Thursday, May 15, 2008

Year 2007 Was A Great Year For SEO

We saw lots of updates in the world of SEO. The search engine optimization industry grew by 200% and same is expected for year 2008. Main highlights from the world of SEO and search engines in 2007 are listed below:

Year of personalized and universal search: It was a mix of both personalized and universal search. With search engine releasing beta versions of localized search for there users. Both Google and Yahoo! launched beta version of localized search.

Search engine updates on quality search results: Search engine were more focussed to improve quality of search results and lessening the amount of spam websites appearing in SERPs. Yahoo! launched its ad ranking system in February as part of its Panama project. Soon after, Google updated its 18-month-old ad quality scoring algorithm. Microsoft followed in April, adding a quality score element to ad center.

Year of Social Media Marketing: Rise of lots of social media websites and social media marketing was on full swing throughout the year. Social network saw the rise of various social networks like :

  • FaceBook
  • Twitter
  • Flickr
  • Youtube
  • Digg
  • Netscape
  • Mahalo
  • Wikipedia
  • Search wikia
  • Stumbleupon
  • orkut

More tools from search engines for webmasters

SEO industry grew up

That was a sum up of what happened in SEO industry in 2007. With search industry expecting same in 2008. I expect more frequent updates in search engine algorithms and of course Google Page rank update (Google dance)

I Wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year.

Author is working as SEO head at Web Design Company He primarily focuses on articles related to web site design and internet marketing. For more articles by author visit


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