Thursday, May 22, 2008

Internet Marketing Tip - How to Get Clients by Giving Testimonials

Want to get the name and website of your woman small business in front of thousands of potential clients AND honor the gift of gratitude? Easy...give enthusiastic, honest, "results-based" testimonials.

At first, I had no idea this strategy could be as powerful as it is. It wasn't until I started hearing how new clients enrolled in my success coaching programs "found me" via testimonials I had on other woman small business owners' websites that I realized the potential testimonials have to create new leads.

Here's how this internet marketing tip works: Say you purchase someone's information, see them live in a workshop, read their book or work with their woman small business directly. You like their information so you offer to write a testimonial describing the results and your experience of the value they offer. Your testimonial then appears on their website, along with your name, your website address and possibly a photo.

But, here's the catch: this "money and soul" lead generating strategy ONLY works IF the testimonial you give is authentic and honest!

For example, I volunteered several testimonials for one Internet marketing expert I really like and value, until, I was asked to give a testimonial for a product I had purchased and with which I was, quite frankly, more than a little disappointed. I declined the offer to appear on their website supporting that product.

I've made well over $15,000.00 last year from new clients I gained just from appearing on someone else's websites as a testimonial. But, can you give too many testimonials?

Not likely.

Think of it this way: the more you give of your support and endorsement of someone else, the more you increase your feeling of gratitude, which brings in more abundance to you. Plus, being seen on multiple websites is a great lead generating and credibility boosting strategy! This is the essence of the "money and soul" approach to your authentic business brand.

So, whose products or programs have you experienced that you feel positive and enthusiastic about? My coaching request to you is to choose a woman small business this week, then draft a testimonial and send it to them in an email, along with how you would like your name, company name, title and website address to appear. Offer to send a photo.

An important element of this internet marketing tip is: make sure that your testimonial describes what problem you had before you used their information or service and how great your situation is now that you've implemented what you learned. If you can give specific numbers or percentages, even better.

For example, let's say you're a success coach working with busy, corporate women and you recently purchased an audio program on parenting. You loved what you learned and have a hunch that many of the author's readers would also make great clients for you. So you pen a testimonial that says something like this:

"Before I read this book (title), I couldn't get my boys to bed without a struggle every night. Now, thanks to the three little (but oh so powerful!) tips you shared, bedtime is now our favorite time to connect as a family. Thank you for helping me be as good a parent as I am a success coach!" (your name, website address and title)

In your email, let the woman small business expert know that the reason you're sending in your testimonial is because you value them and their information. Be generous in your personal note, and honest in your testimonial and you'll be sure to get authentic attention and website leads directed to you, while spreading gratitude to someone else!

Would you like to learn more internet marketing tips about generating leads that will help entrepreneurs to quickly move away from "dollars-for-hours work" and create more money, time, and freedom in their businesses? Check out my web site, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free audio mini-seminar "7 Quick and Simple Tips to Brand, Package and Price Your Services for More Money, Time and Freedom in Your Business."

Award-winning small business expert Kendall SummerHawk is the "Horse Whisperer for Business."


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