to see what else a site, blog or business has to offer. Article directories typically allow up to three links in the resource box. A good resource box has the name of the writer or the person being promoted, the name of the business and the keywords that the site or business owner would like to promote. See the resource box at the end of this article for an example. Other resource boxes may link to a sales letter page (with the product name highlighted) and include a short elevator pitch and call to action.

Step 4: Submit Like Crazy

Once the article has been submitted to the directories the site owner has chosen, it's time to move the strategy to the next level. Article submission services extend the potential reach of an article, giving another opportunity to boost traffic. Like many article directories, article submission services allow people to upload articles for approval. Once the articles are approved, these services send them out to article directories, article groups, ezine publishers and website owners to be considered for publication. Two options for article submission are Article Marketer, which has free and paid options and Isnare, which is a paid service. There are also free and commercial programs to automate article submission.

Pros And Cons Of Article Marketing

The big question, of course, is whether submitting articles to hundreds of directories counts as duplicate content. It's hard to tell. Some of them end up in the sandbox after a while; others don't. Staggering submissions is a good way to avoid this. However, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages. With article marketing, sites can receive hundreds of inbound links in only a few days or weeks and thousands of people will be visiting the site that's being promoted. That can't be bad, can it?

Sharon Hurley Hall is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor, who has seen article marketing work for her. Sharon is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor who writes on freelance writing skills and writer promotion for For more information or to contact Sharon, visit

How To Search Engine Optimize Your Website In Record Time

If you are going to start search engine optimization on your website you can follow these methods to start and do SEO the right way. These method will help you get ranked top in Google.

Step One

You need to research keywords. Start by finding four keywords that has maximum 3 million competing websites in Google. They must also have around 1000 searches a month. At first choose only four but later on you can choose many more keywords.

From the four keywords choose a main keyword.

Step Two

Create your website and add the meta tags. Then add at least one article apart from the content on the main page. If you have disclaimer, terms and conditions and similar types of links put the no follow tags on those links.

Put your main keyword at the bottom of the page, usually near CopyRight All Rights Reserved (c) main keyword goes here.

Do not put any links to other websites on your site. As you can see you should not take much time on this part of search engine optimization that is called the onpage optimization.

Step Three

Now start getting as many links as you can to your websites from other websites. This is called off page optimization and this what is going to really help your rankings.

You can do link exchanges or get one way links from sites like article directories, directories, social bookmarking sites, forums and many more sites where you do not need to link back to them.

When getting links do not always get links to your homepage. Sometimes get links to your article pages or any other page of your site. The anchor text should not always be the exact same text. Remember to input your keywords in your anchor text. Do not use same the same keyword all the time. Vary them as much as possible.

Get as many links as you can. The more the better. Now if you want to get ranked for more than four keywords you may want to hire someone to help you get links. The more keywords you target the more links you need.

As a rule get links from all sorts of sites as long as they are not banned from search engines. Check also that the link towards your site does not have the nofollow tags. There is a plugin called Search Status for Mozilla Firefox that will highlight links that are using the nofollow tags.

You need to get steady amount of links. The idea is to get same number of links everyday. The higher the number the better. Do not get a hundred today and nothing for the rest of the week. So if you are getting links and have not hired someone to help you, 15-30 links a day is a great.

Now apart from getting links you should also tweak a bit your site once again. You can add a blog and update it with content regularly. Search engines love new content. Create a sitemap on your site and put only the most important pages on it. It is a good idea to submit a sitemap to Google sitemaps.

So keep in mind that search engine optimization deals with the onpage and offpage optimization techniques. However put your effort on the offpage techniques. Spent few time on the onpage optimization cause it is not that important.

Karl Sultana has more articles and tips about pagerank, link exchanges and one way links on his site.

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 5 Authentic Ways to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Did you know that you can generate more money online by just writing and submitting your articles to various publishing sites? You see, this process which is commonly called as article marketing can easily drive quality traffic to your website and help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche so people online will trust you and consider doing business with you.

Here are the 5 authentic ways to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Bank on your content. If you want online users to read your articles in their entirety and click on you resources box right after, you need to give them valuable content that they will find useful and valuable to their lives. Your content must also help you communicate with your readers that you are truly good on your chosen niche so they will consider transacting with you. Make your articles informative, content-rich, easy to understand, and direct to the point and you'll surely earn the nods of your readers.

2. Use keywords. The first step that you need to take in order to connect with your potential clients is to make your articles highly searchable online. This can easily be done by properly using the most popular search terms within your chosen niche on your articles. Observe appropriate keyword density to minimize the chances of your articles being rejected by both search engines and article publishing sites.

3. More articles mean more inbound links. Article marketing is the easiest way to generate backlinks for your website. For every article you submit, you can earn one inbound link for your site. Take advantage of this and multiply your submissions to easily boost the number of your backlinks in no time.

4. Widely distribute your articles. Check the internet and identify article submission sites that have impressive page ranking and heavy traffic. These are sites that can give your articles the exposure they need. Don't waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you connect with your target audience.

5. Proofread. Before you make your articles available online, make sure that they do not contain any type of errors that can easily throw off your readers. This can be done by manually proofreading your articles or asking a professional editor to do the legwork for you.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing techniques, and list building methods to generate over $15,347 per month online?

Find out free here: How to Make 5 Figures Online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing is Hot Today

There is a lot of competition in the world of internet and World Wide Web nowadays. It is difficult for all the websites to survive in this world of competition today without proper marketing campaigns and planning in place. One of the techniques which is being used by the internet marketers to promote their websites is article marketing. This type of marketing is much preferred and is being followed by many these days.

Article marketing helps in the growth of an online business by providing it the exposure which is much needed by all the websites today. Due to the increase in the number of websites on a very fast pace it is becoming very difficult for the websites to stand out of the crowd. Keeping this in view the internet marketers like to use the article marketing technique.

Article marketing helps in the growth of the online business by providing a chance of increase in the number of visits the website experiences. This is very important for the success of any website. No web business can survive without steady flow of web traffic. To get quality traffic online article marketing can be a very good source.

The article marketers submit their articles to the article directories. These articles may be of promotional nature. Now the chances of the website getting noticed and picked up by a search engine increase. As a result the search engine will list you on the first page of the search results. This will help increase your chances of getting visitors. Thus article marketing can be very effective in increasing the volume of your business.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Article Marketing - Does It Pay Off To Market In Other Niches?

Many people who get started in article marketing or even Internet marketing in general try to market Internet marketing products. However, they themselves have not made a few decent sales online, let alone make a full-time income on the Internet.

Truth is, there are not many people out there who are interested in making money online as there are people who want to...

- Lose weight

- Get better in relationships

- Get happier

- Have less stress

- And lots more of other stuff!

And there are many more other niches. You'll also be competing with article marketers who are not so into Internet marketing like many of the readers of this article will be. Most of the writers in those niches submit a few articles for testing or merely for small branding purposes.

However (and that is a big however!), if you use them purely for out and out traffic generation to your websites, you can get almost all your articles in the 3-digit zone easily. Many of my articles in other niches reach a 100+ page views after just a week or so and many others hit 300 or more page views.

The simple fact is this: articles in other niches away from the 'make money online' niche or 'Internet marketing' niche generate far more page views, which means far more traffic to your website. You'll also get far less sophisticated competition who are no well-versed in Internet marketing tactics!

So make use of this information to start marketing in niche markets if you haven't. I'm not saying don't sell to the Internet marketing niche (please do so if you have a quality product!), but venture into other niches where it is potentially a lot more profitable.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Getting Started In Article Writing

Article marketing has long been touted as an effective strategy for marketing an online business. However, writing many articles and submitting them is easier said than done. One needs to follow a formula so that he will consistently churn out quality articles.

Firstly, you need to have a goal in your article marketing efforts. What are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to get direct sales? Are you trying to get leads for your business? Or perhaps you just want to create brand awareness? It is important to state your goals before getting started. This 'streamlines' your article marketing efforts and you won't get distracted by other less important tasks. Having a goal helps you keep focused.

Next, you need to have a schedule for writing your articles. Sure, you can write 10 articles and take the rest of the week off. But it is better to write 2 or 3 articles a day, so you are practicing your craft on a daily basis. This has a knock-on effect on the quality of your articles. Submitting articles consistently also produces great results for your business in the long haul. If you write just 3 articles a day, that comes to about 90 articles a month and 180 after 3 months.

Article directories are free to use, so this is one of the best cost-effective ways to market online. Its a good idea to spend some time reading other articles written by authors in your niche, to get a feel for it and tune your mind to write quality articles.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before its gone!

Sean Mize - Underground Article Marketing Excellence Part 1

Just when you thought you had heard it all about list-building comes
something a little bit outside the box.

The only way to build a sustainable online business is to master at
least one "leverageable" skill. No less an authority than Tellman Knudson
has stated on many occasions that there are three leverageable
Internet Marketing skills (in no particular order):

1. Copywriting

2. Traffic Generation

3. List Building

List-building's greatest advantage lies in its ability to provide consistent
"bread and butter" income for faithful practitioners. So, stands to reason
that it's a skill worth learning, right? Especially when a guest expert explains
an often overlooked way of generating "buzz" that may play to your strengths
and interests.

Meeting "Mr S." Courtesy of Mr. S.

Gajapati Subhudhi presented Sean Mize on June 13th to his List Building Superstars
(LBS) subscribers. Starting in August 2006, Mize has parlayed his drive and
commitment to building a better life into a consistent 4-5 figure monthly income.
He has done so with an unrelenting "ground attack" of articles that have made him
#4 on's list of Expert Authors. As a result, Sean enjoys
several Top-10 Google rankings with "list" related keywords and phrases.

During his interview with Kit Furey, Mize revealed how he has grown his
list from zero to 7,000 in 10 months, and earns $2.00 per subscriber per month - double
the acknowledged Internet Marketing benchmark. Sean attributes his success to:

1.. Article Marketing-driven List Building:

According to Mize, the best way to build trust and credibility amongst your subscribers.

2. Tracking and Testing of Results:

Strict analysis of basic article marketing metrics (e.g. Open rate, click-through rate).
Tweaking of autoresponder sequence for each campaign based on previous results.

Setting Your Personal Goals.

Whether or not you are a budding article marketer, Mize convincingly explained the
importance of an integrated mechanics-mindset approach for all Internet Marketers.
List-builders of all shapes and sizes should start by asking themselves three questions:

A. What do you want out of the Internet in the next 12 months?

B. How much money will it take to achieve those goals?

C. How many subscribers do you need to reach your goals?

Then, go for it by making the necessary sacrifices to get the job done.

Forming a Positive Mindset Right from the Start.

Most people venture into Internet Marketing because of the inadequacies of their
"9 to 5" existence. Sean was motivated by lifestyle choices - namely, a desire to
spend more time at the beach as well as for skiing. To accomplish his goal, he set
out to find the perfect "laptop" business and chose to focus on list-building. After
reading and testing various list-building options, Mize formed the basis of his article
marketing game plan, and set out to:

1. Earn consistent, and predictable income through the laptop.

2. Have the freedom to reap the benefits from his new income source (i.e. Internet Marketing) without being enslaved by it.

Test, test, test! Then test some more...

Whether it is article marketing or another Internet Marketing niche, success is
often measured by a willingness to try different things, then make sound decisions
based on the results. Sean Mize tried 3-4 different list-building methods before
committing to articles. It goes without saying that your mindset must match the
individual skill set you bring to the table. What works for Sean may not work for
you, and vice versa...

In Part 2, learn about:

- Sean Mize's Three Strategies for Generating Article Marketing Content.

- A Few Words of Caution.

- What it Really Takes...

Rahul Majumdar is a full-time Information Marketing Specialist who focuses on
teleseminar reporting, list-building techniques, and information product creation.
Sign up for more of his insights at:

Article Marketing - How Effective is Article Marketing, Anyway?

Achieving high ranking position on search engines is every online business and web site owner's dream. That is why, the search for the best and most effective marketing tool continues and is predicted not to stop anytime soon. Among the online marketing tools available today, it is very evident that more and more people are trusting article marketing. This is the reason why article submission sites continue to gain more popularity and they continue to grow in numbers.

Article marketing is one of the most cost effective marketing tool that is proven to get you quality links without the hassle of emailing webmasters and requesting for reciprocal linking. Every time you submit an article, you create a link to your site, and it can't get easier!

Article submission site gets heavy traffic and they continue to grow as their library of articles keeps growing. Submitting an article to these sites can get your web site the exposure it needs. You can also use these sites to directly advertise your products and services by using the resource box.

Article marketing lets your reach your target readers without the need to pay advertising fees or doing the tedious task of link building. Based on studies, using this strategy can pull up your ranking in as little as 15 days depending on the number of your submissions and their quality. So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of article writing and achieve higher page ranking on search engines!

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Article Marketing - Using Your Own Newsletters to Market Your Articles

Article marketing is a fantastic way to get the word out about what you do, and bring more traffic, prospects, publicity, and profits to your website.

One of the most powerful ways to market your articles is in your own newsletter. You are sending out your own newsletter aren't you?

If not I sure hope you use the tips in this article to start your own newsletter.

Each week in my and marketing success tips newsletter I used to the my own articles. One article is own article writing and the other article is on article marketing. This newsletter goes out every week, reaches thousands of people, keeps me in touch with my niche, and creates a stream of income for me.

One of the nice things about publishing a newsletter is that once you have the basic structure down you do not have to reinvent the wheel each week. You just fill in the blanks with new information.

Another great advantage to having a weekly newsletter is creating a newsletter archive. You can do to powerful things with a newsletter archive. One, you can use it as a sign up bonus when people subscribe to your newsletter. Once they have subscribed you give them access to all the previous newsletters on your website. The second great advantage is that when you create a new page in your website for each newsletter, that's one more page in your website with good content and your keywords for both the search engines and your ideal client to find.

Would you like free access to two more of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Top 5 Tips to Avoid Google Ban

It is common problem among website owners that sometimes their website dropped from Google index and they do not find their website entering the target keywords in the search box . The reason is simple, that website doesnt follow ethical SEO Tips for optimizing website for Google. It happened to one of my friends sites in past. Through that experience I learned a lot about Googles algorithm of indexing or ranking a website and giving it higher priority for targeted keywords. Like all if you want to avoid Google ban for your site than you must follow the tips given below:

1.Make your site Accessible.

This means that your site must have very good uptime. Always use reliable hosting service with good uptime (no less than 99%) and fast response time. Also ad a Robots.txt file in your root url. Your website may be drod by Google SERPs if Googlebot comes to your site and cannot access it.

2.Add only unique and relevant content to your website.

Add only unique content to your website. It must be informative and interesting to your visitors and relevant to your website theme. Write content for real humans and not for search engines. If you add a duplicate content on your site, copied from somewhere else, there will be more chances to be excluded from Googles index.

3.Avoid spam to promote your website.

Avoid spam as this mistake may causes of ban your website from Google index. In this way never use doorways, hidden text, auto-generated page, keyword stuffing, cloaking or any other type of unethical techniques.

4.Building link popularity for your website.

Quality matters a lot and not every inbound link is always good. Take care of websites linking to you. Avoid to participate in link farms or FFA pages. Try to get links from related theme websites only. Avoid spamming forums, guest books, blogs or comments. Outgoing links are also very important. Pay attention on what sites do you link from your website. Avoid link to sites that use spam techniques, because this may harm your site and your site may be banned from Google.

5.Add A Sitemap.

Provide a way for Googlebot to index the whole pages of your website. Create sitemap and link it to all pages of your website as sitemap helps Googlebot to easily access your all web pages. If you are using JavaScript or Flash links - duplicate them with plain text. I think above tips will be useful to you all and by using these tips your site will never be banned from google....if you have any suggestion or comment fell free to share with me.

Author involve in research and analysis of various search engine strategies and algorithms. More Articles by author at Latest SEO Tips and Strategies

How To Use Article Marketing To Build Your Internet Business

A powerful tool to build your small business whether it be an online business or an offline business is through article marketing. In this article, I will provide you with several steps that will help you reach your potential customers.

The first step in writing an article is picking a specific topic about your business that would have interest to your customers. For example, if you paint houses, a good topics for an article is "choosing the right colors for your home" or "the best way to find a reputable home painter". Here's another example related to a unique service I saw advertised on the window of a car driving next to me. The service was organizing a slumber party. It made me curious and I really wanted to know more about it. The owner might write an article about the pitfalls of having a slumber party or the key steps to organizing a fun-filled slumber party.

The idea here is to write something useful but not overwhelm the reader with too much information.

Once you have written your article, you complete it with a call to action. This is your opportunity to give the reader a chance to start a relationship with you. A call to action will include one or two links to your web page. The link you provide should take the reader to either a free report or something that you think they will find useful. It should also have similar content to what your original article was about.

Once you have the reader follow through with a call to action hopefully you will have captured their information and you able you are able start relationship with them. The type of information you provide and capture will vary between businesses. The painter might want to capture a phone number and reach out to the person so he can provide more information and answer questions. The slumber party organizer may have the reader sign up to a seven-day eCourse explaining the process for organizing a great and safe slumber party.

In closing, article marketing can be an extremely effective ways to build a small business. Give it a try today!

To learn more about building your business using the power of the Internet, download my brand new free audio report here: "How The Internet Helped Me Build A $180,000 Service Business"

Tyler Martin is a Internet business mentor who teaches people to build their online or offline business using Internet strategies.

The Power of the Opt-In Newsletter

I do not care if you are an affiliate marketer, a wholesaler, a dropshipper, or even selling a product, if you do not have an opt-in sign-up on your website, I think you are missing out on a whole lot of sales! In most cases, this is an expense. But in the world that we live in, it sometimes takes money to make money. The $15 per month is very trivial in the whole scheme of things. If you are satisfied with $10-$20 per day in sales, then may not want to spend the money and that is fine. I assume, though, that if you are doing any of the above money making programs, you intentions are probably to make more than this. Believe it or not, $15 per month is probably a cheaper and more effective than spending $15 on PPCs, classified ads, etc.

Why are opt-ins so important? The average number of times a person will look into a product to purchase it online is roughly 6 times. Lets assume that you were interested on making money online and entered make money online into a search engine (something most of us have done at one point or another). You see an ad on the right that says Make $500/day Easy. You click it and there are 3 reviews of different affiliate marketing programs. If you were me, you probably did not buy the first thing you saw. You decide at this point to look up: what is affiliate marketing, is affiliate marketing a scam, Rick Jerk Review, etc. etc. etc. So if you were the first, second, third site this person visited, they probably just passed right over the affiliate link for your sale. Now you may be that 6th site and just happen to be the prompting force to cause the sale, but you just missed 5 other opportunities with others. The opt-in, in this case, keeps the customer interested in your site. And usually, people dont buy products on the first day. It may be a week or month later. The opt-in provides an invited reminder to the customer that you exist and that they should go through your website to make the purchase.

And this is not SPAM, either! The point of the opt-in is that the customer chooses (opts in) to receive your emails. When I first starting affiliate marketing, someone recommended spamming to me so I tried it and what a disaster! I become very hated and I spent months rebuilding my image. Remember, spamming is un-invited solicitation. Opt-ins are invited solicitations.

How do you make an opt-in successful?

1) First, you need to convince people that by joining your newsletter or opt-in, they will receive something in return. Offering free eCourses, free eBooks, free software or free exclusive accesses are just few ideas to do this. If you do plan on offering free services, be sure to follow through on your promise.

2) I mention above that the point of an opt-in is for solicitation. In reality, this is true, but you should hide this fact as much as possible. Offer your subscribers good content, but subtly blend in your products or websites. If you email looks like a big advertisement or spam, they will immediately opt-out of your newsletter.

3) Allow your subscribers to opt-out of your newsletters very easily. Also, do not sell your lists to anyone (and be sure to place a note on your opt-in sign that states will not sell them either). The opt-in letter is more than sales, it is developing trust.

4) Dont overwhelm your subscribers with emails. I once joined a newsletter that sent me an email twice a day for two months. At first, I was annoyed, but I was curious to see how long it would go on for. Further, this person started repeating the same letters once every two weeks. A few letters in the first few days in fine with a weekly or monthly follow-up. But again, your content should be related to what they signed of for. Once you start advertising un-related products, the newsletter starts approaching spam.

Adding an opt-in to your website these days is very trivial. There are programs called autoresponders (both browser based as well as server based) that makes running an opt-in letter virtually no work. They provide the code to create the web form. Then all you do is create the content and newsletters and when each subscriber will receive them. The emails are automatically sent out for you. Once the initial set-up is complete, the program essential runs on auto-pilot. You may get hundreds of subscribers per day that are self-managed.

Because opt-in letters are critical to sales, affordable and so easy to use, there are no excuses for anyone who is even moderately serious about making money online not to use one today.

Matthew is a 32 year old online entrepreneur and engineer currently living in San Diego, CA.

Visit for more money making articles, resources and reviews on todays hottest online money making ventures.

List Building: Getting Traffic to Your Squeeze Page

So, you've got this great squeeze page sitting out there in cyberworld, and it's all ready for list building in your particular niche. But think about this: At last count, Google indexed something like 8 billion pages! With all that competition for eyeballs, will your site ever be seen?

You need traffic.

One way, a really great way to get people to your list building page, is by writing articles, and they're great for several reasons. First, when you have an article published, you get a certain "air of expertise," let's say.

Plus, at the end of every article, or in some directories, you get to place links to your list building page or any other program you might be offering. You should concentrate on using a link to your list building page, though, until you've built an enormous list.

The links in those articles stay around as long as the article does, pretty much forever. When people search Google or another search engine for "list building," they'll find my articles, whether it's now or several years from now.

When you have articles distributed, other directories pick them up, so now you have this whole network of articles out there, with your list building link in it.

One-way links are worth their weight in gold, and they're even better, if the page your article is on carries any page rank. That helps your page rank, too.

You may be wondering, Where do I get ideas?

That's easy! Ideas are all around you!

Find a good blog in your niche. Go check out other sites. Read newsletters and forums in your niche. Those should jog your creativity. Ideas are all around you!

You have a list building squeeze page, right? If not, go build one. List building is the first thing you need to start doing online, if you want to make money. So, if you don't have a list building page up, go do that. Then, worry about writing articles.

Just don't stop. If you're determined to get this done, you will. But if you decide you just don't want to do this, do you have more time or more money?

If you have more money, hire writers and pay someone else to write for you.

Just don't hesitate. Do it now!

Tellman Knudson is CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc. Learn how to build a powerful and responsive list quickly through his premiere list-building course,

Lucrative Article Marketing - 4 Fresh Ideas to Achieve Perfect Article Marketing

If there is one widely accepted means to promote and advertise your products and services on the net that is very cost effective and reliable in terms of yielded results, it will surely be article marketing. The dilemma in article marketing results from the variety of ideas and methods being employed by the article marketers. It is best hoped that these fresh ideas can shed light towards achieving good article marketing:

1. Article marketing should be directed towards a well-focused article. The main component of your marketing scheme dwells more on how effective the article material is. Therefore, it is essential that you give emphasis and importance on what sort of article material you are going to market.

2. After knowing what sort of article materials are to be produced, the next important aspect of article marketing that you need to focus on is your mechanism on how you will market these articles on the net. Make sure that you make a good plan and strategy on how you can potentially maximize the distribution of these articles to gain wide popularity. You can go about having these articles posted on other sites - a lot of sites are welcoming articles - or you can have them published on your own site, too.

3. Make a powerful byline positioned either at the top portion of your article or in the middle. The byline will be your chance to market and promote your identity or any product or service that you wish to advertise. This is a better way to promote rather than including your promotion on the content of your material which at a certain degree disrupts the continuity of the presentation of ideas.

4. Track effectively how these articles are performing on the net. You need to know whether or not these articles are pulling in some potential clients directed towards your business. If at a certain point they do not, then you will need to make some necessary adjustments to improve the yielded results.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing - How To Set Mega Goals And 'Stretch' Your Potential

If you want to start achieving the success you want, then start setting mega goals. What exactly are mega goals? Well, they are goals that force you to stretch your potential to the limit and make full use of all your resources to achieve your results. They might not be 'realistic' goals, and 'realistic' goals are often goals that don't excite anyone, leading to inaction or complacency.

If you want to get excited and passionate about your dreams, set a mega goal. This will cause you to operate on a different level from most people. You will instantly become laser focused and start doing almost whatever it takes (as long as it is within legal and moral boundaries) to get there!

It's important that you set a goal that you are excited about. Maybe you have been constantly been dreaming about driving and owning that dream car of yours. Or maybe it's some other goal that you want to have. Well, make that your ultimate goal now.

Once you do this, you will immediately start doing things differently. You may take more risks, but you'll also take more calculated risks. You will definitely stop procrastinating and start taking huge action towards your goals. You will wake up everyday feeling energized, knowing that you have a key focus in life and that everyday; you are getting closer to your goal.

So do this now. Set a goal that is 'unrealistic', get yourself excited about it, and start taking focused action to achieve it on a daily basis. Don't delay! There is no time to waste.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Capturing Email Subscribers With Effective Methods

Getting people to subscribe to your email follow ups is a job in itself and it is quite an important one too, you need to effectively be creative and continuously find new ways of signing up new subscribers, so that they make a sizeable impact and convert to buyers or customers, here I will show you the top ways to get subscribers and the most proven methods that result in success.

One of the best ways is to have a subscriber sign up form on every page of your website, as this presents a step for anyone who may enter your site through any page that they find in the search engines or that they be directed to through the informative content they are reading on the page, you can have your layout be the same on every page so that it is noticeable on every page or you can have it as a link that directs to a sign up form, it's your choice.

Other forms of sign up are pop ups which can be quite effective if they don't appear obtrusive or annoying and they have an attention grabbing message that tells people what they are signing up for, pop ups can be formatted in certain ways so that they appear differently and at differing times, for instance you want people to visit your site and you want people to view your site first for at least five to ten seconds, so that they can gain a first impressions view of the site and then you can set the pop up to appear asking them if they would like to sign up for a newsletter or a tutorial newsletter.

Other things you can offer in your pop ups are free stuff, this will almost certainly boost your sign up rate, because people will sign up just to get the freebies, which could include a valuable report, ebook, download or anything else of value and then following your freebie you could offer to present an email tutorial on whatever the niche you are specializing in, this creates more added value to the subscriber and builds credibility for you.

Displaying your autoresponder address wherever possible is also a good way of getting your online business attracted to more sign ups and capturing further email addresses, so instead of advertising a website link why not include your autoresponder address and funnel people into your follow up sales letters on your websites, this is a sneaky way of capturing email addresses, if you don't have an autoresponder then I recommend you get one as soon as possible as they are quite possibly the best effective weapon for most of your online marketing.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who dose many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.

Link Building Companies - What They Can Do For You

If you own a business with an online presence, or if your business has decided to opt out of a brick and mortar store entirely and is run entirely online, you are already aware of the importance of search engines. As more and more of the internet's traffic is run through search engines, and as Google gains more and more of a hold on what people think of when they go to search for information, you'll find that one of the ways that people are helping themselves when it comes to taking advantage of search engine marketing, is to take a look at link building companies.

To understand a little bit about link building companies, it is important first to think about what link buildings are. Essentially, search engines like Google have very complex search formulas. When someone types a search into Google, the Google search engine uses a variety of factors to decide which results will end up at the top. Given the fact that most people will not look beyond the first few choices, let alone past the third page, it can easily be seen why so many companies want that top ranking and will use any means to try and get there.

One of the best and most sure ways that you can get to the top of the Google search page is to take a look at link building. One of the largest and most important formulas that Google uses to determine who ends up at the top is how many sites will link to you without your linking back. Essentially, this is Google treating the search for good sites as something of a popularity contest. The more people who talk about you, the better your chances of getting noticed!

When you are looking to tap into this potential, you'll find that link building is something that is best handled by professionals. Even by reading the small bit of basic vital information that is given to most marketers, there is still a lot to know. First off, there are many unethical practices that are shut down by Google on a regular basis; these are techniques that would take the customer away from what they were originally looking for and send them somewhere they didn't want to be.

To avoid problems with link building, hire a professional company. Even the internet is rife with critiques, evaluations and word of mouth referrals so take a look around and find out what is available. When you have a list of a few names, contact them, and see who deals with you professionally and can promise you good results. We use link building companies because they can help us when our knowledge of the search engines falls short, and a good link building company can be essential to your business's function.

When you are looking to increase your relevant traffic and to do so in a way that won't make your company suffer, a link building company might be exactly what you are looking for.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Link Building, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading specialists of Link Building Companies.

Article Marketing - How To Spit Out Unique Articles Without Writing A Word

Article marketing has become so useful and popular among businesses that even this marketing strategy is starting to be a market! How? People are starting to offer article templates, discussions and others for article marketers to either buy or trade with. For article marketers, this is a really good thing since they would not have to rack their brains out for fresh ideas and they would even save time in writing their articles.

A new innovation was also made in order to satisfy this flourishing strategy. Some websites are offering subscriptions that will give you tons of fresh ideas, articles, templates and strategies on how you can make your article marketing more competitive and easier to maintain.

Others also offer software that instantly rewrites articles you got from your subscription. You can either reword or collate different articles into one. In this way, you only get the juiciest parts of the articles and make them into one simple, interesting and short article. This is a very good thing since most web users look for fast information. If you have an article that gives this, you can be sure that your website will be viewed. Here are some of the things that you can get from these kind of subscriptions.

It offers hundreds of articles

Subscription offers hundreds of new articles every month. If you think you know everything about your business, reading these articles would help you out to check the realm of the world you are trying to scale. In this way, the things you learn can be applied in your article writing, or you can even use these articles for posting on your website. But of course, plagiarism might get in the way. What you can do is to collate these ideas, and then reword them in order to give it a fresh style and meaning.

It offers templates, headers and advices

Aside from the hundreds of articles that you will receive, the subscription also offers different styles and advices that you can take when you create your article. For example, the tips include how to make your articles more visible to search engines, how to optimize your webpage and other strategies that you can take to improve the visibility not only of your articles but also your website. Proper strategies in giving the title of articles, managing the body of the write up and making an interesting ending are just part of the several advices and tips that you can get.

It's cheap and subscription is limited

If you are a serious marketer, subscribing on this deal is not much of a cost in your end. You can use it thoroughly and you can really get your money's worth. Aside from this, subscription is limited too. In that way, you can be sure that the sources you are getting and the articles you receive can only be used by several other people. This means the availability of the information is limited and therefore, making your websites more visible to others.

It gives you the latest information

A good businessman must know the latest information on his field. With knowledge of the latest information, you can make the right decisions at crucial moments. Even if you are just a small time farmer or a store owner, you should know the latest news and information about the products and the materials that you use. Like for example in farming, there might be latest strategies on how to plant a certain product better and can help your crop yield. These things are included in the package. In that way, you can stay ahead of the pack.

Article marketing is a really effective and interesting strategy. Not only does it gives you customers, but you also learn a lot regarding your business since you feed yourself with information that you use in your write-ups. This is definitely a win-win approach in making your business more profitable and enjoyable. If you are starting your journey in article marketing, finding these software and subscription will greatly help you in learning the business and getting the vital information when you need it.

Femi invites you to visit his site for starting a VERY successful home business using the power of article marketing at Break Neck Profits Learn how article marketing has made him profits of up to $600 per day by visiting this link right now:

Article Writing

Link Exchanges - Friend or Foe

The world of search engine optimization is filled with websites and services that provide incomplete information and flat out lies about what their services can do for you and your search engine rankings.

Link exchanges are a controversial topic in search engine optimization that produces a lot of discussion in SEO forums mostly from newbie webmasters wondering whether a particular exchange has any value to provide their website.

As webmaster's begin to learn about search engine optimization the importance of acquiring backlinks to their website becomes apparent fairly quickly.

Building links to a website can become a time consuming affair and once a link building campaign is started the urge to acquire backlinks faster and more easily soon follows.

Websites advertising "thousands of backlinks instantly" or "let us automate your link building tasks" are plentiful on the internet.

What needs to be understood is that these websites are set up to attract newbie webmasters who are inexperienced with link building by feeding on the human instinct to make work that is not fun easier.

They claim that they can make your link building tasks hassle free or automated which sounds great on the surface but in actuality there a number of pitfalls and misrepresentations rampant on these websites that can actually hurt your site's rankings if you are not careful when using these services to exchange links.

Link Exchange Advantages

  • link exchanges are hub sites where other webmasters who are actively interested in exchanging links can meet and broker an exchange
  • link exchanges are categorized allowing you to access a targeted list of potential link exchange partners from your industry or related industries
  • link exchanges make the process of exchanging links fairly easy and automatically verifies the existence of your link on the exchange partners site prior to issuing you an exchange request

Link Exchange Disadvantages

  • the use of automated software to acquire links or automated links pages created for the purposes of inflating your rankings is against Google's Webmaster Guidelines (if a link exchange requires you to install code or files on your website, steer clear. These files and codes leave a footprint which the search engines are good at picking up on and penalizing you for once this type of exchange is discovered by them. These types of link exchanges are a form of link farm)
  • Websites in an exchange are generally lower quality websites. Established websites do not need to perform exchanges to acquire backlinks and you will not find many authority sites involved (if any)
  • Links pages for sites in the exchange are nothing more than search engine SPAM (uncategorized, stuffed with hundreds of links, links are not related). Often these pages are only created to provide a dumping ground for link exchanges. The pages have no user value and hence no value to you in an exchange.
  • Link Exchanges will generally accept any site that applies which removes their editorial credibility
  • You will receive hundreds of exchange requests from novice webmasters who will trade links with any website instead of seeking out partnerships with sites that provide complimentary, relevant information
  • Link exchange sites provide misleading information about the value of their service to your SEO campaigns in order to lure you into signing up with them.
  • Your email inbox will be filled with link exchange request SPAM from the link exchange site (emailing exchange requests to you can be disabled on some exchanges)

In the end, are Link Exchanges worth it?

If you are prepared to wade through a lot of junk you can find golden nuggets hidden in with all of the low quality websites.

It may make sense if you have a newly registered domain to sign up for one of these services and send out some link exchange requests of your own to sites you judge to be high quality and relevant to your site.

After sending out your initial link exchange requests I would not remain actively involved with the link exchange.

Only use it when your website is brand new in combination with a directory submission campaign to get those first few free links to your website. For an established business, steer clear of link exchanges as they will not be worth your time.

-- About the Author:

Michael Lawrence is the webmaster for SEO Web Guide providing Search Engine Optimization Services, news and tools