Thursday, May 15, 2008

How Article Marketing Can Get You More Visitors To Your Website

Article marketing is one of the best ways to get more visitors for your website. In case you're not familiar with the term, article marketing is a technique where you write articles about topics related to your website and then submit them to one or more websites called article directories.

As you know, having fresh content on your website and blog is key when it comes to getting search engine traffic. Many website owners and bloggers visit article reprint directories on a daily basis, in search of articles to use on their sites.

When you submit your articles to the various directories, you give permission for other webmasters to use them on their websites or blogs, with the condition that they include an "about the author" section that you include at the end of your article.

This section lets you include more information about your website, as well as links back to it where people can get more information.

When someone posts your article on their site, they also post this about the author section and everyone who reads the article on their website sees it. Your article can ultimately end up on hundreds of websites, with thousands of visitors reading it and clicking the links through to your own site.

It is very easy to find these reprint directories on the web. Just do a Google search on 'free reprint article directories' and many listings will pop up. Some are highly targeted and feature only articles health articles; or only articles about food; and other directories are more general. You can submit your article to more than one directory, and there are even some software packages that will submit the articles for you.

Coming up with ideas for article topics is really not hard. Just take the topic of your website and think of a question your visitors would have, then write an article answering it. For example, if you have a gardening website, you could write about how to care for your indoor plants or when to start planting seeds.

And if you don't really enjoy writing, it's not a problem. You can hire writers to ghostwrite your articles at various places on the internet. How much you'll pay will depend on different factors, but usually you'll wind up paying between $8 and $20 per 500 word article.

Are you using article submission to increase web site traffic? Sign up for the internet's first viral article network, where you'll make money on your article submissions PLUS you'll get hundreds of links back to your website. Visit to find out more.


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