Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Understanding Off-Page SEO Factors

There are a number of factors that can improve your search engine rankings. These factors are grouped into two separate categories which are on-page factors and off-page factors.

Google is the top gun of all the search engines and they own close to 60%+ of the overall market share. If your looking to do SEO then you will want to optimize your website for Google, doing so will generally make sure you rank high in the other search engines such as Yahoo and MSN.

There is no doubt that Google pays more attention to off-page factors in it's algorithm when deciding on how well or poorly your site will rank in their results. This does not mean that it totally ignores on-page factors but just does not give them as much credit as the other search engines.

You may want to know what all the various off-page factors are but the fact is there are very few and the main and most important one is links.

If you are building links to your website and getting those inbound links from various different sources such as article marketing, blog commenting, directory submissions, forum signatures, web 2.0 sites and so forth then there will be a high chance your site will rank high. It is key to keep in mind however that links are only one part of the equation the other part is the keyword anchor text.

The importance of keyword anchor text is obvious as it is a way you can rank high for a certain term without even mentioning that term on your page.

It is a wise idea to have many different versions of the keyword that you want to rank for. This is key to keeping it natural and is what Google likes.

If you have a website on Internet marketing DVD's then you could vary the anchor text used in your linking campaigns to good Internet marketing DVDs, helpful Internet marketing DVDs, Internet marketing DVDs for beginners. You can see adding different variations in keeps it natural as those who are searching for a topic will use words such as good, helpful and so forth.

Never ignore on-page factors when doing SEO. The key to remember with on-page SEO is have your keyword in your meta title and meta description. If you want to focus on improving your rankings then off-page SEO is 80% more important than any of the other on-page factors that you can do.

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How To OutRank Your Competitor In Record Time

These steps will allow you to beat a competitor who is in the number one position in Google for a certain keyword. However you still need to find keywords that does not have too many competition if you do not have someone to help you doing optimization.

Step One

Type in the keyword you want to rank for the Google. Now copy the page that is number one. Not just the domain name but the full url of the page. Using the search engine Yahoo type in: link: pageurl

For example: link:

We want to know how many sites point to that particular page. We use Yahoo cause Google does not list all the pages.

Now the objective is to get more links than your competitor has. The results will show you all the sites and pages that link to your competitor.

Step Two

This will take some time if you do not use some software or hire someone to help you. What you need to do is visit each site in the search results and check out where the link to your competitor is located. You then need to take not of the anchor text they are using. You may want to use Microsoft Excel to put down this information.

Finally when you check all sites you will have a list of all the anchor texts your competitor is using. Your objective is to get links using the same anchor text your competitor used. You need also notice how many times they use a particular keyword in the anchor text so you do similar to what they do but slightly better.

Let's say for example they have thirty backlinks using the anchor text keyword one and twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two. Your objective is to get more than thirty backlinks with anchor text keyword one and more than twenty backlinks with anchor text keyword two.

You contact the same websites that link to your competitor and get links from those same sites.

Then use some other method to get links so you have more backlinks than your competitor. That is how you outrank your competitor. In the eyes of the search engines you will appear better if you have more links. The idea of using same anchor text and getting links from same sites that link to your competitors is for a reason.

The search engine loves those sort of links and anchor text cause they already ranked your competitor as the number one. So if you give the search engines what they like and more than that they put you first.

It is still recommended to get links steadily. Even though you know you have to contact say hundred link partners for a link, do not contact all of them same day. Get same number of links everyday, keeping it regularly. You do not want to give the impression to search engines that you are buying links.

The impression needs to be that you are getting links in a normal way. Therefore people are linking to your site cause they find it of great content or value to their visitors.

As you can see it is important to check out what your competitor does. You do the steps mentioned for each keyword you want to get number one position for. Your goal should be the number one so you analyze the competitor that is number one position.

Analyzing can be long but well worth it cause you have a faster chance to get ranked above your competitor. Nowadays it is very common that webmasters hire people to help them to in search engine optimization. You can hire someone to do the analyzation, link building or both. Outsourcing has become very efficient and effective nowadays so I suggest you take advantage of that.

Karl Sultana has more search engine optimization articles on OutRankSmart site. Check for more link building techniques.

Super Simple Ways To Optimize Your Site For Search Engines

While serious search engine optimization remains a difficult and often daunting task for your average website owner, there are many simple things you can do to optimize your site for the search engines. These simple tasks are relatively easy to perform and can be very beneficial to any search engine optimization campaign.

Page Titles

One of the most important aspects of on page optimization is to optimize all your page titles. Very few homemade websites and even those made by far more costly amateur and even professional web designers forget, or just don't know, that you should place your most important keyword phrase or two in your page title. If your #1 most important keyword is "orange cat figurines", then your page title should look something like this:

Company Name - Orange Cat Figurines

Simple as that! As long as you don't repeat one word more than several times in the title, you can place more than one phrase in the title, like this:

Company Name - Orange Cat Figurines, Feline Figurine Store

Notice we didn't repeat a single word more than once, fit in 2 important keyword phrases and also fit in the official company name? This is a good title. You can also move the company name to the end of the title to place greater importance on your phrases, like this:

Orange Cat Figurines and Feline Figurines at Company Name

All three formats make good page titles for just about any website.

Body Text

Next, we have the body text of the site. So often, you see sites that have very little or no text on their sites at all. Your main page especially, needs to have some good descriptive text that incorporates the purpose of the website and your most important keyword phrases. Flash sites, sites with splash or entrance pages and sites that are graphics heavy, too often miss this important step.

Your text should read naturally and explain what your site offers and can even include a summary of your products, services, direct links to important pages on the site and contact information.

Page File Names

The file names of each page of your site are also important and can be optimized. Here are some examples of appropriate optimization of page file names:


It's quite simple, name the pages that you have these products on with the most important keyword phrase for those products. Avoid using too many words here, just 1 short keyword phrase works best. There's still an argument as to whether the hyphenated version or the non hyphenated version is best. You can also use underscores as well. If your site is already built, you may not be able to change the filenames easily, but if you add additional pages, you can certainly use optimized file names like above.

Heading Tag

This is the very simple H1 tag that makes the text look very large on the page. When the heading tag is used in a page, the search engines tend to think that the phrase contained inside it is very important. The heading tag should be used at the top of a page to highlight one important keyword phrase that is describing the content of the page.

Alternate Image Text

While some search engines don't bother to read this text, some major ones still do. You can optimize the alternate image text to describe an image, but don't stuff it with keywords. Here are some examples of good alternate image text that incorporates keywords:

Orange Cat Figurine (to describe an orange cat figurine) Cat Store Logo (for the logo) Cat Figurine Catalog (for button linking to the main catalog page showing cat figurines)

The alternate text names of each image will also show up when you hover your mouse over an image or for people who are on low speed connections and whose images don't load or take a long time to load.

There you are, 5 very simple and easy ways to optimize your site for search engines.

Lydia Quinn writes for SearchTheWebLive!, an up and coming search engine portal. Visit us at:

6 No Fail Strategies for Improving the SEO of Your Website

Is your website stuck at the bottom of the search engines? Are you needing more search engine traffic and seeking to improve your search engine rankings? Here are 6 no fail strategies for improving your search engine optimization and therefore your rankings.

1. Start writing articles. Even if you hate to write, these really are a must if you are going to improve your rankings. Writing even just a few articles and posting them in some article directories with your URL at the bottom as a part of a bio box will do wonders for your website.

2. Take a close look at your meta tags. This includes your title and head tags. If you need help figuring out what to include take a look at the meta tags for some other websites which have higher rankings for your desired keywords.

3. Take a close look at how the keywords in your meta tags stack up against the keywords inside your site. This is very important. Your meta tag keywords need to also be present in the content of your site. It is also important to create links within your site using your keywords. Putting some of your keywords in bold can also help.

4. Make sure your site has real content. This includes articles, links to other sites, links to other pages within your site and real useful information, not just ads or promotional material.

5. Start a blog. You can either create a traditional one using a program such as blogger or wordpress or create a lens or many lenses at The search engines love these and as long as you make sure to include a link to your site on these, your SEO will improve. You also need to make sure that you keep these updated on a regular basis.

6. Be patient. I know it's easy to get impatient, but attaining a high ranking website takes time and no amount of money or work will make the process any quicker.

AnnaLaura Brown is a successful home business owner who markets herself and her business on the internet. Subscribe to her free internet marketing E-course at She can also be contacted via her website

Can You Promote Your Site By Submitting Articles?

One of the biggest challenge for a webmaster is probably the promotion of websites. In fact, one of the proved ways of doing that is article marketing. You will write articles on the products you are promoting.

When you are preparing the articles, you may have questions on how you should write them. In fact, you would have numerous choices regarding the styles and contents of them. However, most webmasters will write informative articles, or articles which are useful to the readers. You will need to submit the articles to various article directory after you have written them. You will need to apply for an account in each article directory and submit to them manually.

Alternatively, you can also use the distribution services to distribute your articles. The number one advantage of using such services is that you can distribute your articles without spending a lot of time. There are also submission software you can use. The basic idea of this kind of software is to semi-automate the submission process. It will help you to login to the directories automatically and you can save some time on the submission.

Of course, you will not need to spend any money if you submit the articles manually. However, you may probably be able to sense that it will take you some time to do so. Are you prepared to spend 6 hours a day to submit articles? If not, you may probably want to go for the submission software or distribution services. You will need to pay for a monthly fee in this case. You are in fact buying the time in this case.

So, how can the articles help to promote your site? First of all, since you will put some links in the articles and the links will lead to your website. When a reader feels interested in the subject or topic you are writing about, they may probably follow the links and visit your website. Thus you will get some traffic from the articles.

Secondly, you will have a chance to build up your image as an expert in your industry. You will probably write about the latest trend and news in your industry. When you write a lot about that, the readers will have the impression that you are an expert in the field. They will trust what you say and this will make you sell the products a lot easier.

John Lung is an affiliate Marketing Coach. You can learn more about Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing from his website. He also runs a Online Money Making and SEO Blog. Be sure to check Website Data Analysis Tools.

Link Building Do's and Dont's

Link building is a technique that most webmasters find hard to execute. Years ago it was simple enough, choose your key word for your anchor text and use it for all incoming links. Now, that just doesnt have the importance it once did and most sites are trying to rank well for more than just one keyword.

First, what is an anchor text? Quite simply it is the text used in your incoming links. So if someone linked to your site using Big Widgets, Big Widgets is the anchor text. Now the keywords you use as anchor text contributes to the importance of the page it links too and the search engines will give that page a small boost in the rankings when someone searches for that term. Hopefully, you can see the extreme importance to picking the right anchor text. This is meant to work in conjunction with all the other optimization you do for your site and is an important cog in the wheel of your SEO strategy but not the whole wheel itself.

Here are a few dos and donts on link building especially if you are new to link building and hopefully a few reminders for those that have been doing it a while.

- Do link with sites that may be of interest to your visitors. Often referred to as relevant links, these links are deemed more worthwhile to have than just any link. For example if your site is about cars, a link from a site that sells real estate will do you no good compared to a link from a site that sells car parts.

- Do link with sites that have a clearly labeled link page from their main page. Hidden or hard to find link pages do not help you build traffic. Of course getting a link directly on the home page would be best but if you can not, at least make sure there is a chance someone may find it.

- Do stay organized. Use a spreadsheet, notebook or link exchange software to help you keep track of the link exchanges you have requested and the contact details of the webmasters. This will help you save time by not trying to contact someone who just denied you a link and help you do follow up with those that need to be.

- Don't confuse quantity with quality. Trust me; the search engine will never confuse them. Good, relevant quality links will win over time. Dont believe me, check out a popular search term and see how many back links the sites in the top position have. You may be surprised to find that must have less than 500.

- Don't assume everybody will link with you. Sometimes it may be hard to understand but some sites will not be interested no matter how good the offer to trade links with you. Dont get discouraged, move to the next site and then the next until you find a site that will, then do it again.

- Don't use link farms. Link farms are pages we have all seen that have little or no real content and are just covered with link after link. You are unlikely to get extra traffic from them and it may cost you in terms of a search engine penalty.

Link building is imperative to having a good search engine ranking and a good link building strategy is one that is straight forward and never ends. Dont try short cuts and be very particular whom you link too. It could mean lots of money and ranking if you build links the right way.

Steve Vaughan has been a webmaster since 2002 and has several sites ranking high in search engines. Check his latest SEO blog at Search Engine Optimization

How to Use a Resource Box in Article Marketing

If you know how to use a resource box in article marketing, you have the secret of how to drive traffic to your website. Although article submissions can provide you with one way links back to your website from the directories that accept them, they will not immediately work to provide you with traffic.

The immediate benefit of article marketing is to provide you with visitors to your site, and if you know how to use your resource box properly, then they will visit the page on your site that will be most productive for you. That might not necessarily be your home page. However, what exactly is a resource box, and how do you use one?

Most, but not all, article directories provide you with boxes into which you can enter the various elements of your article. Practically all offer a single line box into which you enter the title of your article that should include the keyword that defines its subject. Always make sure that you understand how to use keywords in your articles. Without the proper use of keywords, your articles will have little chance of appearing in search engine indices and providing you with the traffic that you are capable of getting.

This starts with the title box, where you enter the title of your article, containing the main keyword for your article. The second box that a directory provides is the article body box, where you enter the article itself. Some also provide a box for a brief description, or summary, of the article, and another for a keyword list in which you should enter four or five keywords that appear in the article. If the keyword does not appear in the article body, then there is no point in listing it in the keyword box.

Finally, most also allow an 'author's resource box'. This is where you should say something about yourself, and provide a link to your website. If it is not offered as a separate box, then you are generally permitted to add the information after the body of the article. This box should never be used as a direct advertisement for your product or for your website, so you should not write, for example "Buy my ebook about basket weaving - it is the best on the net!"

You can however, after an article on basket weaving, write "Get more information on the marvellous art of basket weaving on my website xxxxxxxx." That is perfectly OK.

However, far better is to write something along the lines of "Mark's love for basket weaving is exemplified by the energy he puts into his website and his energetic training of newcomers to the craft. For more expert information on basket weaving, visit his web page xxxx. Mark is very busy, but can be contacted on his website yyyy".

You provide a webpage on xxxx and your home site on yyyy if you are allowed two links, otherwise stick to the links to the page that deals with the topic of the article.

If you are allowed to use anchor text, then use that rather than provide just a URL. Anchor text is where you use a text link to your site, but not just a "CLICK HERE" link, but a "BASKET WEAVING" link, that has been linked to your 'basket weaving' web page by a HTML tag. The search engine spiders then associate your link, and hence web page, with the topic of 'basket weaving', and so give relevance to the page.

Whatever the subject of your article, whether it be basket weaving or how to catch a giant squid, the page that your link sends your reader to must be relevant to the subject of the article. If your article is on the difficulties that giant squid fishermen face in the course of their jobs, don't send readers to a page on catching shrimp. Not only are they different sizes, but people interested in the architeuthis do not want to be sent to a page on shrimp!

If they are, you will lose potential customers. Another point that you have to consider is that once you lead readers to the website page of your choice, you have to either get a sale first visit, or make them visit again. What is the chance of them making a first time purchase? Actually, it is a lot smaller than you think, no matter how persuasive you believe yourself to be. Studies have shown that it takes an averge seven or eight exposures to a product before people buy. Hence the repetitiveness of TV advert campaigns.

It might be better to lead them first to a 'squeeze page', designed to get their first name and email address in return for something of benefit to them. In fact that might be an even better marketing move than immediately leading them to a sales page and asking for money. Why not give them something free on their first visit, in return for an email address so that you can send them their free gift? Your visitors might appreciate a free gift related to their interest rather than a sales pitch. You can give them the sales pitch during subsequent emailings once you have their email addresses. You could never do that if you didn't have their address.

Another benefit of that is that you can also make special offers on other products as they come along. You should do all that you can to keep in contact with everybody that visits your website, and that is how to use your resource box in article marketing: to make sure that you can keep in contact with any readers of your article that are interested enough in the subject to click on your links for more information.

How to Use a Resource Box in Article Marketing was originally published at

Could Some Types Of Links Be Damaging Your Website?

Usually when you set up a website you want the best possible linking for it. Normally you don't have the luxury of being able to experiment, to compare what would happen if you tried something different. If you do try something different how can you see what the changes will be and are you willing to risk reducing its popularity?

For this reason I set up a some test blogs a couple of months ago. I was looking to see if the target="_blank" tag within the link had any effect. So for the first blog I linked to it from a few sites without the target command. For the second I used the target command and linked to it from exactly the same pages.

Then I started posting. For the first couple of weeks I thought that there weren't any differences. Maybe even at times the second site showed some advantages. I almost gave up and was about to use the blogs to test for something else. But after about a month there were big differences.

The first site is cached weekly. The second has less posts cached and only a few of the posts are cahced in any one week - some haven't been cached for 4 weeks or more.

So if the second blog isn't been cached as often, and apparently just because the link includes target="_blank", what does this mean?

For a start, it means that search engines aren't picking up changes as well. They therefore are showing less interest in the site. Less interest means less popularity. Just because of a small piece of code, a piece of code that seems completely harmless, Google would appear to be far less interested in the site than in a very similar site in which the link would open in the main window.

So does this affect you? Take a look at how many of your recent link exchanges use this 'harmless' piece of code. I would expect that most of your links out do.

To be honest, why do we open links in a new window? If someone is browsing our link exchanges and wants to visit a site they can easily decide to open the link in a new window. It's a sign of a lack of faith in the site we are linking to. And maybe this is something the search engines have picked up on.

So let's stop including target="_blank" when it's not needed. It could help improve our search engine rankings. My sites certainly seems to be more popular when links in don't include it.

Keith Lunt runs several successful internet marketing sites. You can contact him through or read his daily blog to follow the latest experiments.

Top Ten SEO Tips

There's one thing that every online business owner has in common: Every entrepreneur wants his or her Web site to rank high in the search engines, particularly Google and Yahoo, arguably the top search engines today. Getting indexed high in the search engines is certainly possible, if you know what you are doing and are willing to put in the time and effort that it takes to build a high ranking Web site.

Search Engine Optimization is perhaps the most important factor in ensuring your Web site is ranked high. Because SEO is so important, you should follow some common and effective tips, such as:

Understand SEO. Before you start trying to optimize your Web and other content for the search engines, ensure you have a solid understanding of SEO. You can learn about the intricacies of SEO by doing online research or even by finding internet marketing or SEO forums and discussion boards where entrepreneurs of all levels often discuss SEO strategies.

Engage in keyword research. Keywords are essential when it comes to the search engines. Make use of the keyword tools available to you - including Word Tracker and Overture - to choose the best keywords for your content.

Don't go overboard with keywords and keyword phrases. If you've ever conducted research online, you likely have come across Web sites and articles that are filled with keywords and keyword phrases - and not much else. Experts recommend having a keyword density of only one to three percent. If you saturate your content with keywords and keyword phrases, ultimately you're going to hurt yourself when it comes to search engine rankings.

Compelling copy sells. People want to read information packed articles, so make sure your content is always valuable, in some way, to your readers. Additionally, make it easy and enjoyable for readers to read your content by writing naturally.

Build links to your Web site. Links - both inbound and outbound - are vitally important to your SEO efforts, so set aside time to build your links by posting comments on related blogs and adding your URL to the comment; by exchanging links with other Webmasters in your niche, and by including your URL in all of the content you submit to article directories.

Create a plethora of content. Don't just write content for your Web site; also create content for article directories, blogs, and Squidoo lenses.

Spice it up. The search engines, particularly Google, do not want to see the same content posted all over the internet, so do your best to avoid using duplicate content. So, if you post an article on your Web site then submit it to article directories, make sure you change the original article by at least 30 percent (some say you should change each article as much as 70 percent) before submitting it to the article directories.

Ensure your keyword or keywords are included in your domain name. Choose an available domain name that includes your main keyword or keywords.

Create a reputation as an expert. The search engines love experts, so it's essential that you establish a reputation as an expert in your particular niche. Establishing expert status is as easy as publishing valuable content and joining in discussions on online forums and adding value to the conversations, for example.

Make the most of SEO tools. There are plenty of SEO tools available to entrepreneurs, and you may want to try some of them. Among the many SEO tools on the market are the Similar Page Checker, Search Engine Spider Simulator, Backlink Summary, and Keyword Density Checker.

About the Author:
Tim Godfrey is the founder of the exclusive internet marketing tips resource, To learn more ways to quickly achieve top ten Google rankings grab our free 5 day SEO masters course

A Simple 4 Step Approach To Have Google Crawl Your Site Today Guaranteed!

Extra, Extra Google Now Gives you feedback. By Creating a Google Sitemap using free online tools you can get Google to crawl your site within 24 Hours. As an Added bonus after Google Crawls your site they give you feedback about any problems they encountered. To take advantage of this amazing service from yahoo just follow these 4 simple steps.

Step 1 Get a Google Site Map Account

In order to create a Google Sitemap account just cut and paste the below URL in your browser and follow the simple directions

Step 2 Create Your Site map

You can create your Sitemap either as an XML file or a TXT file. XML is the PPreferred method since you can give Google more information about your Web Site. You do not need to know XML to create a Google Sitemap. Not with this free web based tool. Simply go to the below web site type in your domain and it will automatically spider your site and create a Google Site Map for you.

If You prefer to use a text file simply following the below direction taken directly from the Google Help File (

Google accepts simple text files that list URLs. As the text files contain only a list of URLs, Google prefers that you use the Sitemap protocol so you can provide additional information about your URLs. The text file must follow these guidelines:

  • The text file must have one URL per line. The URLs cannot contain embedded new lines.

  • You must fully specify URLs as Google attempts to crawl them exactly as provided.

  • Each text file can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs. If you site includes more than 50,000 URLs, you can separate the list into multiple text files and submit each one separately.

  • The text file must use UTF-8 encoding. You can specify this when you save the file (for instance, in Notepad, this is listed in the Encoding menu of the Save As dialog box).

  • The text file should contain no information other than the list of URLs.

  • The text file should contain no header or footer information.

  • You can name the text file anything you wish. Google recommends giving the file a .text extension to identify it as a text file (for instance, sitemap.txt).

  • You should upload the text file to the highest-level directory you want search engines to crawl and make sure that you don't list URLs in the text file that are located in a higher-level directory.

    Step 3 Upload your Site Map File To Your Web Page

    Once you have created an XML or TXT Sitemap using the instructions in Step 2 you would just upload it to your web page either by FTP or by using the Cpanel from your Web Host.

    Step 4 Tell Google

    The last step in this process is to tell Google about your Sitemap. You simply Log In to your Google site map account and add the URL of you Site Map. Be sure and check back a few hours later to make sure it uploaded correctly.

    Now be sure and repeat the above 4 Steps whenever you change your website

    Bonus Step 5

    After Google has read your Sitemap and crawled your site (usually 12-24 Hours) you will see a verify link next to your Sitemap name. Click the link and Google will instruct you to create a blank file and place it on your Web Page, Once you have done that Google will tell you any problems it encountered crawling your Page

    About The Author:
    Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

    Get Mike's Newsletter:

    More Articles by Mike:

    Permission Based E_Mail Marketing Methods

    Copyright 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

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    There are so many big claims in Google Payload, such as earning almost $9000 a day, but these claims should make you feel interested, because even if you are not satisfied full refund is guaranteed. Google Payload is Alex Goad's product, which looks really promising, and make you think that you are going to be a millionaire if you get those secrets. Forget about making millions for now, those are the long-term goals, but if you follow easy and clear methods mentioned in the ebook you can double your online income.

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    Below is the ebook's content:

    Table of Contents:

    * Introduction

    * Chapter-1: Buying Traffic

    * chapter-2: Finding a niche to exploit

    * Chapter-3: Constructing arbitrage page

    * Chapter-4: Bringing it all together

    * Conclusion

    Chapter-1: This chapter is about traffic. How important it is, where to buy big amounts of traffic for cheap prices.

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    Chapter-3: This is the bonus part, where you will find 8 free templates which come with Google Payload package. Use them to design your landing pages.

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    5 Killer Tips How To Optimize Your Home Internet Business Ideas - Site For Both Google And Yahoo

    Despite of the fact that Google gets maybe 60 % of all searches, the challenge is: how to rank better with the same keyword at Yahoo, i.e. to kill two flies with one hit? Or is it possible?

    The reason, why the results are different is, that these two engines, which gets around 70 % of all searches, follow their own rules, algorithms, when they put the sites in a certain order and when they will decide how many pages they will display on the search result pages.

    Okay, I asked: what are the rules to get my keyword, home internet business ideas, to the third place at Yahoo too?

    1. Google And Yahoo Think Differently?

    This is natural, because they are competing services. We can think that they in a way complete each other by offering their own answers to the searches.

    Google owns a PageRank - system patent, so other engines cannot use it and that is why they have developed their own algorithms. Generally speaking Google puts more emphasis on the quality backlinks especially from other related and high Google PR web sites. The more backlinks your site has, the better placement it will get for that particular keyword, in my case: home internet business ideas.

    On the other hand Yahoo evaluates the url, meta tags and the keyword density as important optimization factors. Well, what a difference in algorithms: Google appreciates the web site popularity or connections with other related sites (off-page factors ) and Yahoo on-page factors. But if we want a high ranking in both engines, it is very easy.

    2. The Url Must Include A Keyword.

    To say it clearly, I will not change my url, because it works so well as a home internet business ideas brand. And it is pretty known on the market.

    But the experts recommend that the url should include the related and generic keyword. Both engines see the keyword in the url to be important and Yahoo even as one of its main optimization factors.

    The keyword rich url is important because some web sites put the domain as a backlink, so the keyword rich domain works as an anchor text, which is important especially for Google.

    3. Put Keywords Into The Meta Tags And Into The Copy.

    The meta tags are important in search engine optimization ( SEO ), despite of the fact that their importance is decreasing, but especially Yahoo appreciates them. Insert the keywords into the title, description, keyword tags and all over the copy.

    4. The Keyword Density.

    Every single home internet business marketer has a different opinion about the keyword density but I learnt from the experts, that the right density should be as high as 8 % but not over. The high density is important for Yahoo especially.

    5. Use Sitemap On Your Home Page.

    The sitemap is important for the search engine spiders, because it makes it easy to access all the important pages on your site. But it also serves the visitors, because now they see from one list if the site has topics which interest them.

    Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Conquer Both Google And Yahoo! I Invite You For A Short Visit To My Home Internet Business Ideas Web Site To Find More About The Topic.

    SEO: The Power of the Inbound Link

    Link building can be a difficult part of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. It may even be harder trying to maintain a list of those who are linking to your site.

    Did you know that search engines have made this a bit easier for online business to monitor? While the procedure for each search engine may be slightly different you can learn about many of the most successful inbound links you have to your website.

    For the purpose of this article I will use the Google search engine. In order to check for inbound links I will use one of my websites I begin by typing the word link in the search window of the search engine followed by the website name. In the end it looks like this: link: for your website it would look like link:

    In this search there were over 10,000 inbound links on the web. This tells me the site is doing well and it helps me see which sites that feature the link are the highest ranking. If you visit other search engines you can learn how to access information about site rankings by visiting a section typically called Advance Search Options.

    The affects of inbounds links shouldnt be minimized and the use of a free article directory can help spread the word about your site through inbound links. A diverse selection of expert articles is very helpful in improving SEO strategies.

    Certainly there are a variety of SEO strategies to consider, but inbound links may provide a significant number of impressions and an improved number of site visitations, which can dramatically improve conversion rate with potential customers.

    A great number of links to your website is often viewed by search engines as a means of gauging improved trust. Improved trust in your website will improve your site rankings.

    When you have significant inbound links it means that search engine spiders comb through your site more often gaining new and valuable information that can help your overall site ranking.

    Beyond free article directories a website owner might simply request affiliated websites to include a link to his/her website as a courtesy. This is not an uncommon practice and provides greater visibility for your website.

    The use of a forum or blog can also provide positive inbound links for your website. This is accomplished by either posting information that may benefit readers followed by a link to a section of your website that deals with the issue or by simply placing a link in the signature box on your forum post.

    Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

    Make A Website in minutes with HighPowerSites or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.

    Start your own ebook business and Resell Ebooks with BooksWealth.

    Are You Using This Great Way To Get Your Business Noticed Online?

    It has been said that the pen is mightier then the sword. If that is the case then why are you not using what could be the most powerful item to get noticed online?

    When we started our website, we were not much different than anyone else out there. Our website went live and we worked to get all of our customers. One way we did this was work with other web sites that were similar in nature to ours and agreed to write articles for them.

    These articles we wrote helped us build our customer base online and gave us the ability to get our expertise out there in written word on the world wide web.

    Are you an expert in something? What does your company specialize in? Answer those two questions and start writing about them. To get noticed online give people what they want to read, information, and web site partners what they crave, content.

    You should write about one article per week. If you have the time to write more that`s great, but once a week will do. Create partnerships with other websites that could use your content. For example, my friend runs a rental property repair business. He writes about an article a week on how to handle the small repairs, and other things of that nature. His content can be found on real estate investors, investment clubs, and landlord web sites and so on.

    You get the point. After he writes his articles he then emails them to his contact and they do the rest. They post it on their website; even email it to their members in their newsletters.

    Your article should be 500 to 100 words in length. Any shorter and it won`t be taken serious, any longer and no one will read it because it will be too long and take up too much space on your partner`s web site.

    Your article should be informational. In other words it shouldn't be 500 words on why they should use your service or buy your product, but 500 words on what you are an expert at with some statistics if possible.

    Finally, after the article is complete add an "About the Author" section where you tell people who you are and how they can get in touch with you. You can see an example of this in our own article here.

    Articles published on the correct web sites will greatly improve your popularity online for your business and web site. The best part it only costs you some time.

    By: Bruce A. Tucker

    About the Author:
    Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world.

    To download Indocquent's FREE social network bookmarking tool visit will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when you register.

    Article Submission Services and What it's All About

    Article submission services are a great way to provide adequate exposure to your articles. These types of services provide proper and effective placement of your article in numerous sites that will cause quality back links. This process will then generate multiple indirect advertising of your products and services.

    The concept of article submission services is to direct as many back links as possible to your website. How does it work? Simply submit your articles online to a credible site that provide services for article submission. Choose the one that will place your article in as much as 100 directories or more. Adequate placement and exposure is the key.

    There are some sites that provide article submission services that also have highly credible writers that can write the articles for you. Or, you can just submit to them your ready-made article and they will take care of the placement, like submission of your article to multiple directories and various article submission groups. This is usually the standard service provided.

    Article submission services are highly useful tools to promote your products and services. They are geared towards building the credibility of your site, particularly the products or services that are featured. These services promote and expose your site by creating multiple, high quality and first class back links. Certain sites that offer such services offer far greater deals than the others. It is always best to do your research and review the quality and amount of services that will be covered.

    Fees apply for article submission services. That is why in order to make sure that you are getting good value of your money, choose the best site that meets your needs and standards. There are some sites that offer submissions directed to web sites that are highly specific to your topic. This is an example of a good deal of value-added service.

    Article submission is considered powerful when it comes to gaining incoming links to your site. Ideally, these incoming links should be of high quality and should also be one-way. This type of service has become a standard in terms of optimization strategies of search engines of numerous websites.

    If you do not have your own article yet, most sites or groups that offer article submission services also have article writing services. So over-all, they will not only take care of the distribution of your article, they will also be writing an appropriate article for you. These articles will be published in various publishing resources that will allow distribution along with the imbedded links to your website. These make article submission services a useful tool for your website and business development.

    Find out which are the top article submission services used by expert marketers at my blog.

    Read honest and detailed reviews of article submission service Also, find out how article submission software can work for you.

    Article Marketing And List Building - How to Combine Them

    Article Marketing And List Building How to Combine Them

    Two of the most effective methods of building an online business are article marketing and list building.

    Use article marketing to drive traffic, and use list building to leverage your traffic for as long as you have a list.

    It really is that simple.

    You simply write articles, submit them to the various online article directories, then send the traffic from the articles to your squeeze page (you list building page).

    The article writing and submission (article marketing) creates the first effort traffic.

    Then the list building creates second effort traffic.

    Second effort traffic? Yes, I said that correctly. Second effort traffic. This is all the backend traffic that you get when you send emails out to the original visitors who came to your web site via the article marketing.

    This allows you to leverage your traffic in extremely powerful ways.

    You see, the article marketing creates the first visitor.

    Then that visitor opts into your email list.

    Then you send that visitor a series of emails that endears that subscriber to you you build a relationship with that visitor.

    Then you send that visitor to your web site againand againand againleveraging your traffic to create many times the amount of traffic your visitor would have created the first time they went to your web site.

    This is the power of article marketing and list building. Used together, they can really create a lot of traffic the article marketing first, to the squeeze page, and the list building traffic, to your sales pages.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

    Fast Article Marketing - Latest 5 Intriguing Steps to Multiply Your Article Marketing

    Distributing your articles online is one of the best steps you can take to drive warm and targeted traffic to your website. When you are able to produce numerous content that matches online searches, search engines will drive interested traffic to your site that can lead to increased page views and higher page engine ranking.

    1. Write and submit quality articles. When you are able to produce articles that are content-rich, useful, informative, and well-written, they are most likely to be read, picked up, and widely distributed by other publishers. This can result to more quality inbound links for your website that can help you secure better page ranking and increased sales potential.

    2. Keep SEO in mind. While providing your readers with valuable content, it is also important to consider search engines when writing your articles. Learn how to use and position your keywords and key phrases on your content and follow appropriate keyword density so your articles will be properly indexed.

    3. Consider the rules of publishing sites. Read and understand the terms of service of each article submission sites even before you start writing. By doing so, you can write your articles in such a way that they will meet the standards set by various publishers.

    4. Drive online users to appropriate website. Depending on your call to action, you can insert your opt-in form link, website's URL, or product page's URL on your resource box.

    5. Write in a conversational tone. Make your articles interesting to read by making them sound like you are just talking to a friend. Avoid sounding to stiff or too formal especially if your target market is hip and upbeat.

    Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

    Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

    Bleeding Edge Artice Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Turbocharge Your List Building

    There are many different ways that you can use to build your article marketing business. However, I have found that the most important is to use it to build a list of highly targeted prospects. This will be your license to print money.

    It is a known fact that very few people will buy from a sales page the very first time that they see it. If you are purchasing domain names and using these to redirect to your affiliate programs that you promote you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

    Most people need to see the offer at least seven times by email before they will purchase. You may get the few that will buy immediately, but over 60 percent of people will buy after the seventh contact. So think of it this way if you are not building a list then you are losing over 60 percent of sales. Also you will not be building your own business. Every time I want to make money I send an email to my list.

    I am sure that by now I must have made it clear to you that the main goal of your article marketing will be to build a list. This is the most reliable form of traffic generation and the leads convert up to 10 times better than other traffic sources. So if you can't get this to work it will be very unlikely that you will get another traffic source to work.

    The way you do this is you write articles and submit them to all the major article directories. Include a link to your squeeze page in your bio.

    Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

    Here's the answer:

    Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

    Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

    How To Promote With Article Marketing

    Getting traffic to your website or blog is the only way to make it pay, but not everyone who launches a website or blog has the money to spend on promotion. Good news. There's a promotional method that really works for attracting site or blog traffic and it's free, free, free. It's called article marketing and it is a sure way of raising a site's profile.

    Step 1: Find An Article Directory

    To get started, find a suitable article directory. Article directories are sites that have hundreds and thousands of articles and there are new ones emerging every day. Some are all-purpose, covering everything from family issues to healthcare, while others have a niche, such as computer advice or art. All of them are hungry for content.

    With so many to pick from, choosing an article directory can be a minefield. To make it easier, look at the directory to see:

    • how many authors there are - if only a handful, forget it and move on.
    • how many articles there are - ditto; come back when they've got some content
    • can the site be found on Google, Yahoo or MSN - if you can't find many links to the site, then no-one will find your articles either.
    One of the best and most effective article directories I have used is EzineArticles is easy to use and articles published on the site appear in the search engines very quickly.

    Step 2: Start Writing

    Once you've decided on the right article directory or directories, write an article. Bloggers will find that blog posts are a good starting point for a web article. If you're not a writer, there are plenty of writers who will whip up an article for a few dollars. Some will even help you get it published. The article you write or commission can be about almost anything related to the site, blog or business you are promoting. The ideal article should be short (say 300-600 words) and error-free, so remember to proofread and spell check.

    Many article directories vet articles before publishing. Stick to the guidelines that are published on every site and approval should be a formality. Most article directories prohibit self-promotion in the body of the article. Direct promotion of a site, blog or business is reserved for the resource box.

    Step 3: Work That Resource Box

    The resource box is where article writers can put all the self-promotional information. Readers who have found the article useful are likely to click on the links to see what else a site, blog or business has to offer. Article directories typically allow up to three links in the resource box. A good resource box has the name of the writer or the person being promoted, the name of the business and the keywords that the site or business owner would like to promote. See the resource box at the end of this article for an example. Other resource boxes may link to a sales letter page (with the product name highlighted) and include a short elevator pitch and call to action.

    Step 4: Submit Like Crazy

    Once the article has been submitted to the directories the site owner has chosen, it's time to move the strategy to the next level. Article submission services extend the potential reach of an article, giving another opportunity to boost traffic. Like many article directories, article submission services allow people to upload articles for approval. Once the articles are approved, these services send them out to article directories, article groups, ezine publishers and website owners to be considered for publication. Two options for article submission are Article Marketer, which has free and paid options and Isnare, which is a paid service. There are also free and commercial programs to automate article submission.

    Pros And Cons Of Article Marketing

    The big question, of course, is whether submitting articles to hundreds of directories counts as duplicate content. It's hard to tell. Some of them end up in the sandbox after a while; others don't. Staggering submissions is a good way to avoid this. However, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the potential disadvantages. With article marketing, sites can receive hundreds of inbound links in only a few days or weeks and thousands of people will be visiting the site that's being promoted. That can't be bad, can it?

    Sharon Hurley Hall is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor, who has seen article marketing work for her. Sharon is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and editor who writes on freelance writing skills and writer promotion for For more information or to contact Sharon, visit

    Article Marketing - Why Articles are Your Most Valuable Promotional Tool

    On the Web, links are currency. The more links you have to your site, the more traffic you will get. Article marketing gives you a time-tested way to develop good links, and to increase the traffic to your site.

    Article marketing has other benefits too: it reveals your expertise in your area, and over time, brands you as an authority. This builds the credibility of your site and your offerings.

    So you can use article marketing in two ways: to develop links to your site, and to increase your credibility online.

    But first, let's establish what "article marketing" is. Article marketing is essentially a form of advertising - a site owner writes short articles related to their business as a form of promotion.

    Links are vital online, and article marketing helps you to get links

    Let's say you and your competitor have two similar sites, with roughly the same number of pages, and good content throughout each of your sites. However, your competitor always shows up in the first ten results on the Search Engine Results pages (SERPs) for your primary keywords.

    What's happening here?

    Invariably, your competitor's site has more backlinks - more links which point to his site. The search engines, especially Google, take the number of backlinks into account when deciding which site has more authority, and the most authoritative sites are always returned first in the search engines' query results.

    Is your site credible?

    When someone finds your site, at the back of his mind is a single question: "How credible is this site?"

    Credibility and trust are vital issues online, especially if you're selling from your site. Your site's visitors must know that they can trust you.

    Article marketing helps to establish trust. Write articles in your field, promote the articles on article directories, and you will become an authority in your field, if those articles are useful.

    So if you're considering article marketing as a form of promotion, don't hesitate. It gives you a lot of bang for a small amount of time invested.

    When you consider that your articles will work for you year after year, and compare this with the ephemeral nature of advertising, article marketing is a great investment of your time and energy.

    Want to build a well-paid writing career? You can, with Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

    For more writing tips, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report". It's 21 pages packed with information to help you to develop a six-figure writing career, and it's completely free. Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Blog at brings you fresh writing tips several times a week.

    Does Generating Sales As An Affiliate Work With Article Marketing?

    Let me ask you a very important question. Would you like to become a super affiliate? You will have the knowledge to succeed after you read this article.

    To start off with you need to uncover a few excellent affiliate products that you can market to your opt in list. Only pick products that you yourself will purchase. Only choose products that you yourself will purchase.

    A lot of people suffer from writer's block when they start their bum marketing campaign. Start off writing one article a week and submitting to the major article directories. Then continually try and boost your momentum until you are writing five to ten articles a day. By then your creative juices will be flowing and you will find it much easier to write.

    The search engines can easily make sure of it if the article is relevant to the keywords by the words that are being used. So also include your keywords in the title based on the keyword research that you have done using keywords that have traffic with very little competition. Include your squeeze page in your bio and capture the name and email address of your visitor. This allows you to market over and over again to your lead instead of praying that the affiliate sales page will be good enough to convert the lead into a buyer and get a one time affiliate commission. You can test different squeeze pages to make sure of the best converting ones.

    This process of using a powerful autoresponder follow up system will assist to convert a lead into a paid buyer. Mastering this part of your article writing is very important to actualize the results of affiliate marketing that you want.

    Once you master these basic skills and generate a exceptional autoresponder follow up system you will be well on your way to becoming a super affiliate.

    Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

    Here's the answer:

    Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

    Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

    Best Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Compelling Secrets to Amplify Your Article Marketing

    Article marketing is a free traffic-generating tool that is proven to augment your traffic and increase your pre-qualified leads by just writing and submitting quality articles online.

    Here are the 6 compelling secrets to amplify your article marketing:

    1. Find your niche and stick to it. Write about topics that you are knowledgeable about or an expert on. Remember, the goal in writing and submitting your articles online is to impart valuable knowledge. If you pick a niche that you are not even familiar with, chances are, you won't be a great source of information to your target market.

    2. Stay on top of the game by writing about new ideas. Avoid writing the same topics over and over again as this can annoy your readers. Get fresh ideas by subscribing to the RSS feeds of relevant websites, or by visiting forums and article submission sites.

    3. Eliminate blatant advertisements on your content. Remember, articles are not the best venue to pitch in your products. Instead, they should be designed to meet the needs of your potential clients for information.

    4. Proofread. If you want your target market to regard you as an expert on your field, you must avoid publishing articles that contain grammar, spelling, and factual errors.

    5. Take advantage of your resource box. This is the perfect avenue where you can pitch in your products and yourself as an expert on your niche. Keep it short, striking, and direct to the point.

    6. Publish your articles. Widely distribute your articles by submitting them on article submission sites and posting them on your website and blogs. You can also compile them to create an ebook which you can use as an effective viral marketing tool.

    To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.