Thursday, May 22, 2008

Are you Writing Articles for People or Search Engines

Gone are the days of the keyword stuffer and in are the days of the natural writer. Do you remember all of those Websites that used to pop up everywhere that had a huge block of keywords in the footer? Even those who didnt know much about Internet Marketing figured out why they did that. It was because the old Search Engine Algorithms werent very advanced and were tricked into thinking that those pages were very relevant to the stuffed keywords.

The good news for honest marketers is that this type of method is no longer effective, or is it? We still hear the phrase keyword density mentioned a lot. It isnt even considered a form of spam to many online marketers. What I would like suggest is that focusing on a set keyword density is indeed SPAM!

Think of it from the point of view of the Search Engine owners. Are pages with a certain keyword density more valuable to their precious users than a page that contains a natural flow of keywords? My answer would be no.

You may be thinking that I am way off here and many would probably agree. Before you make that assumption let me hit on one more thing:

Although using a light keyword density can be effective, the technique is going downhill fast with the introduction of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI.)

Take a look at the history of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and you will see how the effectiveness of Keyword Density in a Webpage is dropping.

If you write articles for people you cannot go wrong. The possibility of your article or Webpage going Viral increases and most importantly, your credibility increases.

What has worked in the past no longer works today. What works today will no longer work in the future. Are you writing for the present or the future? Are you writing for people or Search Engines?

To learn more about Article Marketing, you can pick up my popular new Ebook Article Marketing Domination through the following link I also invite you to submit your best articles to my all new, SE Optimized Article Directory at


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