Thursday, June 12, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Media Placement is not a difficult task. However, many people go about it the wrong way. Without coaching, we often turn to poor placements and consistently use our own methods which haven't succeeded in the past - and will continue to fail in the future. By combining our own creative juices and the knowledge of the Media Advisors available through the "24 Hour Web Cash" program, it really is easy to place media to ensure a real return on your investment.

1. Use Your Resources - When working through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, it is easy to get stuck - we may use techniques we've tried in the past that get us no where and earn us nothing, or spend too much money trying methods we haven't tested and may ultimately fail. Use the media advisors to help you work through your problems and questions. Also remember you may have other sources of good information to help you: family, friends, local classes at a community college or adult learning center, etc. Use everything available to you, and you stand a much higher chance of succeeding.

2. Think Outside The Box - Sometimes nontraditional methods could bring returns we don't expect. When planning your target audience, consider how you can bring new potential customers through unconventional means that directly target them. For example, I live in a military community, with an active stay-at-home mom population. Many already run small businesses, but are still looking for others to improve their income. Many others want to stay home with their children but need a way to bring solid income to add to the salary of their husband. These women are perfect for targeted marketing, if it can be done in a creative way that really brings their attention to the simple media placement and returns that come with the 24 Hour Web Cash program. You may have similar populations of people who would benefit greatly from being referred to the program, but how could you target them? It could be something as easy as adding a leaflet to a "Welcome Wagon" type program - in my community, all new wives are given a tote bag with coupons, leaflets, and information upon arrival to the community. A leaflet here would target exactly my target audience - women who do not yet work, or who are stay-at-home moms who probably need extra income. Or, if you live in a community with low job rates, mailings or leaflets to people who may not be working or may be at risk of losing their employment could bring great returns if done properly.

3. Try New Tactics - While we may be comfortable with certain methods or techniques, it is often new, untested ones that surprise us with great returns. You should make it a goal to attempt one new method a week - whether you've been hesitant to try newspaper classifieds, or feel as though you would not write a proper article or press release, go ahead and give it a try. You'll likely surprise yourself at your skill, and may see a great return. Even I have been worried about using some of the new methods brought to my attention through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, but by tossing my fears aside and diving in, I am building new skills and really getting my company out there.

4. Pick Your Pace - You need to decide right off the bat whether you want to dive in head first, or work slowly to build your confidence and skill in media placement. I chose to work slowly at first, as I had had very little success in the past with this type of work. I moved through the steps slowly, reading the provided manual and asking my advisor questions when necessary to ensure I used the techniques the an effective manner. As I gained confidence with smaller steps, I have been able to jump to bigger and faster methods to bring returns on my various chosen media placement techniques. Remember, the training provided gives you the chance to use a wide spectrum of techniques, but once completed you will likely find certain ones work better than others, or you may have an idea for one not covered, and you are free to use what works best. The manual even outlines which methods are great to use if you want to go slower or faster, and through the 24 Hour Web Cash program, you can choose to start off small with just one or two websites, or go big all at once.

5. Don't Drive Yourself Into The Ground - The beauty of the 24 Hour Web Cash program is that once you have familiarized yourself with the techniques and process involved with media placement, and gotten your foundation built, you are able to work as little or as much as you want, to bring in your desired income. This program is perfect for time-strapped moms like myself, who must fit work in between dog walks, baby naps, and meal preparation. Not just moms can do it, though. The unemployed, retired, students, or anyone looking to bring in more income can successfully complete this program through part-time or full-time commitments - I have found as little as an hour or two a day can allow me to bring great returns, without needed to overwork myself or take time away from my other commitments. And you can take vacation time whenever you want - what other traditional job or career can promise that?

The 24 Hour Web Cash program is a proven system for bringing in an income that YOU can decide on - and work to achieve. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme - it takes real effort, but with the training provided through the Global Cash Flow Network anyone who dedicates themselves to the program can succeed, and do, all over the world!

Christina Keightley is Certified Media Placement Specialist, stay-at-home mom, freelance photographer and writer, and owner of and writes for several blogs including


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