Monday, May 19, 2008

Can Articles Boost Your Home Business?

Many people spend bulk of money on advertising their website while there is a way of turning bulk of visitors to your website for free. This is by giving them necessary information and turning them into subscribers and customers, by article writing. Now it's time to implement for one of the most profitable Internet marketing strategies of all...

It's time to write YOUR OWN article or have one written for you so that you can post it on your own blog AND get it published in other people's blogs, websites and email newsletters for FREE.

Why would you want to do that?

Because getting YOUR OWN articles written, distributed and published on the Internet is one of the very best *FREE* Internet marketing technique in existence. Think about it...

Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.

Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online. It's really that simple.

Plus, once you get one of YOUR ARTICLE published on someone else's blog or website, that article and the links within it are probably going to remain there FOREVER. In fact, there are articles I distributed more than 5 years ago that are still pulling in traffic and profits to my website today and they will still be working for me 20 or more years from now... for FREE! Think long and hard about that...

Getting your articles published on other people's websites is 100% FREE advertising for life

First, you need to decide if you want to write your own articles or pay someone to write articles for you.

Let's examine these 2 choices.

1) Write your own article.

The main benefit of writing your own articles is that it's "free" and only costs a little bit of your time. Also, writing your own articles will give you a sense of pride and accomplishment. Further, many people are "natural educators". You might *ENJOY* writing articles and sharing information about what you know.

2) Hire someone to write articles for you.

This is a great solution for people who are not comfortable writing their own articles. You might feel like you don't know enough or you simply might not enjoy writing... You should NEVER let either of these factors stop you from authoring your own articles and getting them published online. Simply use an article ghost writing service such as Just Articles.

Why do you want to write articles that relate to the content of your website?

Because once people start reading your articles, you'll be viewed as an authority on whatever subject matter your article is about. Once you've established that "expert status" in your reader's mind and they come to visit your website through the link in your article resource box, your website needs to supply additional information, opportunities and resources related to the content of your article. That's how you turn targeted visitors into sales. People will read your article, visit your website, click on the links to learn more about the opportunities and products presented on your site and often buy something.


Articles are secret keys that could boost your home business sales, simply take out some time think back at yourself what you search the net for when you newly started your home business, there are everyday people in search of such information online, educating them, place your links on your articles and they will simply comeback to you as determined visitors. If you dont fill comfortable writing your articles yourself simply use a ghost writer service like just articles at

Simon Avwaruroro is dedicated to researching home business ideas and opportunities that can help you start a new home business or grow the one you already have to pay mega, with little or zero cost. See for yourself at -


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