Sunday, September 21, 2008

Do You Know the 3 Key Strategies to Using Lead Capture Pages?

Leads are the Life Blood of any Online Home Based Business. The Best leads are the Leads You Generate Yourself using Lead Capture Pages.

  1. Only Use LCPS Created by others and Hosted on There Site

  2. Only Use your LCPS Hosted on Your Own Web Sites

  3. The Hybrid which is a Combination of Both

The Advantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • Quicker Startup

  • Proven and Reliable

  • Use there Bandwidth

The DisAdvantages of Strategy 1 using Other Peoples Pages

  • They Get the Traffic

  • They are in Control

The Advantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • You are in Control

  • You decide what, Where and How to Promote

  • Much More Flexibility

  • You get all the Traffic

  • You own all the Banner, Text ads and Pop-Ups
The DisAdvantages of Strategy 2 using your own Pages

  • Slower Startup

  • More Work

  • Using Your Bandwidth

Strategy 3 the Hybrid Approach seems to Maximize the benefits while Minimizing the Disadvantages.

The First part of Strategy 3 is deciding which 3rd Party Lead Capture page you are going to Promote.

My All Important Rule 1

Only Promote 3rd Party Lead Capture Pages that Notify you with the E-Mail Address when Someone signs up to your Page.

  • Before I use a Lead Capture Page I sign-up Myself to see what kind of information I am given. If it passed the Rule 1 test then I use it. If it doesn't pass the Test I don't use it.

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

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Copyright 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

Best Article Marketing - 5 Huge Methods to Multiply Your Article Marketing

There are so many ways to promote your website in the World Wide Web to generate traffic. However, if you are looking for a single technique that will not only lead visitors to your site, but also pull up your search engine ranking, article marketing is highly recommended. This is one of the most reliable and cost-effective marketing methods that is being used by most successful webmasters.

Here are the 5 huge methods to multiply your article marketing:

1. Write more. To get the exposure you need, increase the number of articles you write everyday. Remember, the quantity of your articles determines the number of links you will get from publishing sites.

2. Write quality articles. To effectively convince your readers that you are actually very good at what you do, make sure that your articles reflect your expertise. So before you submit, ensure that your articles are well-written, useful, and easy to understand, packed with valuable information, and free from any error.

3. Be patient. Do not expect to get instant traffic after 20-30 submissions, as article marketing doesn't work overnight. Instead, continuously write quality articles and submit them to reputable publishing sites. Experts agree that you need at least 250-300 submissions before you will see noticeable increase in your traffic.

4. Pick the best publishing sites. Make sure that the publishing sites where you submit your articles have high page ranking and have ample traffic. In addition, you have to ensure that they have quick review and posting time.

5. Monitor your clickthroughs. Identify the articles that are picking up online. Determine the reasons why they are being read by your target market. It could be that they have attention-grabbing titles, they offer the information that your readers need, they are easy to read and understand, etc. Take note of these qualities and apply them on your next articles to ensure your success in article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.