Friday, May 16, 2008

Get Listed on Page One Using The Best Article Submission Sites

Article directories have recently become very popular. There are over 600 directories on the Internet and more are appearing every day. Unfortunately, the average life of a new directory site is about three months. Within six months, over 80% of them will close their doors. I suppose it is because they were not making as much money as they hoped. Or perhaps it is because these sites are fairly time intensive, requiring an editor to review each article before it is published. It is probably a combination of these two factors.

For that reason, it is important to submit your articles to the best article submission sites. These are the biggest directories that have been around the longest and have the highest Page Ranks. I have submitted a number of articles on this subject in the past. In this article, I want to talk about backlinks and getting your website listed on page one of the search engines.

Backlinks are very important if you want to improve your website's Page Rank. The Page Rank of your website is one factor that determines popularity of your site. The more popular your site, the higher it appears in search results. The most popular site will appear as the first listing on page one of a search. The second most popular site will get the second listing, and so on. Ideally, you want your website to appear on the first page of search results. This can bring you tons more traffic than if your site shows up on page 150 of search results. If your site appears on page 150, you will see little if any traffic from the search engines.

One way to improve your Page Rank is by getting links from larger Page Ranked sites that point back to your website. An easy way to accomplish this is by submitting articles. Each time you submit an article, the article directory will post your links on their site.

But, it does you little or no good to list your articles with directories that have low Page Rank numbers. That is why it is important to submit to only the best article submission sites. I classify the best submission sites as directories with a Page Rank of 4 or higher. (The Page Rank of the article directory must be higher than the Page Rank of your own site.)

By consistently submitting articles to The Best Article Submission Sites, you will see the Page Rank numbers of your site slowly improve. And, as your Page Rank improves, your site will creep up in search results and you will develop more search engine traffic.

Do you want to know how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide on submitting articles to promote your site and make money.

Make Money And Promote Your Site!

Make Money Every Day - It's easier than you think!


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