Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are marketing strategies that you can use without burning a hole in your wallet. Yes, these are economical and affordable! Whether you have a small budget or no budget, these methods actually work! Why don't you try some of these tactics yourself?

a. Word of mouth: This has been an age old marketing tactic which is valid even today. It is also one of the most effective ways to propagate one's business. The word of mouth tactic is a great way to spread the word about your business from one person to another. As you find more and more people getting to know your business, you'll find that more traffic is visiting your site by the day. The best thing about this tactic is that it doesn't cost you a dime!

b. Controversies: Love them or hate them but you can't ignore them! If you ever saw some of the most popular celebrities you'll know why they stay in the limelight. You can use this tactic to generate tremendous publicity for your business. With controversial products or comments you can hope to remain in the spotlight for quite some time to come! The idea is to create a stir and shock value for your customers.

c. Giving out freebies: Another age old trick which many businesses have used to increase their business is by giving away freebies to customers. From mugs to T-shirts to bags to free information - all carry your brand with them! Make sure you have your website URL and contact details on these items. You can add freebies or free bonuses to your autoresponder emails. You can increase your database of customer contacts and send them promotional materials for future campaigns as well.

d. Columnist: If you notice, most of the top entrepreneurs always have something to talk about. You could be a regular columnist in a newspaper or magazine that deals with your unique niche. Try sticking to topics which are directly related to your own business. Once you start churning out content on a regular basis, you can expect to start being perceived as a subject matter expert. This will also establish a credibility and authority to your business.

e. Emotional content: No one likes to read pages of text with no relevance to their daily lives. So if you are writing an article or some promotional material for your business, make sure the content is on an emotional level. That way people can relate to it, get interested in the product and ultimately buy it. If you observe, all of the best advertising materials have an emotional connection somewhere or the other.

f. Blogs: Your blog is much more than just a personal diary online. It is a dynamic, thriving potentially lucrative business revenue earner. Therefore, populate it with content that will do your business good. Make sure to write on topics that revolve around the central theme of your blog. Then try searching for sponsors who have similar products. This way you can propagate your business more effectively.

(c) 2007, Doug and Claudia Brown of All rights reserved. Reprint rights granted so long as article and by-line are published intact and with all links made live.

Doug and Claudia Brown use their 40 plus years of business building experiences to educate people and businesses on how to dramatically increase their revenues. Find out how you can dramatically increase your income or your company's revenue at their website which is at .


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