Thursday, May 22, 2008

Marketing to Realtors with A Powerful Positioning Statement

If you want to attract the attention of real estate agents, you need to develop a relationship with agents that serve luxury, custom building.around a position. All of your efforts at marketing to realtors should be built around this position.

Your position provides the focus and direction around your expertise. It tells the agent what you do, for whom, explores your niche, differentiates you from the competition and shows the benefit to the customer.

The first step is developing a position statement that describes your business.

Who are you and whats your business?

The first part of your statement describes, in detail, your preferred client. It can be a focus on a geographic area, or it can focus on your experience. For instance, you can either state that you service agents that work Scottsdale, or you could say you work

What kinds of problems do you solve?

This is the heart of your positioning statement. It creates the interest with the reader or agent. To get their attention, you need to focus on problem solving. For instance, say you are focusing on helping agents struggling to produce more referrals. You positioning statement could be, John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality Mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals.

Whats your competition?

Take a look at your competition. What do they offer and how do they offer it. Does their offer sound similar to yours, or are you unique. Understanding your competition helps you recognize your unique value and expertise. It also helps you refine your position.

For instance, if your competing with agencies with in-house lenders, you could structure your position statement along the lines of: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies.

With your position statement, you are addressing the competition so you can highlight how you are different from them, without being negative or derogatory.

Whats the benefit of your expertise?

List the benefits your audience will receive from their perspective. Be careful to keep the benefits separate from the features. Features are defining elements of your service, while benefits are what the agent gains from your service, the result of solving the problem.

For instance, you might state: John Brown, a mortgage professional with Quality mortgage, helps million dollar producing agents struggling to capture consistent referrals. Unlike in-house lenders that limit the customer care they offer, John Brown specializes in building client loyalty strategies so the agent can predict a steady stream of new referrals.

Your benefit to the agent is the same as your unique competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is what you use to generate interest.

Your positioning statement should be the foundation of your marketing strategy. Once you define your position, you can build your marketing plans around it.

All of your efforts at marketing to Realtors will begin with your positioning statement. Its key to establishing your unique brand identity, the one thing agents consider when they come to doing business with you and keeps them coming back.

Jeff Nelson helps loan officers increase loan originations by attracting quality relationships with real estate agents from the development of customized relationship-building strategies.

Click here to get a free copy of the Marketing Planning Guide, a 20-page workbook designed to help you outline a strategy to become an Agent Magnet.

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