Sunday, May 4, 2008

Press Release Writing - How To Propel Yourself To Fame With Press Releases

Press releases are a proven way to get more publicity, increase your reach, and get more visitors to your websites. But how do you make the most of them? And can it really be a quick way to get more sales and profits?

It can, once you know how. Writing a good press release doesn't take more than 30 minutes at most. If you become good at it, you can easily crank out one in 15 minutes.

Writing a press release is different from other forms of writing. You can't write it like an ad, or your content won't be accepted. You also can't write it like a content article, or you won't get the response you desired.

Your press release should read like a news report in a newspaper. After all, it's going out to the media! The media wants content that appeals to readers. So use these journalistic keys to guide you along: Where, What, When, How and Why. Follow those keys and you will be fine. Read a few newspaper reports to get a feel of the style of writing required before writing your PR.

Once your PR is finished, submit it using a submitter like PR Web, Web Wire or PR Leap. All these options are effective. By using these submitters, you can have your content syndicated on high-trafficked sites like MSN, Yahoo News etc.

So haven't written your press release yet? Go write one and submit it! It should not take too much of your time, and you can easily get a few thousand visitors to your website.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Comprehensive Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

As the internet becomes more and more popular, the demand for information-based marketing techniques (such as writing and distributing articles) has increasingly grown. Today, it is considered as one of the best methods in driving targeted clients to websites and converting them into buyers.

1. Bank on your content. Your primary goal in writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is to entice your readers to click on your resource box. The best way to achieve that is by giving online users great content that showcases your knowledge on your chosen field. When your potential clients feel that you are really good on what you do, they are most likely to trust you and take your recommendations.

2. Write more. As you know, the number of your submissions equate to the number of inbound links that you can obtain for your website. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your chances of improving your traffic and page ranking.

3. Optimize your content. Identify the keywords and key phrases that are usually used by your target market when they are using search engines. Incorporate these keywords on your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Check on your progress. Make it a habit to check the performance of your articles at least once a week. Identify the articles that are generating impressive click through rates and learn the elements that make them successful online. Incorporate these elements to your other articles that are seldom read.

5. Proofread. Any error found on your articles can be a threat against your online credibility and professionalism. Thus, it is of out most importance that you manually check your articles before you post them online.

6. Submit to the best publishing sites. Pick article submission sites that have steady traffic and indexed by major search engines. These are the only sites that can help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Vetting Your Press Release

Making a living from the world of writing means taking extra care to thoroughly examine what you have written before finally releasing it. When I have any document to write, I generally will write it and edit it in one sitting but save my most important final edits for another time. By separating this last measure, I usually come up with something that sounds clearer and reads better.

I have been on a surge these past few months having penned more than 15 press releases for six different customers. To date, each release has been satisfactorily written and submitted to separate press release sites.

One area of vetting which isnt as apparent is the usage of anchor links within the release. Across the board, all major press release companies require that a separate fee be paid for the privilege of including anchor links. This fee can range from $30 to $200, a small fortune for some small businesses.

Recently, I nearly saw one of my releases delayed by a full day because I used links without paying for the upgrade. Once I was alerted to the mistake, I quickly made the correction and resubmitted. The release was still able to go out on time.

The moral of the story? You can write a jam up press release but remembering the various submission requirements for each distribution company can be a job in and of itself. I would have hated to see the release delayed and it could have cost me an important customer. Fortunately, the reminder from the distributor and my quick action averted what could have been a disaster.

One more step to consider in the press release vetting process.

Copyright 2006 For additional information regarding Matthew C. Keegan, The Article Writer, please visit his blog for wit, quips, and freelance writing tips.

Four Problems With Bum Marketing

The definition of bum marketing is: Using free web page sites for promoting affiliate programs, and then using free links to get those pages ranked well enough in the search engines to actually get some traffic to them. Usually the marketer targets "long tail" keyword search phrases that don't have a lot of relevant competition in the existing search results. Bum marketing has attracted a large following of practitioners in the past year.

The idea is to spend a few hours per day (or per week) in your spare time building these web pages and then linking to them from social bookmark sites. Eventually you'll have dozens of these things, each making a sale or two every month. It can add up. If you build 100 pages each earning an average of $40 per month, you really got something there.

As good as this sounds, most bum marketers fail and eventually give it up. While not sticking with it is certainly a guaranteed way to fail, many who start out doing this actually make a good decision to give it up. There are certain problems with this marketing strategy. Let's look at the four major ones.

1. Not Getting the Pages Ranked Well. Many beginning bum marketers discover that making a web page and actually getting it placed in search engine results (where people will find it) are two entirely different things. Knowing which free web-page hosting sites to use, maintaining a link-building campaign, and patience are three things that must be employed to succeed. In addition, choosing the right long-tail keyword search phrases to target is critical.

2. Not Keeping the Page Rankings. Even if you manage to get a page ranked well in the search engines, you will find that keeping it there is another matter entirely. Most free web pages, even on the most loved sites by the major search engines, just don't have staying power in the SERPs. And building a large enough link-structure to keep it there is a lot of work for a page that you hope will make $40 per month (if that).

3. You are Not Building a Real Business. What if the free web page site you are using goes down one day and never comes back? You don't own the domain names so you got nothing. There goes months of work up in smoke by one unforeseen event which you have no control over.

4. It's Not the Best Use of Your Time. If you are going to spend 12-20 hours per week building web pages and links, you could be building one massive authority site instead. Perhaps for a major search term that you can possibly conquer the top spot for inside a year's time. A website like that (in the right niche) can bring in upwards of $10,000 per month in income from various sources. What's more, you own it and as long as you don't go anywhere your site (and business) will still be there.

It might seem like I am building a case against the whole bum marketing thing. Actually I am a successful bum marketer myself, and really have nothing against the methodology. There are some smart ways to go about it, but most people get it wrong. I just wanted you to know what you are getting into and have you think twice before you possibly waste many hours of your time.

For the best Bum Marketing system ever developed, please visit

Article Marketing Goals - Are You Reaching Yours?

Once you understand the power that article marketing can give your Web site, then you need to make sure that you are getting the most out of your articles. Otherwise, you are throwing both time and money down the drain. By simply putting a little more effort into your article writing, you can soon get more out of each one.

Don't Settle For Less Than Peak Article Performance

It is one thing to put a bunch of articles out there in cyberspace, but it is something altogether different to expect peak performances out of each one. By knowing what you expect with each article you post, you will be able to drive a lot more traffic from any article marketing campaign.

People who quickly write a fluff article and hope that it will draw a lot of people to their Web site will probably be disappointed rather quickly. The search engines are also learning how to tell a fluff article from one that has a higher level of quality content in it, too. This means that quality is always to be preferred above quantity.

Learn To Employ Best Writing Techniques

In order to get peak performance out of your article marketing campaign, it is necessary to learn what makes an article highly effective. You should learn the writing techniques that will make it work, and then employ them in each and every article you write.

Study other articles that really get your attention and discover what is different between it and your own articles. With each article you write, you need to deliberately work to make them more attractive, easy to read, and engaging to your readership.

Tweak It Until It Reaches The Peak Performance You Want

After you have an article out there in cyberspace, it will be necessary to watch how it performs. Most people do not do this, and so they end up having a lot of articles that are doing nothing. Think, though, what could a lot of articles do for your article marketing campaign that are reaching peak performance?

When you have an article that is not performing well after about a week, tweak the title some until it draws more viewers, and then make sure it is engaging enough throughout the article to keep the reader wanting more. Giving each article a little more attention once it has been posted is less time consuming than continually writing more ineffective articles.

It is true that not every article will perform as well as some others, but maybe they all could be performing better than they are. Tweak your articles more and see what it can do. You will probably be surprised what a few good articles could do if they are operating at peak performance. Isn't that the idea behind why the Marines only need a few good men?

Mike Valles is a freelance writer who provides quality articles for article marketing campaigns, Web site content, and also writes niche Ebooks. You can find out more about his services by visiting his Web site at Article Marketing To Go and see his blog for tips on Article Marketing Power

Article Marketing Success The Keys to Making Article Marketing Work For You

Article marketing success what is it? First, article marketing is the art of writing articles for the purpose of gaining web publicity and submitting them to various online promotion services, or article directories, and gaining web traffic as a result. So what is article marketing success? Well, I guess you have to determine for yourself what is article marketing success for you.

For me, article marketing success will be when I can get 100 subscribers per day from my articles. But that is just my goal. I currently am at about 30 per day and I have 500 articles. So I think I need a few more!

But what about you? What is article marketing success?

My guess is that for you, article marketing success will be when you achieve online whatever your personal goals are, and use article marketing to drive that.

You see, the biggest thing with article marketing is that it drives online traffic. And when you drive online traffic, then as long as you are converting that traffic, you can achieve online goals.

And article marketing is extremely effective at creating online traffic.

Just write articles similar to this, but in your own web niche, and submit them to the various online article directories. They will promote your web site, and if you put your url in your bio, then by default, they will be promoting your web site and you should receive traffic from your articles.

One of the most important things about article marketing is that there is definitely a cumulative effect to the article writing. The more articles you have, the more hits you get. And the more articles you write, the easier they become.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 400 articles in print and 8 published ebooks.

Article Marketing to Build a Big List

Article marketing and list building, for me, go hand in hand. You see, the way I create profit is by list building, but the way I drive traffic to my squeeze pages is by article marketing.

Article marketing, for me, is the foundation, list building is the building, and the email list is the profit center.

So are you using article marketing to list build?

I guess that is a pretty direct question, but I kind of wanted it to be. You see, when I first started out building my list, I sent all kinds of traffic to my site. I did the forum thing and the Adwords thing, and even did some ezine advertising. But I wasnt getting the results that needed. I needed to make a fulltime income online fast.

But I was writing articles to get links back to my web site so Google would smile on me, and that happened. But that didnt really get me the big traffic. I mean, number one is nice, but if it is a long-tailed keyword, and I am just subscribing, not sellinghmm.that just doesnt cut it. So article marketing for links was also not working.

But then I discovered article writing and marketing for the purpose of direct traffic and there are only 3 web sites to which I submit for this purpose,, and The rest, from my testing, are simply not getting the traffic. Sure, they might get you a link, and if you are search engine optimizing, that is great, but for direct traffic, you need to submit to the biggest.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - Your Answers To Questions On Article Marketing

The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Internet Marketing. All of the articles are based on real experiences and research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. They are also written in response to questions which I have been asked as well as address common challenges that people have with affiliate marketing, article marketing, internet marketing or running an online business in general. I sincerely hope that you find the following information of value. One idea, one tip, one clue can make all the difference.

Article Marketing - Your Answers To Questions On Article Marketing

Article marketing is probably the most effective list building and link building strategy in existence. Article directories allow you to include a resource box for every article you will submit. Inside this resource box, you could include a link to your website and specifically to your newsletter subscription form. If you submit just one article to 100 article directories, you'd immediately receive 100 back links to your website. There are thousands of article directories on the 'net today!

Now, lets say you submit, for example, 5 articles to a hundred directories, you'll get 500 back links easily! The best part about this strategy is that quite a number of article directories have high page ranks. We're talking about PR4, PR5, and on occasion, PR7 websites! Having a link to your own website in a website which has a high page rank would give a significant boost to your own pages' search engine standing!

All seems terrific with article marketing, but as with everything else, there are growing concerns as to its real value.

Let's take a look at five of the most common questions which are asked about article marketing...

If I submit the same article to many article directories, won't it violate a search engine's policy against duplicate content?

No, it won't. Since we're dealing with high ranking websites, the search engines would assume that the submitted content is their original work. This is the reason why a lot of article directories are pretty confident about the articles they display. The problem that they encounter, really, is with regards to the credibility of their services.

They don't want to be known as a repository of junk content, that's why they have outlawed the posting of PLR articles as well as articles full of affiliate links.

If you always submit quality, informative content that readers are looking for, youll never have a cause for concern.

Does this mean that I could submit articles which I have already posted in my own web pages?

You need to take care here. The search engines will assume that the higher ranking websites are the originators of the content, your web pages would be distinguished as duplicates, and this could possibly lead to the de-indexing of your website or, at least, that particular article page. You wouldn't want this to happen.

Affiliate, Article and Internet Marketing in general isn't as easy as many would have us believe. I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your business, grow your business, and be more successful. These articles are here with the sole intention of helping you to make the whole process a lot easier.
======END SIDEBAR======

Can I submit as many articles as possible to as many article directories as possible?

Yes, you could! In fact, this is very much advised, to build up your link popularity and secure for your website a great page rank.

However, please bear in mind that search engines, and Google in particular, become quite wary about a website that suddenly experiences a great increase in the number of its back links. It is advised that from the outset, you decide how many articles you can submit and at what intervals, then stick to it. Consistency is the key here.

Does article marketing really work?

Yes, definitely, article marketing does work! If your article's page views remain in low levels, ask yourself

  • Is your article title compelling or intriguing enough to want to read the whole article?
  • Is the actual content of your article interesting enough? Does it cater to a wide audience?
  • Is your article informative enough to consider recommendation?
  • Is your article readable enough to give your audience an easy time in digesting the information you want to share?

These are the factors that contribute to low page views. Doing some necessary editing to correct these problems will dramatically increase the number of times your article will be viewed.

Additionally, some article directories really attract a few visitors only. But the popular ones like ,, www.articledashboard and should give you hundreds of readers in a month's time.

How sure can I be that my article and resource box will be kept intact by people who will use it in their own websites or Ezines?

Unfortunately, you can never be sure. This is why you have to run your own check from time to time. Search for unique phrases in your article, and click on the results. Determine if the webmaster honored your resource box. If he or she did not, you could ask them to include the resource box, or you could file a complaint with the article directory so that they themselves could act on the matter. As always, Persistence and Vigilance are the keys.

Andrew provides a focused problem solving approach and his overriding goal is to provide you with the right solutions to meet your needs. Andrew's website is content rich with value-added information, articles and resources. Into Niche Marketing, then Grab Your Free Copy To Niche Marketing That Pays Right Now

Stop struggling with your Article Writing, pick up a FREE copy of 101 profit pulling headlines and titles and discover How To Succeed As An Article Writer

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 4 Great Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.

Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:

1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.

2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.

3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Targeted Article Marketing - 4 Explosive Secrets Towards Effective Article Marketing

Article marketing no matter how old and classic it may seem to be remains to be an effective and well-trusted instrument by many businessmen and marketing specialists. The dependability and reliability that it possesses makes it still well-loved and trusted. For this reason, article marketing continues to evolve and rejuvenate. Below are some of the explosive secrets of effective article marketing:

1. Know your targeted market and focus with them. The articles that you are going to market will be most effectively written when you know as the writer for whom the article is going to be. By knowing who your potential market is going to be you can immediately think about what is best to be written for them.

2. Prepare the article with the intention to inform and educate your potential market first and then market and advertise successively. By driving these forces to be your core reasons why you are creating these articles, you can make sure that you will be very effective in attaining your core objective - that is to market and advertise.

3. Allow for your articles to be relayed and conveyed. Now that the article has been made, make sure that these are properly published, exposed, and able to generate notice from your potential market. You can have these articles published on some of the leading article directories and sites or you can have these published on your own site. What is important here is that you are able to get the message properly relayed.

4. Monitor and track the progress of your article marketing strategy. This is just like any other marketing schemes should be properly tracked and monitored. By determining the progress rate of your mechanism, you can take appropriate actions whenever necessary. This will help you combat any possible loopholes on your plan and thereby preventing massive failure on your plan.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - The New Way To Advertise

The web has moved from its original base to what is known as Web 2.0 and with this move marketing and advertising has evolved greatly. Article marketing is now largely used in place of tradition advertising. This is the writing of various articles instead of an advertisement as we know it. Many Internet businesses are now using this as their main form of advertising.

It can be fun to write articles for article marketing. When you are interested in the topic of the article, the task can be even more enjoyable. In addition to being fun, you can increase your profit, which is always a plus and can greatly improve the quality of your life and your ability to enjoy it.

It is not that difficult to compose copy for article marketing purposes. What you need to pen unique articles is to be conversant with the subject and to be creative in your approach to writing about it. Since we all differ, it's easiest for each person to compose text on a area of his or her particular interest. If your commercial enterprise is your own most preferred discussion topic, it should be a breeze for you.

The most vital element in article marketing is fresh copy. If you don't post something new which is interesting, informative or controversial, your audience has no incentive for coming to your website. You have to engage them emotionally if you want to make them purchase what you are trying to sell.

To achieve this, one should be sure in include useful information and titles that will draw readers. Once a person is visiting your site the job is half complete. Web surfers tend to be in a hurry and want information without being required to sift through other information that does not interest them. Articles should strive to provide readers with everything they need to know in a concise manner.

Article marketing can be an enjoyable pastime. Composing articles on a variety of subjects will broaden your vocabulary and your knowledge base. You will learn more about the subject you are writing about. Your income will grow when people see you as an expert in your field.

Online surfers are a unique and ever expanding audience. The online arena has lead to news methods of marketing. Once of these is article marketing. This type of marketing is a new concept to most people. Rather than a traditional ad, unique articles are written to draw people to a particular site. With unique content and interesting subjects, these articles are intended to increase traffic. By using creativity, a site has a lot of control over its ability to increase traffic, and in turn, increase profits. They can publish as many or as few articles as deemed necessary to keep traffic at an optimal level.

Targeted Article Marketing - 6 Sure Ways to Get Started with Article Marketing

There are a number of advertising strategies for the internet, but not all of them are able to claim to withstand the test of time. Article marketing, however, is one of those few that are still left standing after all these years. There is truly power in the written word.

Given how effective article marketing is, you surely want to know how to get started on it in order to promote your website. Here are six ways to do that:

1. Be a certified expert on your topic. If you want your articles to have a strong following, make sure that the information you provide is accurate. If readers see you as an authority on the subject, they will diligently follow what you write about.

2. Inject humor. There's no such thing as a boring topic. If your subject is too serious, you can always lighten it up with a little bit of wit. If your subject is fun in the firs place, this step shouldn't be too hard.

3. Use appropriate keywords. If you want search engine crawlers to index your site, use the latest and most popular keywords related to your topic as of publish date. Make sure to keep watch of the latest trends on the internet.

4. Maximize your resource box. Make sure you have your complete information in your resource box at the end of each article. Include your name, your field of expertise, the name of your business, the kind of business you do, and of course, the correct link to your website. The information doesn't have to be long; it just has to be complete.

5. Create an e-book. If you've written more than enough articles, you can compile them in one convenient e-book. It makes your work accessible to readers. You can also sell it and therefore, earn more.

6. Create a blog. This is an alternative to creating an e-book. If your priority is to attract more visitors to gain a wider audience, you can post your articles in a blog.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.