Thursday, June 12, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In order for any business website or personal website to be successful at all in their online venture one thing is absolutely critical, quality website traffic. Without quality website traffic a website simply will not meet expectations, whether those expectations be in terms of income, leads, or even just awareness. Every single article or business marketing website that you find that aims to help you be successful with your website should talk about some way of generating targeted traffic. Highly Targeted Website visitors are the lifeline for your website whether you have a business website or a personal website so do not let anyone tell you different.

You can have the world's best product advertised on your website so that it will experience an insanely high conversion rate but without targeted website traffic it just simply won't succeed. After all, no visitors = no sales. I am not saying that an excellent product cannot be successfully sold online because it is quite the opposite. Even poor products are sold in high amounts everyday online, this obviously is bad for business...but it happens and largely thanks to high quality or large amounts of website traffic. Now that you know that targeted website traffic is absolutely essential for your online success I will assume that you have your website in a state where that is ready to start receiving targeted website visitors.

The tips below will help you if you have just started your own website or if you have had one up and running for a while and you just can't seem to generate targeted traffic. Traffic generation is something that every website needs to do and if done correctly amazing results truly can occur.

High quality targeted Website Visitors are what you should be trying to get to your site. You don't want just any typical website visitor because they are very low converting since they are not targeted to being interested in your websites content (and thus not interested in your products either).

Here are some tips that will help get you off onto the right foot in terms of marketing your website.

1. You want to be listed in the search engines...and highly!

It's a fact, a first page search engine ranking for a popular keyword or keywords can generate massive amounts of highly targeted website visitors to your website. Now search engine optimization is not something that provides you with results overnight, it does take time but it will be more than worth your effort in the long run.

Think of your own actions online; you most likely use a search engine every time you look for information online and you are not alone...millions of other people who are potentially high quality targeted website visitors search for terms every single day. If you can appear at the top of the results when they search for your content related keywords and they click through to your site then there is a very good chance they will be interested in what you have to offer!

2. Pay Per Click can generate you some quick website visitors but be cautious...

Sites such as Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing are very effective ways of getting some highly targeted website traffic to your site. It is however how many people lose money because they simply do not know how to utilize it effectively. But if you know how to already or learn to use it effectively than this is an excellent method of generating quality website visitors for you.

3. Writing and submitting articles can be effective

An effective way of generating quality targeted website traffic is through article marketing because you can establish yourself as an expert in the field so your readers will trust you more. You must make sure to provide them with good information though or else they will not feel that you know what you are talking about and thus will not trust you.

If your reader enjoys your article they will click through to visit your site that you have usually placed a link to at the end of the article.

4. Link Exchange

Linking is a very important aspect that determines how your website will rank within search engine results. You will also be able to receive targeted website visitors directly through the links that you have placed on other websites too! It is kind of a win-win situation.

However, you must be careful not to spam your link to places that don't want it. You must also try to associate your website with popular sites that are relevant to the content that you provide within your site.

The more links you have going into your site, the more traffic you can expect.

5. Forums and Online Communities

This goes directly with the previous tip on link building. If you participate in forums or online communities you can generate some highly targeted website traffic because you will know that they are interested in the content you provide if you make a post on something relevant to that content.

Social networking is very huge right now and is a very effective way to not just get your link out in front of people, but because social networking sites are very popular you can actually gain excellent search engine results because of it!

6. My final tip is to always try to keyword optimize your content.

The best way to help ensure that you will receive high quality website visitors is to utilize keywords throughout your content that will not just inform them of what to expect but also allow the search engines to index your website easier.

If you enjoyed this article and are interested in website marketing and/or small business marketing then you will love my new free report that will show you The Exact Business Marketing And Website Marketing Strategies That Will Allow Your Business To Achieve True Long Term Success. You will also be able to learn about his marketing eCourse that will help you market your website or business more effectively.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are selling a product or a service online, article marketing can be one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to send traffic to your website. As well as driving people directly to your site, you will also use article marketing to boost your link popularity - a critical factor in search engine rankings.

The first step in mastering article marketing is writing good content. Even if you don't have experience writing articles, this is a skill you can develop over time. At the start, keep it as simple as possible and use short sentences. Try to be helpful and give advice in your article without overloading it with keywords.

Also, make sure you write an excellent headline. The more attention you can grab with your headline, the more times the article will be published. I've read that top copywriters spend more time developing a headline or title than actually writing the article itself.

Secondly, spend some time writing a good resource box that will encourage readers to click on the link to your website. Once readers navigate to your page, you can offer them your products or you can offer them something for free so long as they submit their email address.

Either way, you are onto a winner. You will either sell products or begin to develop a list of potential buyers who you can contact with news, helpful tips, and special offers.

Once you have written your article and resource box, you need to think about distributing your articles.

Article directories are probably the easiest way to get your work out in the public domain. There are hundreds of article directories out there, some general and some that publish articles on niche areas. Find the ones that you think will get your articles the most exposure. I like to make sure I submit to article directories with at least a PageRank of 3.

Submitting to article directories can be a time-consuming exercise. There are software packages that can make automatic submissions, but many directories have measures in place to block automatic submissions. Alternatively you could use an article submission service, but these can be expensive. It is probably best to choose a few directories that suit you and make the submissions yourself. Do a search for "article submission software" to find the lastest article submission software products.

You can also try contacting editors of e-zines in your field and ask them to consider accepting some of your work. Send a sample of your work.

As you submit more and more articles you should become more well known and you will build up trust among website publishers. Be patient, and your article marketing efforts will pay off...I guarantee it!

For more freelance business ideas, visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

E-zines can be a very powerful marketing tool. Follow my 10 Reasons Why You Should Send Articles to E-zines and reap the rewards!

  1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself by submitting your articles to website's e-zines. You should include your name, business name, your credentials, web site address and e-mail address in your resource box.
  2. You will become known as an expert on the topics that you write about. This will give you and your business much more credibility which will help you compete against your competition.
  3. Your article might also be placed on the article publisher's home page. If they publish each issue of their e-zine on their home page this will give you some extra exposure.
  4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher actively archives their e-zine on their site. People might want to read the back issues of the e-zine before they make the decision to subscribe.
  5. You will get some free advertising. This will allow you to spend your hard earned profits on other forms of advertising. You could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don't publish your articles for maximum exposure.
  6. You are reading my 10 Reasons Why You Should Send Articles to E-zines!

  7. You might get extra income from people who want to hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to speak at seminars. This is a great way to add more streams of income.
  8. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your articles in their free e-books they give out. Since people give them away, your advertising could multiply all over the internet with the e-books.
  9. You will get your article published all over the web when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a free content directory on their website area. They'll allow their visitors to republish your article for free.
  10. You'll gain lots of people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your product or service as they would without knowing you. You will then be able to increase your profits exponentially.
  11. You could get your article guaranteed to run in a person's e-zine. You could agree to run one of their articles in your website's e-zine if, in exchange, they run yours in their website's e-zine. It's a win/win situation for both of you.

Thank you for reading my 10 Reasons Why You Should Send Articles to E-zines!

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Michael Gooden writes about business related things. Remember to visit his website for many more of these quality guides!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

We saw lots of updates in the world of SEO. The search engine optimization industry grew by 200% and same is expected for year 2008. Main highlights from the world of SEO and search engines in 2007 are listed below:

Year of personalized and universal search: It was a mix of both personalized and universal search. With search engine releasing beta versions of localized search for there users. Both Google and Yahoo! launched beta version of localized search.

Search engine updates on quality search results: Search engine were more focussed to improve quality of search results and lessening the amount of spam websites appearing in SERPs. Yahoo! launched its ad ranking system in February as part of its Panama project. Soon after, Google updated its 18-month-old ad quality scoring algorithm. Microsoft followed in April, adding a quality score element to ad center.

Year of Social Media Marketing: Rise of lots of social media websites and social media marketing was on full swing throughout the year. Social network saw the rise of various social networks like :

  • FaceBook
  • Twitter
  • Flickr
  • Youtube
  • Digg
  • Netscape
  • Mahalo
  • Wikipedia
  • Search wikia
  • Stumbleupon
  • orkut

More tools from search engines for webmasters

SEO industry grew up

That was a sum up of what happened in SEO industry in 2007. With search industry expecting same in 2008. I expect more frequent updates in search engine algorithms and of course Google Page rank update (Google dance)

I Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

Author is working as SEO head at Web Design Company He primarily focuses on articles related to web site design and internet marketing. For more articles by author visit

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Media Placement is not a difficult task. However, many people go about it the wrong way. Without coaching, we often turn to poor placements and consistently use our own methods which haven't succeeded in the past - and will continue to fail in the future. By combining our own creative juices and the knowledge of the Media Advisors available through the "24 Hour Web Cash" program, it really is easy to place media to ensure a real return on your investment.

1. Use Your Resources - When working through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, it is easy to get stuck - we may use techniques we've tried in the past that get us no where and earn us nothing, or spend too much money trying methods we haven't tested and may ultimately fail. Use the media advisors to help you work through your problems and questions. Also remember you may have other sources of good information to help you: family, friends, local classes at a community college or adult learning center, etc. Use everything available to you, and you stand a much higher chance of succeeding.

2. Think Outside The Box - Sometimes nontraditional methods could bring returns we don't expect. When planning your target audience, consider how you can bring new potential customers through unconventional means that directly target them. For example, I live in a military community, with an active stay-at-home mom population. Many already run small businesses, but are still looking for others to improve their income. Many others want to stay home with their children but need a way to bring solid income to add to the salary of their husband. These women are perfect for targeted marketing, if it can be done in a creative way that really brings their attention to the simple media placement and returns that come with the 24 Hour Web Cash program. You may have similar populations of people who would benefit greatly from being referred to the program, but how could you target them? It could be something as easy as adding a leaflet to a "Welcome Wagon" type program - in my community, all new wives are given a tote bag with coupons, leaflets, and information upon arrival to the community. A leaflet here would target exactly my target audience - women who do not yet work, or who are stay-at-home moms who probably need extra income. Or, if you live in a community with low job rates, mailings or leaflets to people who may not be working or may be at risk of losing their employment could bring great returns if done properly.

3. Try New Tactics - While we may be comfortable with certain methods or techniques, it is often new, untested ones that surprise us with great returns. You should make it a goal to attempt one new method a week - whether you've been hesitant to try newspaper classifieds, or feel as though you would not write a proper article or press release, go ahead and give it a try. You'll likely surprise yourself at your skill, and may see a great return. Even I have been worried about using some of the new methods brought to my attention through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, but by tossing my fears aside and diving in, I am building new skills and really getting my company out there.

4. Pick Your Pace - You need to decide right off the bat whether you want to dive in head first, or work slowly to build your confidence and skill in media placement. I chose to work slowly at first, as I had had very little success in the past with this type of work. I moved through the steps slowly, reading the provided manual and asking my advisor questions when necessary to ensure I used the techniques the an effective manner. As I gained confidence with smaller steps, I have been able to jump to bigger and faster methods to bring returns on my various chosen media placement techniques. Remember, the training provided gives you the chance to use a wide spectrum of techniques, but once completed you will likely find certain ones work better than others, or you may have an idea for one not covered, and you are free to use what works best. The manual even outlines which methods are great to use if you want to go slower or faster, and through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, you can choose to start off small with just one or two websites, or go big all at once.

5. Don't Drive Yourself Into The Ground - The beauty of the 24 Hour Web Cash program is that once you have familiarized yourself with the techniques and process involved with media placement, and gotten your foundation built, you are able to work as little or as much as you want, to bring in your desired income. This program is perfect for time-strapped moms like myself, who must fit work in between dog walks, baby naps, and meal preparation. Not just moms can do it, though. The unemployed, retired, students, or anyone looking to bring in more income can successfully complete this program through part-time or full-time commitments - I have found as little as an hour or two a day can allow me to bring great returns, without needed to overwork myself or take time away from my other commitments. And you can take vacation time whenever you want - what other traditional job or career can promise that?

The 24 Hour Web Cash program is a proven system for bringing in an income that YOU can decide on - and work to achieve. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme - it takes real effort, but with the training provided through the Global Cash Flow Network anyone who dedicates themselves to the program can succeed, and do, all over the world!

Christina Keightley is Certified Media Placement Specialist, stay-at-home mom, freelance photographer and writer, and owner of and writes for several blogs including

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is reputedly one of the easiest and fastest way to drive traffic to your website be it a hobbyist or business website. It does not require you to mess with search engine algorithm or html, php or any other webpage design language. In essence, as long as you can write, you can pen an article and start seeing instant traffic. And the best parts are the traffic is targeted and absolutely free! Article marketing has other indirect benefits such as letting you establish yourself as an authoritative figure in your field and in search engine terms, improve your website link popularity and search engine ranking. Now is it starting to make sense to you to use article marketing in your website promotion strategy?

Article marketing has three parts to it. First part is keyword and content research. Second part is of course writing the content, and lastly article submission. Now among the three, I would prefer to write, but some people simply hate writing. But we know without a doubt that everyone hates the process of submitting articles. Fret not. We will learn some tips and tricks about article marketing and how to work around the article submission part.

Article Marketing Tip 1 Keyword and Content Research

Go to forums and read the posts there. You are sure to find out about the market needs and what are the peoples demands and problems. Next find a solution in the form of a product to meet that need or problem. If you already have a product, simply write from an angle of meeting that need. Article directories are also great places to do your market research. By browsing through the categories and looking at the articles written, you can grasp a brief idea of the current market demands.

Keyword research is very important. It makes your article look targeted to your audience and also improves your chance of getting the article indexed and ranked high in the search engines. This is what we call using indirect organic traffic or borrowed traffic.

Article Marketing Tip 2 Writing Article

As mentioned earlier, forums and article directories are the best places to find content. Other places include the search engines and offline resources like your local library or magazines. Magazines have done their own research so it is likely that their content is relevant to readers. Tap onto this opportunity.

If you hate to write or feel that your command of English is not strong enough, you can always pay a ghostwriter to write you an article. But dont get too lazy. You still need to give the guy your target keywords. You can find good writers at affordable rates at Scriptlance and Elance. The good thing about this is you get unique content.

Article Marketing Tip 3 Submitting Article

The power of article marketing is enhanced many fold by mass submission to numerous article directories, probably in the tune of hundreds.

You have basically three options to do so. One is to do it manually which would take tons of time and brainless monotony. But it is free. The second option is to pay an article submission service such as iSnare or The Phantom Writers to do that for you. But be mindful that it can add up quite a bit and strain your budget. The last option is still the most preferred using article submission software.

Nowadays, article submission software are affordable to almost everyone. In the long run, it is most cost effective to use an article submission software to expedite the submission of articles. Read more about article submission software at my blog and find out which are the most popular software in the market today.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Discover more about article marketing and read reviews of top article submission software such as Article Post Robot, Instant Article Submitter etc and find out how these tools can drive instant and continuous traffic to your website at

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

With a lot of article marketers competing for the attention of online users, you need to devise mechanisms that can help you and your articles stand out from the rest. This is the fastest way to make yourself and your website popular in the World Wide Web that can lead to increased page views and improved sales potential.

1. Make your titles truly impacting and effective. As you know, online users choose articles to read base on their titles alone. If your headlines are lousy, you can be sure that your articles will be left unread. Don't let that happen by using attention-grabbing titles that are direct to the point and descriptive of the content of your articles.

2. Provide unique content. Don't just search the web for articles to rewrite. Strive to give your readers information that cannot be found elsewhere. This is one of the most effective ways to brand yourself as a great source of information online.

3. Be consistent. Avoid presenting conflicting ideas on your articles to prevent confusing your readers. Take a firm stand about the issue you write about and stick to it.

4. Check your facts. In distributing information, it is very important that your content is accurate and well-founded to avoid misleading your readers. Back up your claims, especially those which are relatively new, with studies, researches, statistics, and other reputable resources.

5. Make your articles search-engine friendly. You must be familiar with keyword usage and appropriate keyword density. You must also know how to use Latent Semantic Indexing that can help you figure out other related keywords that you can use to better rank on search engines.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

When a web site has been designed and launched everybody starts thinking about how to get links from other web sites and boost their Page Rank (the Google system for putting a value on a web site and the content contained in the site). There are so many different viewpoints currently circulating that it could be said that there is some confusion on the Internet as to what link building services actually work and what things should be avoided. Many people just storm ahead without giving too much thought and planning to this essential site element that they are missing out on a great opportunity to improve both the number and relevance of inbound links pointing to their web site.

The web site structure and site design policies play an important part in any link building campaign and also the relevance of sites that link to you are all part of a successful campaign. Some careful planning needs to go into how the site is constructed in the first place but if you already have a live site on the Internet and feel that it is too late to consider this, have a look at the existing structure and see if any improvements can be made to the navigation of the site so that visitors can reach all the available pages fairly easily. Try not to hide important pages in obscure places but imagine you were visiting your own site for the first time and ask yourself if you could really find everything quickly if you did not already know it was there?

Another big factor to consider is broken links within your own site and missing or removed or changed pages. There is not much point getting loads of links to your own web site if there are a stack of broken links or missing pages within your site content. Web site visitors have quite short attention spans and their imagination needs to be caught within the first few clicks. Try to add interesting and up to date content to the pages with some sharp high resolution images for nice effect.

One way links will always be more beneficial than these link exchange programs that end up giving you loads of so so quality links and require you to have a messy looking links or resources page to cater for providing outgoing links. To gain a good number of one way inbound links then have a look around at the many web directories that offer free and paid submission opportunities. There are some great site linking offers available so make sure you evaluate them carefully and concentrate on relevance.

For further reading see our site custom services marketing agency services and here for more details about our marketing agency and here to submit your site to 1 directory 1 business web directory - add url free which offers free and paid listing opportunities.