Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

What's your niche? I mean, what topic do you want to be list building around? Deciding that is the most important thing for you to do in the Internet marketing world, and that's before you do anything else.

So, what's your passion? What do you love to do in your free time? What have you studied the most about? What subject is something that you just can't get enough of and could live with for a long time to come? Once you decide that, things can move forward. Find some other people in that niche, who know something about marketing, whether it's Internet marketing or direct marketing, and who have lists of subscribers and books or products to sell. Then, ask them if they'd be willing to participate in a teleseminar series.

You might be into sports, for instance. So, what sport in particular? Say golf. OK... You'll probably find some webmasters with sports sites, or even best selling authors who you can contact about golf. So, you ask them to promote your teleseminar series to their lists, and then, on the thank-you page, which will come up after someone opts-in for a ticket to your series, you'll sell some kind of golfing product and your speaker gets the affiliate commission on that. You do a series of teleseminars like that, and Bam! You're in business. That's how Internet marketing works best.

Then, at the end of each call, you're selling your guest's product or book through an affiliate link. Right? They're making money, and you're list building plus you're making money from sales of his or her product. You're also making a set of recordings about golfing, and they can be interviews about things you already know or things you don't know. It doesn't matter.

You say, "I know a lot about golf, but we'd like to interview you to learn about your expertise in back swings or equipment, or whatever, and ask you questions about that." Or, you'll say to them, "I'm don't really know a lot about this golf product, so I'd like to ask you some questions so we can all learn more. Can you give me a basic understanding?" and you're rocking and rolling.

About 10 or 12 people will make a good series. You want them to have lists and products that you can sell on the call. Then, get them to promote the series to their lists. I did it that way in the beginning, and it's probably the best way to get started with Internet marketing and the fastest.

Then, when all your people are lined up. go over to ClickBank or Commission Junction and find at least four products involved with golfing. Then, buy them. You'll need to read or use them to be sure they're good products because you never want to offer a crappy product to your list. When you have these four products, then put them into the autoresponder series you've set up for people signing up for your list, and you'll make money. As time goes by and the people on your list come to trust you more and more, you can offer them more and more, and the more money you'll make. Internet marketing is very powerful in this way.

Actually, Internet marketing is pretty simple. Set up interviews with experts in your niche. You're list building as they mail out about the teleseminar series to their lists, and you're offering products in the series, an in your autoresponder series and make money. Making money with Internet marketing is really pretty simple when you think of it in this way.

As CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., Tellman Knudson has become a expert in Internet marketing. Learn his list building secrets at


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