Friday, May 23, 2008

Basic Web Elements To Increase Your Websites SEO

The following are some of the golden rules for applying the best on site optimization methods kicking around today. You need to understand how your website is viewed from a search engines point of view and as Google is currently top of the tree for providing this service it's best to aim for what they are looking for or how they do things in terms of judging a web page.

You must put your most important keyword in the h1 tag section this also needs to be located as far towards the top of the page as possible. This is done because the search engine Google reads a web page it reads it from the top left hand side to the bottom right hand side of the page. The best strategy is to put your h1 header tag would be the following example for the term "left handed widgets" the html code would look like this.

"Left Handed Widgets"

You would change the wording to be the main keyword for your webpage but you get the idea. You also need to add more tags these are h2 tags these are to contain your second most important keywords. These also need to be located in the top section of your web page. Once you have put your h2 tags on the page it's time to get your content written.

The main criteria for making a good website is down to creating something new and unique relevant to the main h1 and h2 keyword tags on your website. To do this it always best to go and get either the latest information on that subject and read up and assess whether other people would be interested in knowing about that as well as importantly adding your own comment on the subject.

Just grabbing content from article sites just does not cut it anymore it is important that you put some unique input into your website. You can still use article content but add a preface to the article hand written by yourself describing that you came across this article. Set it off with something like this I found this article on "left Handed Widgets" the other day and was amazed to find that due to a new break through its now possible to do x, y or z. This gives the viewer that you are interested in that article and you're adding to it in a constructive manner. You may also add a conclusion section to the article pointing out how that has swayed my decision on using "left handed Widgets" this way you have added to the top and bottom of the article thus creating to the search engine unique content pattern and therefore a friendlier web page for the user.

Try to add pictures and advertising scattered through the article as this breaks up the page better and gives a longer web page. By adding pictures you can name the pictures as the same as your keywords for h1 tags or h2 tags this is another example of on page web optimization and will need to be used if you are considering making use of article content.

When your web page is finished check that you have a good sprinkling of your keywords within your page don't overdo it just keep it around the 2 - 4 % level within your page as this is a good way to make your page relevant and if you are using AdSense then it gives the script the right subject to produce adverts for your site all the best with your website development.

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Internet Marketing Dilemma - Improving Your Double Opt-In Rates

You know that having a double opt-in* process for your newsletter/ezine list is a "best practice" in permission based email marketing. Several reasons:

  • less chance of being called a spammer by someone who doesn't remember filling in the form (or because someone else filled out the form with their email address);
  • fewer bad email addresses in your list;
  • some mailing list delivery services require it!

BUT--sometimes your subscribers don't click that link they receive from you in the confirmation email. And so you lose 10, 20, even 50% of your "subscribers". Arghh!

How can you improve your opt-in rates?

Generally, the more compelling and relevant your "offer" is to folks, and the easier it is for them to complete the process, the better opt-in rate you will enjoy.

  • Have some really strong copy that describes your ezine and the benefits they will receive.
  • Provide an incentive for folks to subscribe. A free ebook, ecourse, etc.
  • Remind folks that they must confirm (click the link in the confirmation email) to receive the incentive. You can do this on the signup or thank you page.
  • Help them make sure they receive the confirmation email, by offering a page explaining how to add your ezine to their whitelist.
  • Show them how to confirm. A snapshot of the confirmation email, with the confirmation link circled, is one way to make it crystal-clear.
  • Make sure your confirmation email matches the description of your ezine. Use the same wording, etc. Nothing will reduce your confirmation rates like using the generic confirmation email text!

Get more marketing and small business tips for Solo Entrepreneurs

*Double opt-in defined:

  1. new subscriber fills out a form on your site
  2. your list management software sends a confirmation email with a special coded link
  3. new subscriber clicks the link
  4. subscriber is added to your list

Single opt-in eliminates steps 2 and 3.

Terri Zwierzynski is a self-employed business strategist and marketing consultant to solo entrepreneurs, and a grassroots promoter of the solo entrepreneur lifestyle. She runs, the resource website for the self-employed which attracts thousands of solo home business owners monthly from over 100 countries on six continents (and was recently named a finalist for "Website of the Year" in the 4th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business). Terri is also the co-author of 136 Ways To Market Your Small or Solo Business.

Find more articles about Email Marketing at, plus get a copy of our new ebook, "25 Surefire Ways to Capture More Clients, Get More Done in Less Time, and Make More Money -- in 90 Days or Less."

How to Use SEO or Search Engine Optimization for High Google Listings

If you know how to use SEO to get a high listing in search engines, or are an expert in search engine optimization for high Google listings, then you need read no more of this article. Your website obviously has at least one page in the top 10 of Google, MSN and Yahoo, and you have as much traffic as you need for your success.

However, if not, then you need some advice. You need to understand the basics of search engine optimization. Incidentally, what the basics are to you may not be basics to others. Basics to some are the correct use of LSI (latent semantic indexing), of internal linking strategies and of other techniques designed to lead search engine spiders by the hand and convince them that their site is the tops. Can you do that?

If not, then here are one or two tips. Good SEO is a lot more than just having your page title in title tags and your heading in H1 tags. It is more that just having the correct keyword density do you know what that is? The vast majority of people dont have the slightest clue about keyword density or what it means. Formulae said to relate to keyword density and the number of words in the key phrase as a function of the number of times the phrase should appear in a web page are mediaeval in internet time.

Do you know what? Google doesnt give a toss about your calculations. Google cares about the service you are providing to Google customers and how relevant the content of your web page is to their needs. To find that out, Google applies a statistical mathematical equation based on statistical analysis of semantics as related to the specific keyword being used by the searcher, and the semantic content of your web page.

Google doesnt care if you have exactly 15 incidences of your keyword every 500 words in fact if you do, you have no chance because that is now excessive. Keyword stuffing or keyword spamming they call it! Yet people still write articles packed full of keywords in the mistaken belief that it will be good for them. Who is still telling them that?

So lets forget keyword density. Its old SEO and no longer relates to Googles needs. Internal linking: now theres a new thing to most people, even though it has been relevant for the past few years. By intelligent use of internal linking you can lead your friendly neighbourhood spider down any web you can weave for it. And you will benefit greatly by doing so, if you know where you should be leading it.

Internal linking strategy is a different concept entirely to an external lining strategy involving one way or two way reciprocal links back to your web page from that of another website. Most people are involved in that, but also most dont know how to do it properly, and therefore lose out. Let me give you a simple example.

You have a website with a page rank of 4 for your home page. Note that it is not your whole site that gets a Google PageRank, as it is properly written, but each individual page in your site is individually ranked. When you come across a website with a PR of 4 or even 8, it is the page you are looking at that has that PageRank. That will generally be the home page, and when you agree to a reciprocal link, guess what! Your link will be placed on a links page in that site with a PR of zero. Thats right, a Google PageRank of zilch: and thats the benefit you will get. Zilch!

If you place their link on your home page, or any other page with a PR of greater than zero, you lose out. Even if your page has a Google PageRank of only 1, THEN YOU LOSE OUT!! They get a share of your PR of 1, and you get a share of their PR of zero!

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, and then tell me I dont know what I am talking about as many have. Some of these many are so-called internet gurus and SEO experts that fleece you by promising you a Google Page 1 position for your site, when they cant even get one for themselves.

If a site offers you a top 10 position, check out their position by using their URL. If they were so good, wouldnt they be in the top 10 for their URL? I would have though so! But NO.

So, do what you can to understand what Search Engine Optimization is. What it really is not what some would want you to believe what it is. Check out the source code of successful sites and compare it to the unsuccessful sites and try to spot differences. If you cannot, then it is the linking strategies that make the difference. Whatever strategy you use, however, make sure that you fully understand it and that you are using it as it should be used. There are links and links some better than others. Some can give you positive results, and some of your links can be very bad for you.

Do you know how to tell the difference? Most cant, and so are led by what they read online. The problem is that since most cant, most of what is written online is garbage. It is difficult to spot the truth from the opinion. It is truth that gets you a good Google or Yahoo listing, not opinion. The problem is that more people believe opinion than truth since they dont know what truth is, and most of what they read is false opinion.

The best advice you can have is to check out the websites that have succeeded and copy what they do. However, that is not as easy as you think since the off-site linking strategy that you cannot see is as important as the on-site SEO that you can see.

If you want screenshots of a website that succeeds, the check out Petes site Article Services that varies from #1 and #4 on Google for the keyword article services, and then find the screenshots and explanation of how he does it on Improved Search Engine Rank. That is how to learn: from successful sites.

Article Marketing Traffic How Important Is Article Marketing Traffic?

Creating traffic online is the fundamental key to the success of any commercial or related type of Internet website. In this regard, a wise operator employs a variety of different tactics to generate and increase traffic. Article marketing is one tool that can be utilized as part of a comprehensive traffic enhancement plan. Indeed, many people have found article marketing to be an extremely effective tool when contrasted with other mechanisms that can be used to drive online traffic.

Through article marketing, you can expand the presence of your business or other type of web-based venture across the Net. For example, through article marketing, you can have placed different articles at various locations over the Net, articles that relate to the products or services offered through your web-based business or other type of enterprise. Individuals looking for information relating to the topics contained in your articles will be able not only to garner basic data in this regard through your articles but they will know where to go to obtain other relevant information as well as related products or service: Your website.

Moreover, through article marketing, you will be able to broaden the number of people that will be able to ascertain your particular expertise in a given area. Many people have established thriving enterprises through article marketing that set them apart as particular experts in specific fields. Because you become recognized as an expert in one are or another through article marketing, you are able to create or increase traffic to your own online venue because of that well established expertise.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, 7 Steps to Internet Marketing Success.

Incorporating SEO Concepts With Your Web Design

It is crucial to make sure that the web design you apply on your web pages would be user friendly. You can do this through making the navigation of your website organized and easy to do. Viewers of your website must be able to find the hyperlinks and other links of the other web pages in the website without much difficulty. Ensure that each page that is linked to main menu has the same title. The home page should always be accessible wherever the user is so that they could always go back where they started just in case they get lost. Also provide the correct title and link within the web pages as you refer to information.

Check the accessibility of your website across all platforms so that you would know that anyone could visit your website. Make sure that you would be fixing any incompatibility problems. Check your website display and make sure that you would be using the most common screen resolution. Use web colors, which are more visually appealing. Carefully integrate your plug-in pages and use the plug-ins, which would work well across all platforms. Try to avoid plug-ins that have to be frequently updated.

Make sure your web pages are interlinked with the other web pages on your website to ensure the ease of navigation. Place text links that have appropriate keywords for your website. If you would be using image links, remember to use the alt text keywords. Place the suitable Meta keywords and descriptions. Try to avoid the use of flash and JavaScript because they are not really good SEO methods.

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The Meta Tag Question

Search Engine Optimizer's often have two different views when it comes to meta tags. One this is unanimous meta tags have definitely been devalued for use in most major search engines but you will find they are still being used as the description often times when your site is listed in the search results.

Meta tags were started back in the early 90's when the internet was just getting it's brand new legs and they were used to help the search engines organize the growing number of web pages. This was an easy way to make your site indexed and listed high. Soon after unethical webmasters started to abuse the meta tag by either spamming the page full of so many keywords or sometimes even made different websites appear in the results for a completely different keyword. Gambling sites would stuff their meta tags with more commonly used phrases in order to bring their sites to the first page and trick the search engine and moreover the user.

Now obviously, most search engines have discontinued the use of meta tags for organizing their search engines, algorithms have become much more technologically advanced and they use a number of other methods to index and sort. The big question is if they are no longer viewed as a helpful tag, why do some SEO's still use them.

Meta tags a a multitude of different uses and names, so which ones do you use? There are four that I often find myself using when I am optimizing a site. They are as follows:

Meta Robots: This tag is still widely supported and it simply tells the search bots to either follow the url through or you can ask them not to index certain parts of your site for aspects that may not be relevant to your actual site.

Meta Description: My favorite tag, this is your first impression, if you don't have this tag search engines will just tag clips of your index page including the keyword that was being searched for by the surfer. First impressions often is the difference between a sale or no sale.

Meta Keywords: A controversial meta tag, some use it, some don't. I still thinks it holds a bit of value if you keep it simple. Don't add more than 20 or so keywords, and I think it does increase your on page keyword density.

Meta Content Type: This is recommended because you may find that if you do not have this tag it could cause display problems

Now, well most search engines do not use the meta tags as they did in the early nineties, but as I explained you can still use them for a variety of other uses. There of course are a number of opinions on this matter, some SEO firms are strong believers in the meta tag and other firms are strongly against it.

In conclusion, my opinion is that meta tags can be used for a number of alternative reasons now and still offer you a great place to sell your stuff. I always will recommend the use of at least a small number of Meta Tags, and if used correctly will greatly improve your chances of higher sales & higher rankings.

Carrie Haggerty has been working in SEO and Internet marketing over the past 3 years. She has started her own SEO Firm, She also has started her own SEO article website strictly for webmasters to submit, and is marketing it the new internet business owners as a resource.

The Harsh Reality - It's Top 30 or Nothing

If, as a Internet marketer, you expect to survive and be found , you need to learn how to: 1) place your pages in the high-traffic core, and 2) achieve a high ranking in the major search engines. Otherwise, your sites will be like little islands in the sea: remote, inaccessible, and forgotten.

This means you are solely relying on people typing in your URL in the command lines of their browsers, and this only works if your site is well-known. The days of serendipitous surfers and "accidental traffic" stumbling onto your site are over. On this "new" Internet made up of billions of Web pages, site owners must use every tool available to them to attract visitors. And even then, you face stiff competition.

I only consider a ranking to be a listing within the top 30, because studies have shown that must searchers do not keep clicking through past the third page. In fact, most searchers do not even click-through to the second page. Therefore, a #10 ranking is much more valuable than #27, and #64 is pretty much worthless.

Now, many other search engines do display more than 10 results per page. So, in this case, should you be happy if you are within the top 120? No, because most users still don't appear to click below #30, no matter how many listings are on a page.

For example, if a user performs a query in Google for "cheese" and your site is not listed, then no matter how many types of cheese you sell, or how great your cheesy recipes are, that user will not and cannot arrive at your site. For a search engine to deliver a visitor to your site, the visitor must first click on a search result for your site. Often, owners of large sites that have been on the Web for a while will discover that they have a very large number of search engine referrals. This is because they actually have rankings even before they begin optimizing pages. However, many of these "accidental" rankings will most likely be on keywords that are rarely sought by users. This is due to the fact that the most highly queried keywords are also the most competitive. In other words, it is highly unlikely that you would find accidental rankings for "MP3." The difference between "accidental" ranking and SEO is that SEO is the deliberate optimization of search results in the pursuit of traffic.

The whole point of SEO is to increase traffic to a site. But not just traffic. You want qualified users who are seeking content, product or service that your site can provide. Therefore, it is important to remember what a ranking actually is. Many times SEO professionals will be overjoyed with a top 10 ranking that a site has achieved, and the site owner (rightfully) says, "So, what? I still don't have any sales!" A ranking doesn't directly equal traffic, and traffic doesn't directly equal sales.

Pamela Upshur is the owner of Upshur Creative.

Upshur Creative combines fresh, contemporary, fully functional turnkey websites with the best PHP scripts and databases to create the largest and most comprehensive turnkey collection for entrepreneurs.

Visit her site at: Turnkey Home Based Business.

How Do You Get 50,000 Plus Authors All on the Same Page?

It has been discussed with at least one online article submission website that it is time now to ramp up the quality of content on the Internet and get those who participate in online article writing to pony up and make it happen. Some wonder if there is a simple solution to the issue of a few online article writers who write thin content.

There may not be a simple straight solution, but the most important thing that can be done at an online article submission site is to develop a sense of Nationalism, Team and Community and thus no one would want to write a crappy article, because they would not wish to let down the team or themselves or the future of the online article marketing venue.

It will take a little work and it will require talking to a few folks, but you are correct the current levels of Basic, Platinum, etc. do provide much of what is needed to bring up the level of quality and expert perception status. By rewarding quality authors by their level of achievement it is a start in the right direction, one which the top online article submission site is now taking.

It really is up to each and every individual to find their strength and press on to do the best they can at everything they do, especially here as they post their articles. If so, then you are right, there really are no problems, only 50,000 plus solutions, also known as the greatest collection of online article writers the world has ever known.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Discover How To Use Article Marketing To Promote Your Business

Article marketing is one of the easiest forms of website promotion. Simply by writing articles that focus on aspects of your website's theme and submitting them to top article directories, you will begin to see an increase in website traffic. If you are not a confident writer, then you can easily and affordably outsource writing projects.

Well written articles can bring you free website traffic from a huge increase in back links. The key to your success with article marketing is twofold. Firstly, your articles need to be well written, informative and relevant to your website. Secondly, you need to write and submit articles to high traffic websites regularly. Article marketing won't work as a website promotion strategy if you are simply doing it occasionally, you have to work to a regular writing and submission routine so that the number of back links increase over time.

These back links are important for website promotion in two different ways. They are a link from the article to your site that interested readers of your article can follow and thus, they are a means for highly targeted traffic to reach your site. Additionally, they serve an important SEO (search engine optimization) service because the search engine algorithms use the number of relevant, one way back links to your website as an important factor in assigning your position on free search results pages.

Article marketing works as a website promotion technique because other websites and ezines can locate your articles in article directories and publish your articles with a link to your website in the resource bio. Most websites do not allow you to include embedded links in your article but do allow you to place links and marketing style information in your resource box that appears beneath the article.

Your resource bio info can attract free website traffic by highlighting your expertise and anything you are particularly marketing with a link to relevant pages. People who wish to use your article on their website or in their ezine must agree to keep your resource information intact.

You can choose to write an informative article about some aspect of your business that a reader may be interested in, alternatively you can write a product review designed to encourage your reader to take the next step and buy (or at least consider buying) the product. Many internet entrepreneurs use article marketing to direct people to their website to offer them a free ebook or subscription to a newsletter so that they can build an opt-in email list for ongoing marketing purposes. Article marketing is one of the best ways to pre-sell a product because it allows you to gain enough credibility with your reader that they are more inclined to click on your resource box link to discover more.

Article marketing is a very effective strategy to attract free traffic to your website. You may have an excellent product and a great sales-pitch, but without targeted website traffic your business will be dead in the water. However, if you are committed to writing at least one article a day and submit those articles to high traffic article directories as well as directories that have high search engine ranks, you will soon find that more than enough visitors are knocking on your online door.

Learn how to promote any product, service or business opportunity using the most powerful Free Web Site Traffic method-Article Marketing

Article Marketing - How To Get Your Articles Read!

As a zero-cost, exposure-rich way to get your site noticed on the Internet, article marketing is hard to beat. After all, what other method lets you tell people about things that interest them, put your link into other large sites for free and virally spread the word about what an expert you are - for free?

The techniques are simple and well within reach. In fact, effective article marketing means keeping away from sophisticated literary styles. You are communicating with people who want good, clean information that's easy to digest and quick to read. It's as though you were explaining something to a friend. When you write your article, imagine that person to be in front of you and write your article so that they can immediately understand what you are talking about.

Although the techniques are simple, there are some basic rules to be observed. First of all you do need to write correctly. If you have doubts about your ability here, take heart. There are ways to get around this (notably, write short, simple sentences that have a good "flow") and tools to help as well. If you are using a text editor like Microsoft Word, then use the built-in spelling and grammar checker. In fact do this even if you have supreme confidence in your ability to write. It's extraordinary what errors can go unnoticed because you are re-reading the text that you wrote yourself. The checker will find these for you.

In addition to this, a number of article sites, focusing on quality articles, include basic spell checking as a possibility in the submission procedure. Note that quality for them means the same thing as indicated above: articles that are of interest to their readers and that bring them clear, relevant information in an easy to digest way.

Your choice of article sites will be important as well. Some of them are very big and well represented in the search engines. On the other hand, it may be more difficult to get your articles authorized for inclusion. You'll want to write a series of articles in any case to get into the swing of it and to test on various sites. Submit your articles and keep track of how quickly they get included, what the click rate is (how may people reading your article) and how well your articles get rated in search engines, especially for keywords that interest you. Then compare and focus on the article sites that are getting you the best results.

Article sites also have guidelines on length of articles. In fact, make that "restrictions" rather than "guidelines". When you read their submission procedure, you will typically see how they want articles to be submitted. For the length, 250 words is a minimum, 500 words is more in favor. But don't make your article too long either. If you find that you have a lot to say, then chop your article up into 500 word chunks, each chunk dealing with one aspect of the topic. That way you'll be able to submit multiple articles as well and benefit from multiple exposures.

Next on the list is the resource box that is also a feature of many article directories. This is where (and it is the only place) you get to sell. Do not sell in the main text of your article. Inform, entertain, question if you like, but avoid the sales pitch. Editors will often refuse articles that come on too strong on the sales side, and even if they make it through, readers will lose interest fast. After all, their goal in reading is not (yet) to buy. Warm up the discussion by degrees. Give them good information that encourages them to get to the bottom of the article and to click on your link to then go to the next phase of "pre-selling" or possibly a sign-up page for a newsletter, a product or a service.

Have some fun with the resource box if you like. Apply some of the classics to grab people's interest, like spiking their curiosity, using appropriate humor or appealing to their instincts of greed or fear. That's what will incite them to click on and go to your site, to make your article marketing a success.

You are wasting too much time. Visit today and get over 129 marketing guides absolutely FREE!

How To Create Sales and Marketing Automation For Your Network Marketing Business Online

Many network marketers fail when it comes to creating an automated marketing and sales process. This means that your visitors are properly funneled so that by the time you talk to them or work with them they are extremely qualified. This is no doubt due to the fact that network marketers simply are not used to being taught or teaching attraction marketing and automation. Network marketers are used to being taught the wrong things to do.

Most network marketers are used to the familiar advice of creating a warm market list and contacting those people to introduce your business to. Once you run out of people to contact you either go through the list again or try to add more names to the list. This advice along with most other advice is completely worthless. Especially now that the internet has advanced so much. With the old approach you would be lucky if you have built any type of business and still have friends after that nonsense.

Marketing online is easy, if you know how. Fortunately we have internet marketers to thank for the strategies already used that can drastically improve a network marketers business too. This can be called Internet Network Marketing and uses internet marketing techniques to grow ones network marketing business.

This is how to develop your automated marketing funnel to build a network marketing business. First you need your own squeeze or lead capture page to send visitors to (from your online advertising). This capture page needs to be focused on capturing your visitors name and e-mail address. This is important because this allows you to use an auto responder such as Aweber to follow-up with your prospect and build your contact list. If you were to advertise your main business site instead that would be a huge mistake because then you would not be building your list or improving your chances of making a sale. On your capture page you should have a picture of yourself so they can know they are working with a real person. However do not have other links or options on that page, simply have an opt-in form so they can request more information. It is also a good idea to offer your visitor something free in return for opting in. The best way to do this is to provide a free report, e-book, or just helpful information. People are always hungry for information that will help them.

Once they have inputted their name and e-mail your auto responder should start immediate follow-up for you. Your follow-up sequence should be about seven messages or more (one per day) and educate the prospect about yourself and the benefits of working with you and your team. People work with people who they like and trust. It is hard to come by great sponsors in network marketing so be the rare find that they are looking for. You would also then send them to your company site so that they can join your team. Serious prospects may then want to contact you, so you should provide them with your contact details so they can reach you... this is attraction marketing. Instead of chasing after them they are requesting information from you.

As you can see there are also many benefits to this approach. Instead of a visitor coming to your site with the choice to either buy or leave, they now can join your contact list and not be financially obligated at all. One of the major keys to becoming a successful marketer is building a large contact list. With a large contact list you virtually have customers on demand. These are highly valuable contacts who will be highly attentive to your future offers.

Darren Olander is a network marketing consultant dedicated to teaching others how to effectively build your mlm business and attract more prospects and generate more leads. You can learn more about him at

Article Writing Secrets - Explode Your Profits with These 3 Article Writing Secrets

The point of writing an article for any affiliate marketer, Google Adsense earner, blogger, or anybody else that does not just do it for joy is to get people to read your article and click through to your website in the resource box. So how do you get more people to see your article and click through to your website? Here are 3 article writing secrets that will get you more traffic.

The first secret to writing articles for traffic is to get listed in the top search engines like Google, MSN, and Yahoo!. This is not as hard to do as it might sound. You need to target keywords that get searched for every month, but don't have a ton of competition. This will give you a good chance to get listed on the front page of the major search engines. Imagine if you had 50 articles that were getting you 50 visitors each every week. That would be 2500 visitors each week.

The second article writing secret is very simple and will help you get listed even easier on the top search engines. When you are doing your search engine optimization, which would be using your keyword enough that the search engines find you relevant on the subject, use your keyword phrase twice in the title. This will get you better results with Google for sure. It is harder to tell whether Yahoo! or MSN like this, but they always seem to follow Google's lead so it is a safe bet.

The last secret that will help you write better articles for traffic is to leave your readers wanting more. When you give your readers some information, but you leave them wanting more, then there is a better chance that they will read your entire article and click through to your website. You should always leave your readers wanting more tips, secrets, or information about the subject.

Article writing is a great way to create a lot of good targeted traffic to your website, AdSense site, or blog. You can turn these article writing secrets into money with AdSense, affiliate programs, or your own website. Use these secrets to explode your traffic and your profits.

Discover the real secrets to article writing and start making your income from articles. Article Writing Secrets are here: get them now and profit today!

How Well Does Your Marketing Message Translate?

You dont have to look at the results of the 2000 U.S. Census to see how diverse our population is becoming. Just look around you. The complexion of your workplace, your marketplace, and the street where you live is changing, and for most industries, a targeted audience will include non-native English speakers. As more people from other countries move to and settle in America, the greater the need is for all of us to widen our definition and understanding of culture.

According to the American Immigration Law Foundation, U.S. Census results demonstrate that immigration has become an engine of growth in U.S. metropolitan areas. [Policymakers] should keep in mind a simple truth embraced by officials in states from Iowa to Utah and in cities from Albuquerque to Boston: immigration is a key source of long-term economic vitality.

So what does this mean for you and your business? It means that communicating with your audience will most likely require a greater understanding of different cultures and their respective languages. The English language is one of the hardest to learn, and when native English speakers write it, they naturally use idioms particular to their language. This works well in many circumstances, but when your audience includes members of other cultures, it is easy to miss the mark of understanding.

Writing for a Diverse Audience
When writing for a diverse audience, write your first draft quickly and without editing so you can get your ideas or teaching points down on paper. Dont be too concerned about how youre writing looks or sounds. Once you have your ideas on paper, begin to massage the language. Look at what youre saying and ask yourself this about each sentence: If I were explaining this to a person who had recently immigrated to this country, would he or she understand what I am saying?

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has very little, or no, knowledge of the subject, and from that standpoint, look at what you have written. Look at the phrases you have used. Does their meaning translate, or would they be understood only by a native English speaker? (In fact, put yourself in the shoes of in the first sentence in this paragraph is a good example of a common but abstract idiom.)

Tell a story. Many cultures use storytelling as a method for teaching and passing down information. Storytelling appeals to most audiences, and we remember best through stories because they provide a concrete image of the abstract.

Tips for Cross-cultural Communication
Speaking the same language can enhance communication between cultures, but for it to be most effective, it must also include a shared understanding in a shared context. When communicating between cultures, it is important to consider the linguistic variations within the cultural group, the cultural variation within a language group, and the variations in literacy levels. (Variation in literacy levels also applies to native English speakers since 90 million Americans have low literacy skills.)

When communicating with other cultures, keep the following in mind:

Identify your own cultural values first. Recognize your cultural biases (we all have them), and think about your own attitudes.
Show respect, and listen carefully.
Ask, dont assume. Allow people to show you what they want and need to know.
Keep in mind that people learn in very different waysour experiences, upbringing, and environment influence how we perceive and process information.

Effective cross-cultural communication is a continual process. As you learn about the different audiences you serve, look for the strengthsobvious and hiddenthat exist in their cultures. You just may find that what you thought was a communication liability is actually an asset.

~ Visit Kristina on the Web at

Kristina Anderson is President of EasyRead Copywriting, LLC, a company specializing in plain language communications. She can be reached at

Please feel free to forward this article as long as you keep author byline information intact. No portion of this article may be copied, reproduced or altered in any way without express permission from author.

Powerful Article Marketing - Latest 3 Ultimate Methods to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Most webmasters and ebusiness owners have unleashed the power of article marketing in terms of improving their online traffic and augmenting their sales. That is why, more and more marketers are going out of their ways to make sure that they are getting the maximum benefits of this method. If you are one of them and are currently looking for ways on how you can multiply your article marketing, these 3 ultimate methods are definitely for you:

1. Increase the number of your articles. This is the only way to augment the number of links for your website as each submission grants you one quality inbound link. To multiply the number of your articles, you can either write additional 3-4 articles everyday or you can hire ghostwriters.

2. Never sacrifice the quality of your articles. Though you must increase the number of your articles, it is of out most importance that you make sure that all your articles are still of high quality. Why? It's because online users will gauge your expertise and knowledge based on how your articles were written. If your articles sound hurried or if they don't make sense at all, no online users will be willing to read your other articles much more distribute or republish them.

3. Use automatic submission software. By doing so, you will be able to submit your articles in few clicks in your mouse. That would mean more time for you to write your articles and much lesser wasted time.

Improving your article marketing campaign is probably one of the best decisions you can ever make to further improve your online traffic and page ranking. By following the 3 steps, you'll be sure to succeed in this method in no time.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Marketing - What Is The Exact Blueprint For A Highly Effective Article Marketing Strategy!

The best way to drive highly targeted visitors to your website is article marketing. This method has nothing to see with others because you will receive traffic many years after you submitted your articles to directories.

It's really incredible.

What is the blueprint for effective article strategy and where you should submit your articles?

You must start with It's where everything start. Submit a lot of articles to this directory. Things will really start to happen when you submitted one hundreds articles.

But you will get traffic and visitors to your site before that. In fact, you will get traffic and visitors almost instantly after your first article is accepted. Sales should follow a couple of days after if you created a good marketing funnel (this is where a lot of people miss the boat).

How many words should you write?

Good question. The minimum is 250 words, but it's better to write between 300 and 400 words.

Should you give everything in the article?

The answer is yes and no.

You need the reader to take action and visit your website when he reaches the resource box (some visitors won't even read, they will skim and go straight to the resource box).

You need to make your article interesting enough without giving all the goodies. Otherwise he will not need to find out more at your website.

How to format your article?

First, you need a powerful title. Then, in the body of your article, you need an introduction, a few paragraphs and some bullets to make it easy to read as well.

Be sure to write short sentences like I am doing in this article. Don't write in 'blocks' of phrases. Write like you are talking to a friend.

Then, add a conclusion, and let your reader know what he is going to get in the bio box. Try to give him one or several benefits.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

Article Syndication - Popularize Your Content

Content is the king of any site. There are instances when your article does not get picked up by search engine in spite of having a strong content. In this case, article linking will be very effective. If you link your site to any other popular site, then there is the maximum possibility of your content to get noticed. Marketing of your site can only make your content read by a large number of visitors. Article syndication is nothing but a powerful marketing tool. It is totally different from search engine optimization. By adopting this method, you can popularize your article and your site. For this reason, it is very important that you keep your content original.

Article syndication links up your article to various well known sites. For this, it requires an informative content. However, there are many writers that pay a foul game with content. They use those keywords in their content which are widely searched but do not have anything to do with the original content. If this is the scenario, then that site will not be picked up by any popular sites and in the later period of time it will be banned. While writing content, the content writer should be well versed with keyword density, meta tags, alt tag etc. An article is a very strong weapon of any site. If an article is not interesting and informative then adopting article syndication also will not be make your site visible. So, it is very important that you make your content highly readable, interesting and up-to-date. Always try to freshen up your site.

If your site is not noticed by any one then your effort to write new content will ended in smoke. Article syndication will link your article to another site and make people noticed your article and read it. In this way, the site and the article will become popular. To start with it, a site should hire a content writer to write articles for their website. After writing the content it is necessary to post the article in all the well known sites. The article should have the link of its site. It is very important that the article is submitted in all the popular bookmarking sites. Even if a surfer does not have any idea regarding your site, through bookmarking he will able to reach your site. In this way, your site will get a new visitor.

Article syndication will increase traffic and increase sales. It is all about marketing your article in all the popular sites. Before writing article, one should do some basic research on the keywords. There are many keywords tool that can be make into use while writing content. If your article has required number of keywords than only it will get picked up by popular site like Google, MSN, Yahoo etc. There are many websites that do an extensive study on how to advertise its article. One can also take the help of those sites and get ideas from them as how to advertise their product. By adopting this method, one can popularize its article as well as popularize its site.

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine optimization, article syndication, search engine marketing firm, social media optimization. To get the SEO tips from, SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit

Article Marketing On Steroids - Advanced Tips To Boost Your Profits

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you still struggling to see results from your article marketing efforts? In this article I would like to go through some advanced methods that you can use to get the most out of your article marketing efforts.

1) Send all your traffic to a squeeze page

I see many article marketers making this mistake. They send the traffic that they get from article marketing to an affiliate link or their own sales page of the product that they sell. It is very important that you send traffic to your own squeeze page. The primary reason for this is that the conversion will be very low if you send traffic to a sales page directly. If you are lucky you may get a one percent conversion rate. By first capturing the details of your subscriber and building a relationship with them you will significantly improve your conversion.

2) Offer a free report of value

If you are selling a specific product I suggest that you offer a free report for download. Make sure that this is of significant value. This will dramatically improve your conversion rate. By first building credibility and also establishing that you are an expert in you chose niche market you will build up trust with your prospect and this will increase your sales.

3) Hire a ghostwriter

One of the problems that many article marketers face is that they do not have sufficient time to write enough articles with this method of marketing. To be successful with this method of marketing you need to have at least 250 articles to start seeing measurable results. Unfortunately this method of marketing is very time intensive. So if you are struggling to write a lot of articles consider hiring a ghostwriter to help you out.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

8 Secret Tips To Generate A Massive Income Using Articles

Many of us think that articles are only for traffic and such. But, do you know that there are many ways on how you can use your articles? Here are some tips that might help you with your online business.

1. Create an extra revenue stream with your website's articles or content. Publish the first paragraph of each article and charge a fee for people to read the rest. You could also allow other authors to submit their articles and split the profit.

2. Build credibility for your business by publishing an e-zine and writing articles. Your customers and prospects will see you as an expert thus creating trust towards you. You could also submit your articles to other e-zines for republishing and publicity purposes. Just require them to include your resource box at the end of the article.

3. Take advantage of popular fads. If something is popular at the current time, put up a web site about it. Just promote your main site on the fad web site. Send off a quick article about it to get free publicity. You could also do this with popular search engine keywords and phrases.

4. Add an article section to your web site. People will visit your website to read and learn new information related to their interests. You want to have original content so people can't go anywhere else to get it. You also want to update it regularly so that they will want to revisit your website again and again.

5. Promote your products within the content of your web site. Write and offer free articles, include a mentioning of the product or service you're selling. You could include it in your resource box or subtly reveal it within your article if it's related.

6. Swap articles with other e-zine publishers. You could get your articles published more often if you publish their articles in exchange. If they are hard negotiators, maybe you could offer to exchange two of their articles for one of yours.

7. Promote yourself as well as your products. Use your articles to create a free e-book or a short report. When you endorse other products for commissions, people will think your statement is extra-credible because you have established yourself as an expert.

8. Use your articles as viral marketing tools for your affiliates. You can compile it into an e-book or you can give your affiliates permission to submit it into article directories.

Remember, there are numerous ways to use your articles. Just use your imagination and dont afraid to try something new. Trust yourself and just do it.

This article was written by Azwan Asmat. Discover the secrets, how you(like the experts) can make thousands of dollars virtually overnight! For more information, visit

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (and Other Analogies and Cliche's for SEO)

Weve all heard that familiar expression, Good things come to those who wait. Whether youre waiting for your Heinz ketchup to pour out onto your burger (remember those commercials?), waiting for Christmas day to open your gifts, waiting for summer vacation to be let out of school, or waiting in line at the DMV well, maybe not the DMV, good things will come if you simply allow them to come in their own time.

Under normal circumstances that expression is simply not true. Youll still get your ketchup if you shove the butter knife into the bottle, dragging it out onto your plate; open all your gifts on Christmas Eve; skip that last few pointless days of the school year; or get into the express line at the DMV. The real lesson behind the cliche is that patience is a virtue.

One instance where its is true, that good things come to those that wait, is when you are performing search engine optimization. Unlike placing sponsored ads via Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing, where results are almost instantaneous, the long-term return on investment for SEO is considerably better than most other forms of on- or off-line advertising. Unfortunately, SEO does not produce instantaneous results. And yes, patience is still a virtue.

Optimizing your site for your targeted key phrases wont get you to #1 over night. You wont find all your keywords to rank in the top 10 on Google in just a few days, nor will you get significant traffic improvement at the snap of the fingers. To use a simple analogy, SEO is like boiling water: you dont get a hard boil the moment you turn on the burner, you have to wait for it.

The process of optimizing a site, or just specific pages in a site can take weeks, and thats just the initial optimization phase. In a previous article I wrote about the making of a perfect SEO firm, highlighting all the different jobs that an SEO firm must perform for the optimization process. That article outlined only the overall human resources needed but didnt go into the specific job functions that are required in the SEO process, when performed correctly. Here is where I let that particular cat out of the bag.

Cant Find Your Way Out of a Paper Bag

On the front end of the optimization process hours and hours of research must be performed for each account. Everything from keyword research, industry research, competition research, marketing research, and more, all needs to be completed before any optimization can begin. We often get asked if research time can be shortened if we have performed optimization work for another site in the same industry recently. The short answer to that is, no.

Every site is constructed different, designed different, laid out different, has a unique history and targets the audience differently. These are all factors that are considered in the multiple levels of research performed. No two sites are the same; therefore no research is the same.

Nothing to Write Home About

A good SEO will actually write or rewrite your page content to properly (and effectively) work in your targeted keyword phrases. A professional writer should be able to take the SEO recommendations for keyword usage and incorporate that into existing content in a way that reads naturally (i.e. does not look as if you just tried to insert keywords here and there for search engine relevance) and maintains the ability to convert your visitors to paying customers. This is no small task and should be done with utmost time and care.

Take It or Leave It

Code bloat removal is probably the most overlooked part of the SEO process. Sure, everybody knows about titles, meta tags, alt tags, etc. and making them all search engine friendly. Thats not necessarily a small task either, but many times, eliminating page code bloat is an incredibly daunting task. Moving styles and javascripts is only part of the puzzle. Many times a page has to be almost completely rebuilt due to the excess amount of junk code that was put in place by whatever design programs were used.

Even a Broken Watch is Correct Twice a Day

On top of the code bloat removal process you also want to get your pages to validate to professional HTML standards set by the W3C. Validation is simply ensuring the correct coding elements are used and used correctly. While most validation issues are relatively small, they tend to come in multitudes thorough the site. Larger validation issues can often take time and substantial finessing of the code in order to correct.

All Things Being Equal

Site maps, custom 404-redirects and robots.txt files are all important to the overall construction of your site, even if they dont necessarily have a direct effect on the actual on-page optimization of your site. Site maps help both search engines and visitors quickly and easily get to the information that is important. A custom 404 redirect eliminates that annoying page not found error and lets you keep visitors on your site if they somehow access a page via a bad link. The robots.txt file is useful to communicate with the search engine spiders about content they should or should not index. This allows the search engines to focus its time on the good stuff and not the irrelevant portions of your site.

Theres More Here than Meets the Eye

There are a lot of details that I left out simply because it cant all be addressed in a single article, but you can get the gist of the amount work that goes into just the initial optimization of a site. Depending on the size of the site or the number of pages being optimized, the processes above can take several weeks to a few months to compete. Going back to our boiling water analogy, you just filled the pot, now its time to put the pot on the stove.

Very rarely is search engine optimization a one-time-only process, but takes a continuous ongoing effort to build site relevance, evaluate performance, analyze effectiveness, and adjust the campaign accordingly to achieve and maintain top rankings against active competitors and substantial algorithm changes.

There are Plenty of Fish in the Sea

Link building and management is an important aspect to the total optimization campaign. Optimizing your site without considering your link campaign is like trying to drive a car without tires. You dont need great tires to make the car move forward, but you have to have some kind of tires in place, unless youre towing your car on a flatbed truck. Same holds true for a web site, it can be a great site but without links you just wont perform in the natural search results. (Just to complete the analogy, we can say that sponsored ads and off line marketing efforts are the flatbed truck.)

Linking has gotten more and more complex as the search engines fight link spam and seek to improve relevance. Whether you seek out one-way or reciprocal links, linked articles or directory submissions, or authority links, link building is a very time consuming process that undergoes constant re-evaluations. A good link today may not be a good link tomorrow, not because it was never a good link but because the linking site might become irrelevant to the search engines or become a search spammer, or whatever reason. A good half to two-thirds of the monthly man-hours assigned to ongoing optimization can easily be focused specifically on the link campaign.

Look at Both Sides of the Coin

Unless you are targeting no more than a single phrase for any given page of your site, inevitably it will take some finesse to achieve top rankings for all phrase being targeted. Good keyword research in the set-up process can greatly improve the ability to archive top rankings for multiple phrases per page, but no matter what there will always be certain elements working against each other. Adjust one phrase here and another one drops. Adjust that phrase and still another phrase drops.

With time, a good SEO will be effective at getting your keywords ranked well against the competition. Thats half the battle. The rest comes as new or existing competitors amp up their optimization efforts in order to take back what was achieved and as search engines adjust their algorithms. Weve all heard of sites losing rankings with algo adjustments, even those that have never spammed. It happens and its the job of the SEO to see these things coming and adjust the site accordingly and should rankings dip, to move in and get them back in place.

Wait with Baited Breath

Again, this is just scratching the surface of what goes into the monthly optimization campaign. But all of these adjustments work over time. Even more so once you consider sandboxing and aging delays that are becoming a staple in the search engine algorithms.

If Youre Not Part of the Solution, Youre Part of the Problem

Dont expect instant results with your optimization campaign. Many SEOs require a six or twelve month contract, simply because they know it can often take that much time to show solid results for all of your keywords. Expecting great results any sooner is simply wishful thinking.

We all heard the saying, A watch pot never boils. Well, in reality, itll take the same amount of time to boil as an unwatched pot, but it just seems longer because youre there looking at it. Once you hire your SEO company, let them do their job and walk away. Dont completely forget about them and check in from time to time just so you know whats going on (and your SEO knows that you expect results), but just give it time for the process to work.

Go work on your site, your business and other marketing efforts. While your SEO is working to make your site successful in the search engines, look for other ways to bring success to you and, to use another cliche; dont put all your eggs in one basket. Search engine optimization should not be your only hope for success.

If you have done your research and chosen the right SEO company success will come, but only with time. Be willing to let the process work its course and good things will come by the boatload.

Stoney deGeyter is president of Pole Position Marketing, a professional search engine optimization and marketing firm providing SEO services since 1998. Stoney is also a part-time instructor at the community College in Reno, Nevada where he resides as well as a moderator in the Small Business Ideas Forum. You can read his SEM blog at (EMP) E-Marketing Performance. You can email him with any questions at

9 Strategies to Boost Your Sales Copy to Make More Money

I know a lot of you HATE to act like salespeople or HATE to push your product or service, but if you don't do it and you don't have a sales team - WHO WILL DO IT??

That's why I recommend you learn the most effective ways to write a sales letter or email. This way at least you'll have effective copy working for you.

So, what is a sales letter? What do I mean? Its that long, scrolling page that you see on many websites these days that you sometimes don't even know what they're selling until you get to the bottom and you especially don't know how much it is until you reach the bottom but you'll soon find out that you've been 'hooked' when you're halfway down the page and 5 minutes have gone by.

Not a lot of people you see really do this well. After all, don't many small business owners complain that they're marketing isn't working well if at all?

This is mostly due to the copy or content in such a marketing piece. I don't care if we're talking about an ad, postcard, flyer, door-hanger, webpage, email, printed newsletter or brochure. The content is what makes or breaks it; it's what sells or doesn't sell.

Of course you have to place your ad or promotion in the right place, targeting the right people but using the 'right message' is critical.

I coach small business owners and entrepreneurs on a daily basis about these strategies when I work with them on creating their marketing materials, websites or email newsletters. Coming up with creative, fresh marketing ideas and solutions to bring entrepreneurs more business without breaking the bank is what I specialize in!

This is a great checklist for you to use when you're creating your own sales copy or promotional materials no matter what the industry, product or service.

1. It's important to do your market research and know your target market.

2. Draw them in with a killer BIG AND BOLD headline.

3. Use engaging subheadings, phrases and statistics.

4. Be reader-centered, not writer-centered.

5. Be conversational.

6. Ask for the order!

7. Offer bonuses & a guarantee.

8. Include a P.S.

9. Have your copy proofread!

Now, if you still feel like you can't get it down or write it in a way your readers will respond easily, then you can delegate this.

(c) Copyright 2008 K.Sawa Marketing. Katrina Sawa is an Award-Winning Relationship Marketing Coach who's helped hundreds of small business owners take dramatic steps in their businesses to get them to the next level in business, revenues and life. She offers one-on-one coaching, group coaching and do-it-yourself marketing planning products. Go online now to get started with her Free Report and Free Audio at!

Who Should NOT Submit Articles To Revenue Sharing Sites

Are you submitting articles to enhance your Internet business? If you are, there is a good chance that you should probably be submitting your articles to the revenue sharing sites as well as traditional article directories. But who specifically, would benefit by submitting to some revenue sharing sites?

How much money are you making right now with your articles? Are you making enough or would you like to make more? If you answered that question by saying, yes, you would like to make more money, you should submit your articles to the revenue sharing sites. You have all the benefits that you get with traditional article submission site as well as receiving a portion of the advertising dollars that they earn.

Would you like to increase traffic to your website or blog? If you said yes to this question, you should submit your articles to the revenue sharing sites. Some of the revenue sharing sites provide quite a few page views and a fair amount of traffic.

Are you writing articles to enhance your reputation and profile on the Internet? If you said yes, you should submit your articles to the revenue sharing sites. Some of the articles that I have placed on these sites are ranked higher than articles that I have with traditional directories.

Are you looking for quality backlinks from sites that have good page rank numbers? If you said yes, you should submit your articles to the revenue sharing sites. Some of them are ranked very well.

As it turns out, the only people who shouldn't submit to revenue sharing sites are those who make over $17,500,000 per year. You see, people making that much money are earning about $100 per minute. If they took five extra minutes to submit an article, it would cost them about $500. And they won't make that much submitting one article to the revenue sharing sites. But then, people who are making that much money each year probably don't write many articles.

So if you are not making over $17,500,000 a year, you could probably benefit by writing articles and submitting them to the revenue sharing sites. The substantial benefits far out way any potential disadvantage (for most of us).

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed a Free ebook entitled, How To Make Money Every Day!

Free ebook - Make Money Every Day!

Make Money Writing - It's easier than you think!