Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So once again I am sitting here trying to figure out what to write and hoping that something insightful will come to my mind. So far it is not going very well but I have made very few grammatical or spelling errors. I'm trying to write another article about ice fishing but there is only so much that I can actually put into words. I have created a website all about it and now I am just trying to get the word out about it. If you type ice fishing pro into google you will find it and I'll definitely add a link at the end of this article. It is so tough but I guess I just have to put in a lot more hours into it.

Something that I have notice about letting my articles freely propagate throughout the net is that some webmasters are so rude that they will just post it up on their crappy sites without giving me proper credit and a link. I don't think that it is so much to ask and I would definitely give credit for the work that some poor sucker did. All I could do was just ask them to add my link. I was polite. But I just did that this morning and will probably never get any responses.

I have been at this article marketing thing for about two months now and have posted four articles online. I'm quite pleased with my work and it has actually gotten me about six extra hits a day but only one back link. I don't know if that is any good but I'm going to keep at it for as long as it keeps increasing my traffic. I really want this to work. Sitting in front of a computer and watching money roll in is my idea of the perfect job. I have signed up for quite a few of those make money online programs but the problem with those are that they all say the same thing, post online advertise and make money. Well that is a bloody brilliant scheme but it is not quite that easy. If it was, everyone would be millionaires. That would be a pretty scary world to live in.

Back to article marketing. I have found about a hundred or so site that will accept my submissions but when I check search engines I find no trace of my submission through their site. I have whittled it down to about a half dozen site that I submit to. I do this not to limit my exposure but to prevent myself from wasting time.

Article marketing can be a double edged blade. One side is the bit of added exposure that your site will get but the other side is the amount of time and creativity that it takes to actually make these silly things. Oh well, I'm going to keep at it until I figure out a much easier legal way to spread my messages across the net. I think you should too, although it may be frustrating it is definitely worth the small amount of work that you actually have to do.

Justin has not written many articles but would like everyone know that he is an up an coming web designer with dreams of ruling the internet from behind his computer. You can contact him through his website at icefishingpro.com

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

If you would like your ebusiness to succeed online, you must be able to offer what people are truly looking for whenever they go to certain websites - information. If you are able to provide the right kind of information that your potential clients need, you can easily make them believe that you are good on what you do and that you have answers to their pressing issues. This can lead to rapport and trust, which are two of the very good foundations of strong and fruitful business relationship.

One of the best ways to offer valuable information to your potential clients is by writing and distributing your articles online. You just need to write about topics that will stir the right kind of attention among your potential readers to easily compel them to check on your website. This process which is commonly referred to as article marketing, is currently the best marketing and traffic-generating tool that is being used by billions of webmaster across the globe.

Here are the 3 incredible secrets to grow your article marketing:

1. Target market. In writing your articles, you always need to keep your potential clients in mind to make sure that the information you include in your content are targeted to their needs and wants. If you can consistently satisfy the need of your readers for information, you can easily persuade them to support your products and services.

2. Search engines. You also need to consider the search engines the moment you decide to sink your teeth into this marketing tool to give your articles an edge and make them highly searchable online. Determine which keywords or keyphrases are commonly searched for by your target market and incorporate them on your content.

3. Publishing sites. To increase the chances of your articles being approved by leading publishers, make sure that they conform to the standards they have set. Read and understand their terms of service as this will empower you to create articles that will meet each of their requirements.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the best ways to promote your business online is to write articles and distribute them to thousands of publishers across the internet. Publishers and website owners are constantly looking for good, original content for their websites, and chances are pretty good that if you've submitted your article to various article directories, that your article will be read and used in someone's newsletter or on their blog. This is a fantastic way to get the links to your website in front of the public's eye, which leads to clicks, which may lead to sales. This is why article writing is so important to your online business.

A good article should have a title that captivates those who see it. There are millions of articles circulating around the internet and posted in article directories, so you want to make sure that your title stands out from the rest and makes a reader want to click on it. The title should cover the main topic of the article, but it's also a good idea to include relevant keywords in the title that you use to promote your website. For example, if you have an article-based website, and one of the keyword phrases you use in your site's meta tags is "writing articles", then you should have the term "writing articles" in your title which will help it get picked up and indexed by the search engines.

I cannot over-state the importance of keywords when writing articles. It's great to sit down and write an article about anything and everything, but if you want your article to be easily found, you want to include good keywords throughout your article. What do I mean by "good keywords"? Good keywords are keywords that people use when they do a Google, or other search engine search to find what they are looking for. For example, "make money online" is a popular keyword phrase that people might type into the Google search box. If this is one of the keywords you are targeting, then it's a good idea to include this in your title and throughout your article.

However, if you want to avoid competition for over-popular terms such as this one, you may want to use a keyword research tool to choose keywords that get 5000-10000+ searches per month. "Money making ideas", for example, is popular, but not so competitive that you can't achieve a higher rank in the search engine listings if you use it in your title and throughout your articles. You can go even more specific than that and find lesser searched terms that you will have little competition for.

The introductory paragraph should include your chosen keywords at least once. Remember that you don't want to clutter up your article with your keywords just to get noticed by the search engines because those search engines will know what you're up to and it may backfire on you with the opposite results of what you expected. You don't want to get penalized for trying to get noticed! The main body of your articles should also have your keywords scattered throughout, and your concluding paragraph should again state your keywords once.

Article writing is not only about keywords. It's a great idea to write in a style that comes naturally to you, as if you were almost talking or telling your own story, in your own way. This is what really separates original articles from the rest. An easily flowing, conversational style of writing is best, which shows your own unique character. The articles written by ghostwriters may sound like they are generated by a machine rather than by a live person with personality. This may turn out looking more like duplicate content, which you definitely want to avoid.

Remember that the main elements of a good article are a captivating title, an introductory paragraph with good keywords and a bit of a teaser to make readers interested in reading more, a main body scattered with good keywords written in a conversational tone, and a concluding paragraph that includes your keywords once. If you can do all that in about 600 words, and write as many original articles as possible, you've found the key to promoting your business online!

About the Author: Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, and is a member of the International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs (IAHBE). Visit: http://www.HonestMoneyMaking.com and HonestMoneyMaking.com's Home Business Blog

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Within the HTML code behind your page, there are things called meta tags. These are short notes within the header of the code which describe some aspects of your page to the search engines. Although there is some debate over how important meta tags are when it comes to SEO, its generally agreed that they shouldnt be ignored.

Whether youre building your website yourself, or youre getting a web designer to do it, its a good idea to understand the basics. There are four main meta tags you need to consider:

    <li>Title</li></p><p align="justify"><li>Keywords</li></p><p align="justify"><li>Description</li></p><p align="justify"><li>Alt</li>

Following is a bit of discussion of how these meta tags should look and a few tips for writing them.

Title - e.g.

<title>Cheap second hand computers Widget Computers</title>

The title is the most important of the meta tags. Try to use your keyword at least once in the title, preferably towards the beginning. Also, its not just important for your ranking; it also has the biggest impact on your Click Thru Rate (CTR). The text you put in the title will appear as the link text in your Google listing the bit that people will read first and click on. Think of it as an ad headline the better it is, the more people will click on it.

TIP: Google only displays 66 characters in the clickable part of your listing. So try to keep your Title text to a max of 66 characters.
Keywords - e.g. <meta name="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="cheap second hand computers" />

Search engines used to look only at this tag to identify a sites subject material. This isn't really the case any more, but some search engines still give it quite a bit of weight (such as Yahoo). There are various 'rules' about how many characters you should include in this tag. The most recent I've been working to is 300 characters (including spaces). I've never been too strict about enforcing it though.

IMPORTANT: The most important detail about the Keywords tags is that Yahoo pays quite a bit of attention to it. If you do it wrong, you'll be penalized. I learned this the hard way. You need to ensure that your Keywords tag is aligned with your web copy. By that, I mean that you shouldn't include keywords that don't appear in your copywriting. And I'm not talking about arbitrary stuffing or spamming here. I'm talking about legit keywords. For instance, I used to use my suburb, Bateau Bay, as a keyword for every page of my site. However, "Bateau Bay" hardly appeared at all in my web copy. There were quite a few other examples like this, too, like my state (NSW), and some of my neighboring suburbs. After ranking really highly in Google for about a year, I couldn't understand why I was ranking so poorly in Yahoo. Turns out, this was the reason. I made the change, and my ranking shot up about 60 positions!!! And I don't mean from position 1000 to position 940 (that wouldn't be noteworthy at all). I mean I shot up from about 80 to about 20 (then gradually moved onto the first page).
Description - e.g. <meta name="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Cheap second hand computers for sale keeping your business running efficiently without breaking the bank." />

The search engines pay some attention to this text when identifying your sites subject material, so make sure you include your keyword at least once in the Description. Also, most search engines use this text as their description of your site (i.e. its the site snapshot that follows your link in the search results). Make sure its informative and compelling. Think of it as the copy for an ad.

TIP: Google only displays about 160 characters including spaces. So keep your Description text to a max of 160 characters.
Alt - e.g. <img xsrc="filename.gif" alt="Cheap second hand computer in use" title="Cheap second hand computer in use">

The Alt tag is designed to help visually impaired people use the World Wide Web (WWW). They use software to read out loud the content of your website. When the software encounters a picture, it looks for the Alt text to learn what the picture is, then reads that text out loud. The Alt tag is relatively important to search engines because they assume that your pictures have something to do with the subject material of your site. But like the visual aid software, they cant actually see the picture, so they look at the Alt text as well. Try to include your keyword at least once in your Alt text.


You can use the same meta tags on each page, or you can make them unique. It all depends on how many keywords youre targeting. If youre targeting a different keyword in the copy of each page, your meta tags for each page will be unique (i.e. youll target that pages keyword within these meta tags).

TIP: If you have any high ranking competitors, take a look at the way theyve done their meta tags, and follow their lead. You already know they rank highly, so chances are theyve done a good job.

* Glenn Murray is an SEO copywriter and article submission and article PR specialist. He is a director of article PR company, Article PR, and also of copywriting studio Divine Write. He can be contacted on Sydney +612 4334 6222 or at glenn@divinewrite.com. Visit DivineWrite.com or ArticlePR.com for further details, more FREE articles, or to download his FREE SEO e-book.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is all about "selling" your articles online. They must be able to capture the interest of your potential clients so they will consider doing business with you. They must also appeal to webmasters and other ebusiness owners so your articles will be picked up and massively distributed to give you additional quality inbound links.

1. Share valuable knowledge. The articles you write and publish must have the ability to help people find the answers to their questions, solve their pressing issues, or learn more about the niche to where they belong to.

2. Be credible. Be a great source of factual information by always checking your data before publishing your content. When you are able to share information that is backed up by research or studies, you can easily establish your expertise online.

3. Increase exposure. Widely distribute your articles so you can better connect to your target market. Aside from article submission sites, you can also post your articles to forums and on your blog.

4. Increase brand awareness. Write articles that are closely related to your products and services. One great way to do that is to discuss certain problems that are being faced by your target market and presenting your offerings as solutions. For instance, if you are selling acne treatments, you can write article about "how acne can affect your social life" and offer your products on your resource box.

5. Increase your page views. Learn how to convert online users to potential clients by effectively enticing them to click on your resource box and give your website a visit. Make a powerful call to action and communicate the benefits your potential clients can get should they decide to click on your website's URL.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you are looking for the best content base marketing solution that can easily popularize your website, help you position yourself as a key person on your chosen niche, draw quality traffic to your website, and augment your sales and profits, article marketing is perfect for you. This product promotional and marketing tool doesn't require you to shell out your money to get the benefits I have mentioned earlier. You just have to produce well-written and useful articles and distribute them to publishing sites to boost the number of your inbound links and share a slice of your expertise to online users.

Here are the 4 comprehensive methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Establish your objective for each article. Before you start pounding on your key board, determine the purpose that your articles will serve. Are you writing them to convince online users to sign-up to your email marketing list, drive them to make a purchase, or you simply want to augment your page views? Your objectives can tremendously help you determining the type of information you will include in your articles and the tone that you will use so your writing will be highly targeted and well-guided.

2. Perform a keyword research. To increase the chances of your articles being opened and read, they must contain the information that your potential clients are looking for. Download a keyword suggestion tool to identify the keywords that are usually being used by your target market when they are looking for specific information online. Then, create articles that target these keywords so you can effectively address the needs of online users for particular information.

3. Use interesting titles. If you want to easily improve your clickthrough rate and increase you chances of succeeding in this marketing technique, you need to device an effective strategy that can easily get online users to open your articles the moment they see their titles on search page results. This can easily be done by using headlines that are truly thought-provoking, attention-grabbing, intriguing, and well-written.

4. Offer unique content. Copying somebody else's work is a big no-no in article marketing. It can pose a great threat against your strategies as you will face the consequences of losing the trust of your potential clients and getting penalized by various search engines.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this:

Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

For a lot of us, writing articles can be a chore. Even if you don't gnaw on your nails in the fear of breaking grammatical rules, the thought of churning out even one 700+ word article per week is probably daunting. Imagine writing one per day!

So we search for tools and aids to help us break the writer's block. We hope that we can produce a brilliant discussion that grips the reader with its profundity. We labour over the topic of the article and sweat bullets over every paragraph.

But is there a more effective and easier way?

Concentrate On Effectiveness, Not Wordiness

Does your marketplace require all articles to be thorough discussions of the subject matter? Think about it.

My reading habits (and there are a lot of people who read like me) may prove differently. The sheer volume of information that we have to process now forces us to take a different approach to our reading.

More and more we scan the material, seeking the nuggets from the body of text that catch our attention and that seem worthy of careful consideration.

Get To The Point Already!

That would explain why concise bullet points are very important parts of communications - they get the message across quickly.

That's why writing quick tips is an increasingly powerful strategy. Extracting the substance and offering a tip instead of a lengthy article demonstrates your grasp of the topic - it takes good understanding to boil ideas down to their essence and communicate them quickly.

More and more readers will appreciate this as it saves us valuable time and allows us to return to our business of implementing the solutions.

Beat The Article-Writing Demon Into Submission!

While those who are haunted by visions of articles refusing to be written may be determined to conquer the demons and become skilled at producing lengthy articles on demand, you can relax in the knowledge that there's another way.

Take one thought at a time, one practical 'how to' snippet and explain it in a brief tip. Say what has to be said and nothing more.

Create a short tip article made of primarily bulleted points. Circumvent your blank page blues.

You can be sure your readers and your previously fearful heart will thank you for it.

TipZine.com - an article directory where you are rewarded - not penalized, for writing tips and short tip articles. Visit http://www.tipzine.com/rewards.php to learn how to claim your reward.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Are your articles getting as many page views as they deserve? Are we submitting our work to the best sites for the niches we write for? Many of us who write articles tend to be a little lazy when it comes to submitting our work. We submit articles to the same sites over and over because weve always used those sites. Or maybe we read somewhere that the sites we use are the best out there. Do a little research and take a fresh look at your submission sites; you might see a substantial increase in your page views.

If you are writing less than five articles each day, you should submit them to at least 30-40 sites. Of course, to do this efficiently, you will need to use one of the article submission programs. There are many available and some are quite reasonably priced or even free. If you are writing five or more articles each day, you may only have time to submit them to ten or twelve sites.

There are some nice websites out there that can assist you in choosing your article submission sites. http://www.beansoftware.com/Article-Sites-Master-List.aspx is an excellent source. For each listing, they provide you with the Google page rank and the Alexa rating along with the year of inception. If you are looking for largest sites, their rating system makes it very easy. The larger, more popular sites have high Google page ranking and low Alexa numbers.

In addition to selecting large sites, you may want to consider sites that concentrate in the niche you write for. This could be especially important if you write for a small, specialized sector. There are some excellent sources for this type of information. http://www.freelancemom.com/submitarticles.htm provides links to over 500 article submission sites. Many of them are small, niche type sites that specialize in a particular area.

After developing the list of new sites that you selected, add them to the list that you are currently submitting to. You shouldnt eliminate all of the sites on your current list because you may have readers that look for your work on those sites. So, be careful when eliminating submission sites. However, if you are only getting four page views per month from xyz site, you should probably eliminate them.

Submit several articles to your new list of submission sites. After a week or so, research the page views that your articles are achieving. Are you getting as many (or hopefully more) page views than you were getting previously? Where are the largest numbers of page views coming from? If your niche sites are giving you more page views, look to add additional similar sites. By making these changes to your submissions, you should see some significant improvement.

Visit http://www.MillionDollarArticle.com for FREE DOWNLOADS and learn how to make big money by writing articles! We offer tons of free reports, articles and ebooks that teach you how to Make Money with your articles!

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

So by now you have come to the realization how important your list is. You understand the importance of first building a relationship with your subscribers so that you can sell to them later on and significantly improve your conversion rate.

Now let us look at the process of getting visitors to your website. You first need a compelling title. If it is boring then it is unlikely that people will actually read your article.

Subsequently I suggest that you write a 250 to 350 word article. The shorter articles do better for lead generation because the reader will see your resource box with a link to your website at the end and there is a bigger chance that they will click on it. I also suggest that you write in a relaxed conversational style like you are talking to a friend. You would only write in a long formal style if you were doing an essay for academic purposes.

Now this is where the important part where actual lead generation will take place. You need to create a squeeze page. This will consist of a headline with some bullet points. You need to offer a free report for download as an incentive for a visitor to give you their email address in exchange for a valuable report. You need to also add some html code to your web page to include the code that will submit the form with the email details to an autoresponder. I suggest that you use a professional one like Getresponse.

Finally, if you generate 5 to 10 leads every day you will build a stable business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Inbound links bring you traffic; outbound links take traffic away from your site. if you have 10 keyword links point to your sites, it is worth more than 10 'click here' links. 5 links from highly related content sites to your site is worth more than links from unrelated sites.

Do the math: 100 sites have links point to your site and they each send you 2 visitors a day every day of the month. By the end of the month, these 100 links have sent 6,000 visitors to your site, by the end of twelve months these links will account for 72,000 visitors.

Search engines use link popularity to rank websites; higher link popularity=higher search engine rankings. Building a RECIPROCAL link directory, that lists all of your inbound link sites is a great way to provide your human and robot visitors to your site valuable information that will improve the reputation of your website with people and your site ranking in the search engines.

TARGETED TRAFFIC is the result of three things:

Other web sites: linking to your site send visitors

Search engines: rank your site higher because of link popularity

Website visitors: come to your site because of your content and great links

The most effective inbound links are keyword text links from related content sites, use the keywords that the most important for your site so that your links have different link texts for better indexing by the search engine robots. If the text is the same for all of your links, the search engine robot may think they are all the same.

Relevancy will always play a major role in your Linking process, there's no way around it. Humans, nor spiders, like spammy, irrelevant links!

Find out what it takes to get better Search Engine Optimization Results

Discover new ways to get massive amounts of traffic with a little extra effort and Monetize your Website

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It is well known that major search engines rank your website based on the quantity and quality of links that are pointing to your site. Webmasters use various methods to increase their website's link popularity. One of them is using text links ads. These are ads that are very similar to newspaper's ads, without graphics. You just write a headline with a short description and include the link to your website. Visitors clicking on them are directly sent to your site. And obviously, the search engine spiders visiting those websites follow your link. And because these are one-way links (also called backlinks), they have a higher weight in the search engines's algorithms which determine your website's ranking.

The most important part of this method is to choose the website where you put your link. For obvious reasons, most webmasters prefer to place their links on highly ranked websites or directories. The higher the Pagerank of the website offering you a one-way link, the better for you. In fact, the most effective quality links are those placed on PR5 websites or higher.

Some webmasters buy text links at a monthly basis, what the advertisers call recurring billing. You place your inbound link on a high ranked website and you pay an agreed fee every month. This method has the disadvantage of tying you up for long i.e. if you don't pay your monthly bill, your link will be removed and you'll no longer have the benefit you were looking for in the first place: having a quality link pointing to your website from a high ranked website.

But there is nowadays another interesting alternative: some text links directories offer the possibility of placing your link with a one-off fee. You then have a permanent link to your website. No recurring billing! No link removal! And the most exciting feature is that those one-off payments can costs as little as $1-$5. This is a cheap and highly cost-effective method of increasing your popularity. Usually, webmasters who want their website to appear at prominent places, such as the homepage or the top of a category page, have to bid more than the others. They decide what they want to pay in order to appear where they want. A fair enough system, in my opinion.

How to identify such websites? Do as I did. Use Google. You can make a search via Google, using keywords such as -buy cheap text links- for example.

I hope that this article will be useful to those new webmasters who want to increase their link popularity.

Sim Mus is the owner of a making money online via internet marketing website. He recently discovered a PR5 - Web Directory specialised in high quality and cheap text links ads and is as always more than happy to share his experience as internet marketer.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Every day the internet mushrooms by millions upon millions more article web pages, this one being no exception, than the day before. Articles of every kind, type, length and language pepper the World Wide Web with a variety of expert topics aimed at informing, educating and assisting web surfers in our journey around the never-ending network of connectivity that we know as the web. With all this incredible writing activity and information sharing, at times I have to stand back and wonder, are all these articles truly helpful or are they just creating more confusion?

As some background information, I subscribe to a popular newsletter service that publishes an outstanding newsletter on interesting topics such as web design, marketing and e-commerce news. Everyday my in box has an article from this service, which I am more than happy to open in order to discover what wise wisdom they and their writers hope to impart on that day. At times, when there is a truly exceptional article on a topic that I know I can benefit from I will print it out for further study in hopes that it can help me. So needless to say I have a stack of them in a folder. Let me share a few of them with you and then we can talk about the question I posed in the title to this article.

In December 2005 an article was written focused on using keywords in web pages, then in January 2006 an article on link popularity, in February 2006 an article on HTML code optimization, in March 2006 an article on using RSS feeds to enhance your web pages then in April 2006 an article dedicated to the proper way to use meta tags.

By themselves, the titles of these five articles seem informative and valuable, but how many thousands of articles were written in December 2005 on using the proper keywords in your web pages, or in March 2006 on the value of integrating RSS feeds into your website? Hard to say, but as you can imagine it probably has many zeros behind that number.

So, as a home-based business owner who is running a website, how do you decipher through all the junk to find the little treasure that lies in a few of these articles. For me, I initially searched and subscribed to a number of expert sites until I found one that I felt provided fresh article content with just a little sales from time to time. I do not mind the sales pitches as long as there is some good article content to follow.

The key here is to stay focused on the topic that you are interested in. As an example, I was interested in learning more about affiliate programs and so recently, I subscribed to an affiliate tip newsletter. The newsletter is short, to the point, provides links for more information if I desire and does not arrive everyday.

If I were to provide some advice, it would be to subscribe to about ten newsletters, segmented by category then over the course of a few weeks begin to filter out and unsubscribe out of the newsletters that you feel are just not worthwhile.

That concludes this article; I wanted to keep it reasonably short. I am positive that we could have continued discussing the finer points of article content but we should each take a little from each article and learn a little on our own to be successful. So with that, best of luck in your business.

For information on starting a home-based business or to get your own free website visit us at http://www.workathomepeople.com

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the simplest methods to improve your search engine optimization is to look at the way you name your files.

Keywords in file names are a good thing. Don't call your webpages names like "services.html" or "products.html" actually use your keywords. Here is an example for you.

Let's say you sell tennis balls online and you have three brands available, Slazenger, Wimbledon and Wilson and your webstore is at www.bigballsintennis.com.

A mistake would be to call your sales page something like this


This just tells search engines that you sell products! What you want to do is use the keywords for the main search terms you want that page to show up for in search engines. Something like this would be better.


Note that it would also be a good idea to have a tennis balls homepage that links to all those pages but focuses on the keyword tennis balls only. Something like:


Conduct Keyword Research

Now remember you probably face a bit of competition for the keywords "tennis balls" since globally you might have a few competitors also selling online. You should conduct some keyword research first and determine which phrases you want to work towards optimizing for.

You might notice there is little competition for Slazenger and work towards optimising for sales of that brand. Maybe your research shows that most people are using the phrase "tennis ball shop" so you should optimize for those keywords. Or you might consider working towards a local geographical niche, like "tennis balls Bahamas" or your home town or state.

Remember you don't have to get things right the first time. Do some keyword research, choose some keywords and then test to see how high up you can get your pages to rank for certain key phrases. If those phrases don't bring in traffic keep testing until you find a combination that works. Remember though that file names are only a small part of the overall SEO process and if you only optimize your file names and not the on-page copy, the incoming links, your internal site structure etc. etc, your efforts in file name design will have little impact.

How To Structure Long File Names

Dashes make for better file naming - at least that's what research in Google has demonstrated.

When I say dashes it's like this -


as opposed to this -


I have been structuring my files with dashes for a long time now. I made this decision not only for SEO purposes but for human navigation too. Many people don't know what an underscore is and even have trouble finding it on their keyboard. Dashes look clearer on screen and act as a good divider for keywords.

The only thing to be careful with is to not go over board with file names. Don't do this -


Clearly this is just silly. You are diluting your keywords, creating a page that is next to impossible to remember or type in manually and are certainly not helping your search engine optimization.

By Yaro Starak

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Building traffic and obtaining quality inbound links for your website cannot get easier these days. You can simply write and submit articles to submission sites and viola! You instantly gain quality inbound links. This is how article marketing exactly work. It's hassle-free, delivers quick results, and it's cost-effective.

Here are the 5 profitable methods to breakthrough with article marketing:

1. Quality of your articles. You would like your articles to be read, picked up, and republished by online users. That can only happen if your articles are useful, well-written, and content-rich.

2. Quantity of your articles. In article marketing, each submission grants you one quality inbound link. The more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website. This could mean a lot of great things for your website such as increased traffic, improved page ranking, link popularity, increased sales potential, and positioning yourself as an expert on your specialized field.

3. Keywords. To give your articles an edge so they will be highly visible on online searches, you need to incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content. By doing so, your articles will be properly indexed by major search engines making them relatively easy to search online.

4. Article submission sites. There are over 200 article submission sites in the internet today but not all of them are created equal. Some, just like EzineArticles.com and goarticles.com, have impressive page views and steady traffic that can ultimately give your articles the exposure they need so they can be potentially distributed and republished.

5. Monitoring your articles progress. You can easily track down the number of times your articles were viewed. From this, you can gauge if your article marketing campaign is working for you or you need to make necessary revisions to improve your marketing effort to increase the clickthrough rates of your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There's an old saying: 'Practice makes perfect.' Article writing is no different. The first time you write an article, it will be hard. You'll spend minutes choosing the right words to convey a central thought, only to erase the sentence and start again. With practice, though, you sharpen your skills as a written communicator. The writing becomes easier and faster. When you do become a skillful article writer, why not leverage it to maximum profits.

Reasons Why Article Writing Really Works

It's free advertising: You do not need money to market your writing skills. All you need to do is, write a good article and post it in a number of good article resource sites. Ezine owners will pick up your article and publish it in ezine.

Your expertise gets noticed: A helpful article or an informative article gets noticed quickly. This gives a boost to your brand image and helps position you as an expert in your niche.

Your business gets a marketing boost: You can leverage your writing skills to market your products or services. If you release a new product, write an informative & educational article that addresses one of the problems your product solves. Use your resource box (the author's biography) to direct traffic back to your website. Once you reach out to your target audience and help them directly, you are bound to see positive results.

Your website gets a traffic boost: As your articles get posted on more websites, your search engine rankings rise. Also by including a link to your website in your resource box, you'll increase in the number of links back to your site will give a significant boost to your rankings and lead a steady stream of interested prospects to your door.

Hints On Article Writing

Choose hot topics: Hot topics have a broad target audience. When you write well on a hot topic you invite wide readership. You can choose from many of the popular of topics of the day but make sure you're writing original stuff. If you write something new each time, your articles will be eagerly awaited.

Read out loud: Each time you finish writing a new article, read out aloud. You will be first one to judge the flow of your article. Then take a break and have a look at your article again. A handy tip: let 24 hours pass between writing your first draft and the final copy. You are sure to find a new way to clean up your article.

Proof read and edit: Ensure your article is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Read your article thoroughly at least twice as automated spell checks may not catch all the mistakes. If you have a trusted friend or advisor who is a great detail person, ask them to proof read your article.

These tips will help you write better article. Remember: Article writing is a continuously evolving process. With time and patience you will learn what it takes to write informative articles that lead to increased profits. Happy writing!

Deborah Carraro is a successful online entrepreneur who got started in the Inner Circle of top Online Entrepreneurs and now shares their business blueprints & article marketing secrets with you. Discover the secret science of article marketing at http://www.articlemarketingprofits.com

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are many ways to improve ones search engine optimization campaign. Out of the myriad of the ways, article marketing is perhaps one of the best ways. It has a compounding factor that works even when you are not at the computer. And one article can bring in many backlinks for your website.

What is article marketing? Article marketing is simply writing articles about information related to your website and submitting them to various article directories around the web. By adding links back to your website in the resource box, you can add valuable backlinks to your website. You'd also want to make your articles 'keyword-rich', so readers can more easily find them and search engines can pick them up more easily.

Articles also make good pre-sell tools for your website. Readers reading your article are looking for specific information, and you provide them with more information by asking them to click through to your link to find out more. Articles generally act as good teasers for more deeper information that you can provide to your readers. Be sure to provide good information in your article, and your readers will feel compelled to visit your site.

However, thats not where the good stuff ends! Ezine owners will also grab your articles and publish them to their newsletter. This gives you even more backlinks without any additional work.

As you can see, submitting articles is a great no-cost way to get free, quality backlinks and generate lots of traffic to your website. If you haven't started article marketing, start doing so today!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

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Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Have you ever felt like you had reached a plateau and could go no higher? If so, you're not alone, many people sabotage their own success. This article teaches you how to reverse self sabotage. In my work as a real estate business coach for the past 12 years, I have had many people present a similar question, "Why can't I be more successful? Why do I stop myself? I feel like I am my own worst enemy."

If you've ever felt this way, you're probably suffering from a pattern of self sabotage in which you get in your own way. While on the one hand, your conscious mind is saying," I want to be more successful," your subconscious mind is caught in a "Fear of Success syndrome".

There are several things that cause people to be afraid of success:

1. They associate success with Stress:

It's a prevailing idea in our society that if you want to be successful, you have to work hard, struggle and strive. Many of my clients have done that and reached a place of "burnout". Then they are faced with the dilemma of wanting to move forward, but having a very unpleasant memory of what it was like before.

They need to work hard at reprogramming the self limiting belief, "To be successful you have to work very very hard," and replace it with an Empowered Belief, such as "I am committed to working smarter not harder."

2. The next self limiting belief that stops people from success is "I'm not worthy or I do not deserve."

Usually we are not scripted to be successful when we were growing up. Rather we were scripted to fit in and not bring too much attention to ourselves.

We often incurred criticism when we felt too good about ourselves and heard things like, "Who do you think you are?" Being boastful was considered conceited and a definite "no no". Many of us over generalized and made the mistake of thinking that we shouldn't think too highly of ourselves, and if we did someone would shoot us down.

The truth is that a healthy level of self-confidence is necessary to be successful. In addition, happiness is feeling good about you. If you've been carrying any of the old beliefs that make you feel unworthy, I urge you to replace them with empowered beliefs, such as:

  • I am more than worthy of prosperity
  • I am highly deserving of an abundance of all good
  • It is now okay for me to feel good about myself
  • I give myself permission to feel pride in the work that I do
  • As I share my expertise I am worthy of being amply rewarded

Practice these Empowered Beliefs frequently to raise your level of deservingness.

3. The "gung ho" vs. " comfort zone" conflict

Let's face it; in order to be successful you do have to leave your comfort zone. Moving forward always involves some risk.

However what many people fail to realize is that staying stuck in your comfort zone also involves risk. What risk? It's the risk of not fulfilling your potential, the risk of staying at a low financial level, the risk of never reaching your dreams.

It all of us there is an inner struggle between the part of us that wants us to dream big, and the part of us that wants us to settle for what we have. Usually some inner "conflict resolution" will help you to realize that you can have a win-win between both parts of you.

The "gung ho" part needs to realize that you need a balanced life with plenty of time for self-care and self maintenance. The "comfort zone" part needs to realize that the comfort zone is not safe, and that sensations that are labeled fear can just as easily be labeled excitement as you find the growing edge of your comfort zone and move beyond it.

To reinforce the balance of these two parts of us, I recommend these empowered beliefs:

  • It is now safe for me to grow and expand
  • I'm committed to creating success in a balanced way

Here's one of my favorites, "In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I create total financial success, for the highest good of all".

Let this be your mantra and allow yourself to grow into your full potential with ease and grace.

About the author: Dr. Maya Bailey, author of, Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals, integrates 20 years of experience as a psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction. Her powerful work creates a success formula for real estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya's free report, 7 Simple Strategies for More Clients in 90 Days, by visiting http://www.90DaystoMoreClients.com

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you have been in the internet for quite sometime, you probably know that article marketing is dominating the World Wide Web. Millions of webmasters from all sides of the world are using this technique to either popularize their website or promote their products and services.

As more and more people are taking advantage of this impressive marketing method, the competition in getting the attention of online users has grown stiffer. As a marketer, you must device mechanisms on how you can constantly improve your article marketing strategies so your articles will stand out above the rest.

Here are the 3 fresh secrets to improve your article marketing:

1. Titles. The competition begins when online users search for your targeted keywords. When they search content using search engines, they will be presented with numerous articles that are related to the keywords they have keyed in. To give your articles an edge, you must give them titles that are keyword-rich. This will help them get better placement on search page results. However, it not enough that your titles are keyword-rich, they must also be appealing so online users will be enticed to read your articles. Consider your titles as baits that must attract online users at first glance. Let them know what is in store for them when they read your content.

2. Content. Once you have successfully grabbed the attention of online users through your titles, learn how to sustain that attention by making your articles content-rich. Provide the information that your readers are looking for so they will be glued on your article. Keep your content short, concise, and direct to the point by presenting the most important information upfront.

3. Resource box. This is the element that you would like to focus on if you would like to improve your conversion rate. Make it powerful and compelling so it can effectively move your readers to click on your website's URL.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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