Friday, May 16, 2008

Submitting Articles for Internet Marketing

Why Submitting Articles is so Popular

Have you ever wondered why there are so many article directories online? How do they get so many good, helpful articles? I am going to share some information with you that is one of the best forms of marketing your ideas and products online. Submitting articles continues to be one of the most effective methods in bring attention to your concepts and the best part of it is, you submit articles free.

You can submit family law articles, father's day articles, leadership articles, business articles and health articles to article directories. The question you may have is WHY? Before I answer the "why" let me explain how. Submitting articles should always be for people to read and learn. The finest articles online are helpful and educational to readers. They do not engage in hardcore selling tactics. When you compose an article to submit to any reputable directory such as,, or, help your readers by sharing your genuine expertise. In the long run this strategy will pay off ten fold.

Now we have covered the how let's talk about why? Every article you write will have links back to your website. This allows readers to explore the subject further if they wish. Although link popularity seems to be a main motivational factor for submitting articles, there are many other benefits for aspiring writers. Here's a few...

Reasons for Submitting Articles?

  • Write a tutorial on your unique product or service
  • Generates new traffic to your web-site resulting in new leads
  • Flaunt your expertise in your field
  • Your site will naturally climb search engine placement with unique, non duplicated, interesting articles
  • Warms up clientele to your products and services
  • Cultivate new business partners
  • Build a repetitive flow of growing traffic to your web site.

Want a boat load of new visitors to your website? Create FREE sample offerings

Article marketing plays a big-time role in search engine marketing. When consumers do a business search for your product does your site show in the top ten? If you answered yes, congratulations. If you answered no, when is the last time you checked the ranking of your expert articles that you have submitted? You may be shocked to learn that your article submission is outranking your own website. Tie search engine article marketing into email marketing, investigate buying modes of people and you might just be pleasantly surprised with results. The results will be driven by your ability to create emotional content that leads your prospects through a smooth solution to their problem(s).

Emotional Writing

It is important that you write with emotion that relates to your readers. Let me help you understand my point. Emotional content writing requires research. It will take you a little longer to write an article that cries and laughs with your targeted readers but the ROI is well worth the extra time. Let's suppose that you want to write an article on buying a car. The model of the car is new, "The Frog BM 2000" (fictitious). Before writing this article, research what buyers and experts are saying. Go to a few forums that discuss your chosen topic and read what people are posting. Are they happy? Are they sad? Are they pi**ed off? If so why? Get a feel for the buyers that have taken delivery of their new "Frog BM 2000". Now that you can feel emotions from buyers you can write in their face. Relate to the problems you know they are experiencing. Warn new readers about these problems. Provide solutions for these problems. Do you see where I am going with this now? Once you master the art of emotional copy writing you are on a very intimate level indeed.

Don't Stop There!!

As a copywriter you can take it a step further and author your own e-book, then sell your book on eBay, ClickBank or through PPC search engine marketing. Find a business to business search engine like and purchase a directory listing for your novel or ebook. I have heard countless reports from good writers that swear by this.

Trying to get ranking on search engine result pages can be time consuming with no certainty. I recommend that you stop putting energy into deliberately gaming search engines and focus on marketing yourself to people through article submissions. Especially if you are submitting articles that are heavily duplicated. I recommend to STOP submitting the same article to multiple directories to avoid a potential duplication penalty. I personally find it best to focus content writing in areas that you are very knowledgeable in. Search engines will naturally pick up any expert article that people are flocking to...without any effort on your part AT ALL.

Directories, guides, on topic forums and blogging can bring more qualified traffic than any engine will ever bring. You may even find yourself in the position of getting a proposal from a search engine marketing company simply because they like your writing style. What next? Celebrate your success, take some time out, and spend it with your dog, cat, wife, husband, or children. You deserve it. But strike while the iron is hot! It is not time to claim victory and relax. When you strike a soft spot with people, determined only by the growing steady stream of readers to your article, expand on it. Offer more highly targeted solutions to problems YOU KNOW they are experiencing and start submitting articles that are sound solutions. There must be more you can find out about the "Frog BM 2000" that would be really helpful.

Watch the new visitors flock to your website.

What are a few of the types of writing an author should/ could practice?

  • Author of business plans
  • Writing and expanding letters of resignations
  • Prepare copy for love letters
  • An author of book proposals
  • An article writer of formal letters
  • Generate journal articles for magazine articles
  • Newsletter article writing
Don't forget to always exercise article writing research on your theme topic.

It is time to laugh right to the bank for writers, health writers, writers on forums and general writer services. There are opportunities galore for people with the ability of writing with inspiration and emotion. Some of the common reasons authors engage in submitting articles include appealing to search engines, creating brand awareness, or deliver a viral message to the masses. But the more significant your information or theme according to your b2b marketplace is, the more meaningful the reading popularity of your article writing will be to readers.

Do you have a statement of purpose or a lesson plan?

If you don't you will need one, especially if you plan on being seen as an expert in your business writings. I recommend you take a zoomed out view of your expertise. What else is related? Expert article writing takes time, but once you have to right stuff you can almost name your price. Many authors ask where can I submit articles and get paid? The answer is many allow access to marketplaces that permit advertisers to compensate a writer for a quality write-up. One such example is But I still question the ROI compared to article marketing? In the long run becoming an expert writer at or any other well-respected article submission directory will bring a steady flow of targeted traffic to your site on a regular basis. For longevity I have no doubt that submitting articles in original form will win the race of effective marketing and deliver ongoing results.



John, the blog master for is a writer for a internet marketing help website that accepts article submissions only in original form. Authors that submit original (non-duplicated) are rewarded with many exciting perks for writers that share unique perspectives. More here


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