Friday, June 6, 2008

Article Marketing - Why You Should Market Your Online Business With Articles

Are you looking for reasons to market your online business with articles? Do you need a reason to write for your business? I have a few suggestions you can easily grasp and understand. These suggestions will not only give you reason to write, but a purpose of writing.

1. Acquire Expert Status

When you write about your business, you become a recognized expert in the industry. This key to online marketing gives you credibility and authority to stand in the gap for your customers. The potential for your business to grow, once you become a credible entity multiplies exponentially. People pay big money for degrees and education in any given field, experience counts as education, step up and claim your share of that money with experience you share.

2. Free Marketing Coverage

When you publish content online that can be republished in ezines, and other websites, you gain exposure for your business. Those who surf, find your links. By increasing your word counts and content value, your articles will be more readily picked up and republished. The value in the articles promotes not only your business, but any business with similar interests, products, and services. Published articles render contact information and links indefinitely when ezines are maintained and archived online.

3. Brand Recognition

When you promote your business with articles you have an opportunity to brand your business with terms, phrases, and concepts that people remember and review often. Information in any given topic will promote the use of related products. By using Article Marketing, you leave your website, your name, a key phrase, and contact information in your resource box, bringing identity and power to your business online.

Are you ready to learn more about Article Marketing?

Obtain 2 FREE Article Marketing Templates at and learn more about the SECRET of Prospering from Online Marketing. Advertize is an online business owned by Jan Verhoeff, an Internet Marketer who believes Content is King. You may visit about online marketing and a wealth of information.

Powerful Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 Marvelous Secrets to Excel at Article Marketing

Gone are the days when the only way to generate inbound links for your website is by launching reciprocal linking campaign. Today, you can just write and submit articles to various publishing sites and you can instantly create quality inbound links for your website. These links can greatly help you popularize your website so it will fare well on search engine ranking and get impressive page views.

Here are the 5 marvelous secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your submissions. The quantity of your articles plays crucial role in the success of your article marketing campaign. The more articles you submit, the more inbound links you can get for your website. Multiply your input by either writing additional articles on a daily basis or hiring ghostwriters that can provide you great articles at reasonable prices.

2. Make use of no-nonsense titles. Capture the interest of online users by using intriguing, attention-grabbing titles.

3. Optimize your content. Everybody wants to be found on the internet and the best way to do that is to make your articles search engine-friendly. Incorporate keywords on your content that are commonly searched for by your target market.

4. Proofread your articles. The best person to check and proofread your articles is not you; it can either be a professional editor or an expert article writer. These people can help you identify the weak points of your articles that can potentially hurt your article marketing campaign.

5. Be consistent. If you want to get huge, steady traffic for your website, you must make your name highly visible online so you can improve your online presence. This can easily be done by regularly writing and submitting your articles not only on publishing sites but also on websites that are frequented by your target market.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Submit Your Articles To Niche Directories For Targeted Web Site Traffic

Article marketing can be time consuming and challenging. Many folks, when using this marketing technique, tend to just write articles and post them to the biggest directories and hope for the best. What I would like to suggest today is a little change in strategy.

Generally speaking, when you are writing an article, you are addressing a certain subject. Let's take golf for example. Now let's say you write an article on golf and at the end of your article you have a resource bio box which directs the customer to a golf site. To a certain point, this article may be successful but let me show you where it falls short.

First, when your article is listed on a big directory, it is there amongst thousands of other articles and as a result, it gets buried pretty quickly as there are thousands of articles coming in every day. Second, because your article is on the general subject of golf, it may fail to address a specific need to a specific targeted audience.

Let's say, on the other hand, your article talks about the newest driver on the market and basically goes over the pros and cons so as to help the reader make an informed decision before purchasing - then in your bio box you have links going back to a specific page on that driver where you have listings of customer reviews.

Then let's say you submit this article to a smaller article directory that just covers sports and has various categories under golf which enables you to put your article exactly where you need it to be and those who visit this directory can specifically seek out an article on golf drivers.

Beyond that, there are not thousand of articles coming in everyday covering a general topic and as a consequence, your article holds its position longer. Additionally, publishers who specifically want to publish articles relative to golf drivers will be able to find and publish your article far easier.

I think you would agree that this article will by and far generate more sales and get published on multiple sites faster than if you were just submitting it to the big general directories. You know when it comes to Internet marketing you have to think outside the box. Don't just follow the herd, get more return on your time by being smart.

When it comes to making sales online you need to be specific and submitting to smaller article directories that are more targeted enables you to reach a specific market and as a result you can address their specific needs. Even when it comes to your article title you can be more specific and as a consequence get more people reading your article. In addition you also expand your market share.

To conclude, niche marketing can make you a lot of money online and that is why if you choose to write articles as a marketing technique you need to submit your article to niche directories which will help you to get targeted readers and get a higher return on your investment of time and money.

Stephen Long is an author for Sportsmans Article Resource Directory, providing you the latest fishing and hunting tips and techniques for the outdoorsman. Learn how article leverage will give you the most article marketing visibility for your articles.

What You Don't Know About Keywords That Your Competitors May Know

Did you know that 25% of searches each month are brand new, never before seen search words and phrases?

That is shocking. You would think with the number of search queries running through Google, they have seen it all.

We spend so much time on keyword research - and rightfully so, it's the foundation of your campaign. But this new information tells us that we need to tweak the process a little bit to keep up with the ever changing SEO world.

So, how do you handle keyword research and make sure you are staying current?

First and foremost you want to make sure you have outlined your strategy. Without a plan in place you are likely to forget to do it, and it'll just rattle around in the back of your brain or sit on a post-it note that gets stuck to the back of another piece of paper in your planner.

So, before that happens, let's define your plan right now.

1. Start with a brainstorming session to list all possible words and phrases that people would use to find what you have to offer. Remember to put yourself in the mindset of the potential customer.

2. Do the necessary research to continue building your list.

a. Research your competitors and see what keywords they are using.

b. Look at your web stats and logs and pull words and phrases from there (this is a great source of info, you can find the words that people are already using to find you and enhance your rankings on those words so you can get even more traffic).

c. If you have a search feature on your site, look at the logs and see what people are searching for within your site once they get there.

3. Take the large master list you have come up with, and use a keyword tool to determine how much traffic there is and how competitive the words/phrases are. Remember you can't live and die by this information; it only acts as a guide for you.

4. Take your list and break it into segments. You want some "low hanging fruit" - which means keywords that may be longer phrases, with less traffic. These words will be easy to rank for fairly quickly so you can use those as your starting point to drive some quick traffic to the site. The second segment of your list should be words that are more competitive and have more traffic and will take longer to get rankings for. You will be glad you selected keywords from each segment, because you will be getting traffic from the low hanging fruit while you are waiting for the more competitive phrases to kick in.

And now you write your content, optimize your site and you are all done, right?

Wrong! Here is where most people are missing out and you need to plan further action.

5. Once a month you should do keyword research and see what new words and phrases come up and add those new words and phrases to your campaign. If you find once a month is too often, do it every other month. Just make sure you have a plan to check back regularly so you can take advantage of new search phrases and tap into more traffic.

If you are adding content to your site like you should be, then adding these new keyword phrases should be easy to work into the new content you are writing.

Jennifer Horowitz is the Director of Marketing and co-owner of Since 1998, her expertise in online marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has helped clients increase revenue and achieve their business goals. Jennifer has written a downloadable book on Search Engine Optimization and has been published in many SEO and marketing publications. Jennifer can be reached at

SEO Campaigns and What Not To Do

Given the ratio of the internet, and given the fact that so many people in the business world use it to further their goals and ambitions, it is shocking how so many people still have issues with using the internet appropriately. Search engine optimisation is one powerful tool that many people use when they are looking to increase the level of relevant traffic to their website, but remember, that like any tool, its efficiency depends on the employer. Take a look at a few of the reasons why so many SEO campaigns falter and fall, and often are unable to rise again.

Bad keywords are one of the first culprits. Look at the text on your website and really think about whether it reflects your company. Will the people who are searching for your services know to use those terms? Bad keywords can work in two different directions. Firstly the keywords are too specific. They are only understood by other professionals in your field, and someone who isn't aware of the ins and outs of your business would never think to search for them. Over-generalization is similarly a concern. With keywords that are too generic, you will simply bring irrelevant people to your site who have no actual interest in what you have to offer.

SEO also means that you have to take into account the format of your page. Are things placed in a logical way that will draw people? Have you made sure that your page has enough content to draw people to it? Part of good page optimisation is ensuring that your website has a good place when it comes to link building. The more people who link to you without you offering a reciprocal link, the better your rating goes. Link building is one aspect that the Google search engine uses to push you towards the top of your search page, so make sure that you don't ignore it when you are thinking about optimisation and content.

Some companies who try to avoid these mistakes contract with SEO consultants, but even there they might find that they are working with someone who uses illegitimate means to bulk up your numbers. Some warning signs include multiple names, the ownership of shadow domains and a guarantee of rankings through obscure keyword phrases that you would have gotten anyway. Beware of companies that give you a strange feeling or refuse to explain how your website would be getting the hits. Although there are many of them, the concepts relating to SEO are fairly straightforward, so if you catch someone being secretive, make sure you find out why.

When you are looking to conduct an SEO campaign, unless you are a specialist in the field yourself, you should consider consulting with a professional. A professional who cares about his or her work and is dedicated to making your site a success can easily save you from the blunders that could cost you in time, resources and money which is important to any business.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimisation, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimisation Campaigns.

Article Marketing - How to Improve Your Targeted Lead Generation Using Article Writing Techniques

Like most internet marketers, network marketers and online business owners you are always searching to find responsive sources of targeted lead generation and increased web site traffic, at least thats what I am constantly being asked about.

You have heard it all before, all the things you must do:

  • Target your market
  • Increase web site traffic
  • Entice responses to your opt in forms
  • Collect your leads contact information
  • Improve conversion rates
  • Build your lists
  • Monetize your lists

Your question is still - How do you do that effectively?

Start by learning how to deploy an article writing strategy to target your lead generation efforts by:

  1. Researching the categories in popular article directories, and select topics that are relevant to your target market for your article writing campaign
  2. Researching keyword phrases related to those topics, for example, if you Google "targeted lead generation" or "lead generation you will find the competition is 11, 300 for the former compared to 1,900,000 for the latter, hence you would use the phrase "targeted lead generation" to attract visitors interested in that segment of the broader lead generation market.
  3. Targeting your keyword phrases in your article writing, to improve your conversion rate of article readers to visit the "targeted lead generation" anchor text in the link of your articles "bio" or "resource box" leading them to your web site.
  4. Providing valuable content to help your readers answer their questions, or solve the problem is your primary purpose in article writing. By doing so you will establish yourself as a "go-to" resource in your target market, that your targeted leads will want to hear from, so they will be willing to give you their contact information, if you ask them in an appropriate manner.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new e-book, a guide to creating profits online successfully - "How to Breathe Life into Your On-Line Business"

- Download it here - Free: - Learn How Targeted Lead Generation Starts the Art of Creating Profits Online

Are you just getting started online, or trying to jump start your sagging profits online again? Discover How to Help Your Online Business with Targeted Lead Generation Here Now

Leo Hanes is full time internet marketer, writing and publishing over 100 articles and four books primarily focused on the core principles of creating profits online.

Powerful Article Marketing - Discover 4 Hidden Secrets to Excel at Article Marketing

One of the hidden secrets to excel in article marketing is carefully choosing your keywords. Pick the ones that are constantly being used by your target market when they searched for information online. By using the right keywords or search terms, your articles will become highly searchable and you will increase their chances of being opened, read, and hopefully republished.

Here are the other hidden secrets to excel at article marketing:

1. Observe appropriate keyword density. Publishers are now very strict about keyword abuse. They immediately reject articles that contain so many keywords that don't sound natural on the content. Stick with 3% keyword density to stay on the safe side and to increase the chances of your articles being republished on leading submission sites like ezinearticles dot com and goarticles dot com.

2. Hire some help. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can take so much of your writing time. This can affect your productivity which is not good in your marketing strategies. Hire somebody who can post the articles for you. Although you will need to shell out some money for this, you can buy yourself more time doing what you do best - writing.

3. Stick to the facts. Never overstretch the truth or insert unfounded information on your content to avoid misleading your readers. Before you publish your articles, be sure to double check your content as factual errors can easily tarnish your online credibility.

4. Never advertise on your articles. Don't convert your articles to sales letters and focus on giving your readers what they truly want - information. This is the surest way to move them to click on your resource box where you can post your sales pitches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - The $5,000 per Month Article Marketing Blueprint

Writing articles but just not making the income you desire? This article is written especially for you. I'll show you how to create a nice 4-figure income just by writing articles on the Internet. Chances are, if you aren't making the income you want, you are missing some "links" along the way.

So here's how to dump massive paychecks into your bank account with article marketing:

Step 1 - Find 5 Niches

Instead of just going all out in one niche, go after 5 niches to really explode your income! Some niches you might want to take a look at include digital photography, weight loss, bodybuilding, parenting and dating. These niches are some of the hottest niches at the moment. Choose 5 niches which you will be concentrating your article marketing efforts on.

Step 2 - Find 5 Affiliate Products

You'll be finding 5 affiliate products to promote in your 5 niches. The best kinds of products are digital products because of the high commissions. Go to Clickbank, search for your niches and choose your products. You'd want to choose products with a high Gravity level, which means many affiliates have been selling the product well.

Step 3 - Write 5 Articles A Day

Write 5 articles a day, 1 article per niche. It's not difficult once you're accustomed to it. I regularly take 15 minutes to write an article! You might take an hour to write one article at first, but with practice, you'll eventually get faster and faster. Soon, you might feel the urge to churn out as many as 10 articles a day because you know they are bringing you money. If you write 5 articles a day, you'll have 150 articles in a month's time and 1,800 articles in a year. Will that bring you a lot of money? You bet it will!

Remember to add your affiliate link to your resource box to grab those sales! Submit your articles to the most popular article directories like Ezine Articles. And remember to buy your own domains to forward to your affiliate link since most article directories don't accept raw affiliate links.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing For Massive Traffic - 3 Of My Biggest Secrets!

Article marketing is not as profitable as before. That's what 'gurus' tend to say to get you afraid. The truth is, although there are more article writers right now, the amount of people surfing the Internet has also increased. So it comes down to the same amount of traffic.

Here are my 3 biggest secrets for getting massive traffic from your article marketing:

1. Always Build A List With Your Opt-In Page

This is what I do - I always build a list by sending traffic from my articles to a opt-in page. I don't send them to a sales page - that just turns most people off. But a squeeze page offering free information is better received. List building is one of the key activities you must be concentrating on online, so direct your traffic to build your list!

2. Submit Only To The Top Directories

Although you can make submitting articles to hundreds of directories quicker with an article submitter, it's still terribly difficult. You have to register at all the directories, and most article directories are different from each other, so that makes article submitting with submitters a slow process still. My advice: submit only to the top 5 directories. Spend more time writing articles.

3. Write In A Conversational Style

Let's face it, as human beings we are emotional beings. We respond better to conversational writing (that's why blogs are so popular!) than boring, technical writing. Unless your subject calls for it, I'd advice writing in a conversational style (like what I'm doing here!) as this will generate windfall results.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - How To Profit From Publishing Online

If you are an author or a professional who has lately been downsized, you can find loads of ways to earn money by doing article marketing without even leaving your house. Sure you might like to write the traditional way - on an assignment given to you by an editor and with a regular salary - but times have really changed.

Lots of people write articles in their home and them sell them online to web pages or print media outlets. Typically, you should market an article before spending time researching, writing, and editing it. An article proposal and sample writing can be used to market the article to ensure there is a buyer before it is finished.

A hot story idea that grabs audience and editors interest is the key to marketing to traditional print media. Find something topical and timely. Every day there are news stories, breaking trend stories, personal experiences and more, that provide marketable articles. Check the news web sites and portals for the latest items.

The internet also provides a new venue for article marketing. There are several services seeking articles from writers. These services often make money from advertising messages that are associated with the articles. These articles need topics that are of interest to potential web researchers and contain key words that the web searchers are likely to use to locate information. "How-to" articles, holiday themes, guides for beginners, and reviews, are staples of this type of writing.

After you have started your own web log, look into joining an ad affiliate service. Such a company places ads on your page and pays you for the number of unique viewers. If you are an expert in some hobby such as coins, stamps or records, you will have a built-in audience.

Your personal life and work experience may be what gives you that edge to deliver unique content in your articles. With the internet being the first choice of many seeking information for things as varied as a new handbag to news to travel, a well-researched article can provide just what they are looking for. Perhaps your point of view, sense of humor or expertise is exactly what will put you ahead of the game and article marketing will be a cinch for you.

Article marketing is a perfect job weather you are retired labor worker or a writer. This new and revolutionary business is perfect for anyone and everyone. It is simple and easy to do, the main thing to keep your mind one is to have unique articles. This will ensure that you gain your readers interest and entertain them. Furthermore to keep their attention you must have unique content that the readers have not yet read or seen. It is simply and easy to do, this is a great job opportunity for anyone and everyone looking to make money the easy way!