Thursday, May 15, 2008

Article Marketing For Ezine Publishing

Article marketing can be used to develop backlinks by submitting the articles to a range of article directories online, or it can be used to develop direct traffic by submitting your articles to some of the highest traffic article directories online.

The full power of your articles is unleashed when people find them so interesting, or relevant, that they copy them to use as content in their own website, ezine or magazine. This the third, and most powerful use of article marketing. When they copy your article your name and resource box must remain with it. In this way one article can provide you with hundreds of back links. It is not unusual for a webpage, previously unlisted on Google, to reach Page One by the simple expedient of writing a few articles.

It is important if you can link back to a specific web page, rather than your home page, since a deep link to your site is more valuable than a link to your home page. You can get back links to your home page by submitting your site to website directories. These, however, do not allow individual page submissions, so deep links by means of article marketing should be used whenever possible.

This is the power of article marketing, and it can provide you with lots more natural traffic than paid adverts, and whats more, the traffic is targeted to the theme of your web page. Nothing is static in the world of search engines, and you should strike while the iron is hot. Article marketing is currently the hot way of achieving high index positions, but it may not always be so, so take advantage while you can.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building


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