Monday, May 19, 2008

Explode Your Work At Home Internet Business Traffic By Using The Right Keyword Research Techniques

We tend to be fixated to our earlier ideas, so we rather go the familiar routes and are not eager to find new creative keywords for our work at home internet business. That is a pity, because the old thinking brings the old results and the keyword market changes all the time.

The right angle to think your work at home internet business keywords is the consumer angle, to try to think like the prospective does but in the way which supports your business plan. It is not so simple to judge what search terms the searchers type, when they try to find information about your business topic.

One quick example from the world of the work at home internet business: most often we try to sell the benefits of our program to the prospects, like the amount of income etc. But should we in stead present conditions, that exist in the prospects life, that cause them to search the Net.

The natural way to find keywords is guessing, i.e. we try to guess again and again which keywords the searchers are using, and the result is most obviously the same as earlier. But we should use methods, which bring us results about the searchers real behaviour.

Now the key is to find work at home internet business keywords, which describe well your topic and the website nature and are so called low competition keywords. Optimizing your website along these keywords, it is possible to rank high in the search result pages and to grab most of the traffic. You see, being number one or two on these pages gives you more traffic than being number 15 on the high demand page.

Often these kind of work at home internet business keywords are so called long tail keywords or keyphrases, which target the offer better than the high demand search terms. When the page rank depends mostly on the amount of backlinks, they are not needed so many with the long tail search phrases.

The two key issues are the amount of competition and the sharp targeting, i.e. how well the search term focuses to the topic and nature of the landing page. The typing errors can be very useful as keywords, because many internet business marketers do not use them, because of the error.

It is useful to expand the scope of thinking and try to figure out the many reasons, why a prospect wants the work at home internet business, which you offer: income, freedom, self-esteem, social respect, success, image etc. A well working website has the answer to these several needs and handles the topic from many angles. The truth is that the searchers search information using lots of keywords.

The more information you have on your website about the various aspects of your theme, the more you will give to the people and the more keywords you need in order to fulfil the needs of the different searchers. This is important: do the keyword research regularly and use lots of work at home internet business keywords, so you will grab more searchers from the huge flow of the Net searches.

Too many work at home internet business websites do not widen their scope, but use the most obvious keywords again and again and will get the same results. And, this is the worst, they try to climb the search engine results pages, which have too heavy competition. It is a mission impossible.

Effective marketing steps out from the traditional box and does not talk only about the product, but about the prospects life. It is important to understand the benefits of the wideness of the prospects needs: it is not only earnings or some other one term, but a wide sortiment of needs, both rational and emotional, which determine the search term the searcher will use.

After the searcher has landed to your work at home internet business page, he is able to do the choices, i.e. which information he will pick. When you will research this wider need sortiment of the prospects, you will find keywords, which bring lots of good traffic and are longer lasting, i.e. the page rank will stand longer and do not need so many new backlinks all the time.

Now you see that the question is about the behaviour of the prospect, which is much wider topic than just the product you offer. This new angle has a great influence on your results, because the target group will feel that you know their needs in depth and they will respond better to your work at home internet business offers.

Switch to your prospects point of view instead of your own and you will find a totally new world and also understand better the benefits and the reasons, why the searchers search the information about your topic. You have to stop finding keywords, try to find needs in stead, because they will describe better the real reasons for the searches. This you can reach by typing, not keywords, but sentences into the keyword research toolbar. Be creative and a little bit foolish and that will open new paths to your work at home internet business. And remember that the rich, fresh content is the king.

Juhani Tontti. B.Sc., Marketing. Expand The Keywords Research! I Have Studied This Topic A Lot And Invite You To Find Out Useful Information And Examples For Your Own Work At Home Internet Business. Just Click HERE:


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