Monday, May 19, 2008

Please Explain Bum Marketing To Me!

Bum marketing, a type of internet marketing, is gaining popularity among those who love to live in a virtual world. And it targets many people who want to be writers, even those who enjoy penning down a thought or writing diaries are some person's favorite pastime. For those who have an iota of writing skill have the opportunity to make money now, thanks to the internet. The ultimate bum marketing technique helps you to market your stuff.

You see the Internet is always flooded with plethora of information. So, it is imperative to carve a space for yourselves in the world there via article marketing. Keep in mind the following points about bum marketing.

Bum Marketing Tips

1) The ultimate bum marketing techniques are very simple; even a novice writer can make fortune. The most important aspect of the ultimate bum marketing technique is the proper use of the keywords. The keyword which you select should not have a lot of competition. It is always better to go for a niche segment; select that keyword which has minimum competition on the web. Use the keyword in your title once and in your article few times.

2) A user while looking for any information always types the keywords on the search engine. So, appropriate keywords ensure more number of viewers for your article. You can post your article to or or USFreeADs.

3) Provide a link in your article's resource box so that the person reading it will visit your personal website. If you do not have a personal website, then you can send them to your blog. Thus after the reader reads your article, she or he might be tempted to follow up, visit your site and purchase your products or services sold there....of course making you all smiles.

Viral Marketing Using Free eBooks

You can also adopt the viral marketing using free ebook techniques to market your articles. The positive word of mouth technique helps you to promote your product in the real world, but when the same technique is adopted for the virtual world, the term is called viral marketing. It spreads like a virus and grows exponentially. Viral marketing using free ebooks can help you to generate traffic to your webpage or blog.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique is simple to follow; just create an ebook and distribute it among say two or three people. Grant them the authority to give your ebooks free to whomever they want. And within no time your ebook will reach everywhere; and you did not spend a penny for it. Just make sure to create a proper link to your web-page or blogs which you want to market. The user will follow the link and may even purchase your stuff linked through it and you can make good money.

The viral marketing using free ebooks technique can boomerang if others start modifying your link and promoting their own product. Software is available in the market place that will prevent miscreants from modifying the link.

The bum marketing and viral marketing using free ebooks techniques when used intelligently will help you to make fortunes. The content that you provide should be original, and the sales copy straightforward; i.e. never try to manipulate people or things (no hype) in order to get quick money. Remember once you earn the trust of the customers, your readers, you will become a brand; you then do not follow the money but money follows you.

Tanya Alston is an internet marketer who believes the only way to make real money online is to spend nothing on marketing. She firmly believes the best viral marketing methods are free and just happen to be the most effective. For more FREE info about how to break into internet marketing, even if you've never made a penny online, go to


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