Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets - Writing to Earn

Do you have the fervor for writing? Do you want to get paid for doing something that you love to do? Your passion for writing can actually be used to your advantage in the so-called article marketing strategy in advertising your business.

Choose an interesting topic that is related to your respective business, research about it and write a resourceful article about your researched topic. Focus on popular subjects that you very well know people will be looking for in the Internet. And, include highly ranked keywords and Meta tags that will increase the possibility of having your article (as well as your website) included in the top list of search engine results.

Furthermore, here are some more specific secrets that will help you maximize your writing skill in bringing good fortune and profit to you and your business.

1. Write to only one person.

Your article should definitely target a pretty large number of readers. However, when you are writing your article, try to picture only one person whom you will address your article to. This makes your article more amiable, thereby keeping the attention and interest of your readers.

2. Make use of white spaces.

White spaces in an article can actually be beneficial by making your work appear more professional and a lot easier to read.

Too lengthy paragraphs may seem boring and uninteresting, especially for skim readers.

3. Proofread your articles.

Check your articles for any misspelled words and other grammatical errors.

Go over and read out loud your article at least twice to ensure that it is free of any inappropriately used words or syntax.

4. Make the most of constructive criticisms.

Ask what others have to honestly say or comment about your articles, accepting their feedbacks, and using them constructively can help you become a better writer.

Continue to do well on areas where you have received compliments and improve on your weak points. And if there is a need for you to change your writing style, do not be afraid to so. Even the most negative criticisms or feedbacks can be beneficial to you if you see them in a constructive way.

5. Try writing about different things.

There may be times that you feel like you can only write articles about a certain topic. This is just normal. However, this must not hinder you from trying other writing styles and tackling about different subjects that may be entirely new to you. Doing so will help develop your writing skills.

6. Never forget your resource box.

You may submit your articles in your affiliate article directories, ezines, and other online publishers. In these cases, you must always include a resource box in your articles, which must contain your site?s URL address.

This link will help redirect your affiliates? Subscribers and guests to your business site, and hopefully make them interested enough to buy the products or services that you are offering.

Articles are effective and convenient marketing tools in the Cyber world today. And you should not be afraid to use your writing skills in earning and making your business a big success.

R.J. Adams runs the Link Building Bible. There, you can learn some great internet marketing tips, including many resources for one way link building

Article Marketing-Backlinks and Their Power

Article marketing can be one of the most powerful sources of overall traffic building that you could ever do online. When you combine the right methods of article marketing in the right mix of efforts, you can create incredible search engine rankings, which translates into traffic, and you can create enormous levels of direct traffic and loyalty and even name recognition.

Article marketing is so powerful that is can be used as the sole means of advertising your site and attracting visitors. A well thought out article marketing campaign can provide you with excellent search engine listings without any form of SEO being required.

This is not to suggest that SEO is not necessary, rather to suggest that article marketing is a tool that can help a well designed website in its quest for the Number One position on Google. In fact if you check out the Number one sites in your own niche you will probably find that it has quite a large number of links to it from other websites. This is the most likely reason why it has such a high listing.

By positioning yourself well by submitting multiple articles to multiple article directories, and including a backlink to your own web site, you can stimulate search engine ranking activity that mimics that of very large a popular sites.

One of the nice things about article marketing is that, since the idea with well-written articles is that the process really cannot be automated well, we are stuck with the prospect of writing our own articles, or paying others to do it for us.

This may seem like a sword to us, but it is really a blessing because it is hard to do, and to do well, most marketers stay away from it. The nice thing about that is that is that we have the opportunity to excel in an area that really cannot be automated and therefore it can probably not become saturated.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building