Thursday, May 15, 2008

Obtaining and Using Articles For Advancement

It's an established fact that good articles are the best way to advance your newsletter and/or website. Submitting one well written article can reach a great number of individuals. The growth in new subscribers and visitors you could rapidly gain is limitless. Why do articles produce such good results?

Included with each article is your 'resource box'. In a few informative lines, of well chosen text, you have the chance to arouse persons to subscribe to your newsletter or visit your web page. Once submitted your article could be seen by any number of persons each time with the resource box identifying you with an invitation to visit you site or sign up for your ezine. Through it's distribution, other web masters may display the article each time creating a link back to you. Submitting to newsletters with similar interests will increase the likelihood of new subscribers. Good articles enable you to build trust in yourself as an authority in your field.

But what if you are unable to write. You can hire a ghost writer to write the article for you and include your resource box with the article. There are many articles with Private License Rights that you can purchase. However, it would be wise to rewrite these so they remain fresh as there tends to be a flood of the same articles circulating the net and chances are your article may not be used.

You decide to hire someone, how do you find someone to write for you? How do you keep the cost minimal?

If you are just starting out in business, you may need to watch your expenses. An option would be to advertise on a message board to pay someone to write an article for you. Be sure to ascertain with the writer that you want to include your own resource box. This is a good place to start since you can offer the writer what you can afford to pay. Many beginning writers welcome the chance to work for pay. Post an ad offering $10.00 per article or negotiate a fee for a bundle of ten or more articles with the prospective author. Of course the price you offer would be determined by the length of the article.

Here are two forum sites where you could start looking: At the warrior forum there is a message board where writers post their articles. Try posting an ad offering to pay someone to write articles for you. Do a search through ezboard's large worldwide message boards. You can find a board under 'article writing.'You could also search the topic on which you want an article written and post for a someone there who could write the article.

There are many sites on the net that have freelance writers who do write articles. You can find these by searching for 'freelance writers', or try 'article writing'. Going this route could cost more, but the writers are generally well educated and experienced.

Google is a good search engine to use since is is easy to search within results. Try 'article writing' and then within those results you could search for 'freelance writers'. In this way you would narrow your search to freelance writers who write articles. Below are some sites I found when doing such a search.

If you have affiliates, many of these companies have written articles that you can use and will allow you to use your own resource box. Be sure these articles are not already over used. You want to keep the articles you submit fresh.

Your newsletter and/or web page is going to increase more quickly if you submit well written articles to other newsletters and web sites. You will benefit in several ways.

Your affiliates will have a better chance of producing revenue.

Businesses which pay for sponsor ads like to place their ads in newsletters with a large subscriber base.

You will be building trust and branding yourself as an authority in your field on the worldwide web.

So you can see now the importance of using articles to gain recognition for your your business. A small investment in well written articles is well worth the cost when weighed against the many benefits received.

Doran Roggio is a writer and entrepreneur. Doran provides articles, net resorces, PC tips, web tools, downloads, and Live Mentoring at


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