Saturday, May 24, 2008

Submitting Articles Increases Your Page Rank

When you distribute your articles to the various article submission sites they will take your articles and keep the links that you placed on the article intact, this enables you to receive links back to your site. Sometime webmaster use your articles but do not keep your links intact, this doesnt happen that often but it does happen.

When you are writing an article there are different components that you must be aware of, lead generation, promotion and branding, these are very important for your optimization efforts. Make sure the article that you are writing is focused on the primary topic, if you do not explain the topic people will be confused when reading the article.

How much traffic can you get from submitting articles to article directories? Obviously, every website needs traffic, without traffic you make no sales, no sales means no money, so it is imperative to get visitors to your site. Many webmaster do not understand that the more content that you add to your site the better it is, content is king, the more content the more time the search engines will visit and the more visitors you will receive.

Writers submit their articles to article sites where webmasters who need content will take the articles and place them on their sites to beef it up and make it look like they have a full content site. More content means you can make money online easily.

More articles you submit the links you build back to your website. Once you article is on many different sites your link is exposed to many different people and they click on your link and brought to your site. The more webmasters that use your article, the more times your link will appear on the Web. Submitting articles is advantages are numerous, you get credibility, fast visibility, traffic and one way links back to your website. Using article submission services you can increase your one way links and the visibility of your website and continue to rank better each time your submit an article in the search engines. You simply write or buy an article and have links to your site and different pages in your site embedded in the article. A great way to build natural and permanent links to your websites is through submitting articles to other web sites each of which contains one or more live links pointing to your business' site.

Don't underestimate the value of those links from your articles back to your web site. The more links you have back to your web site, the higher your web page rises in the search rankings. That means, you are creating back links from their website to yours.

By having your articles spread all over the internet on article sites you will have people read your article and they will click on the links that will lead them to your website. By writing articles it is possible to establish enough links all over the web to get free advertising. The internet is loaded with links to article submission sites for you to submit your articles.

When building your link marketing plan articles is one of the best ways to increase search engine rankings, do not rush to write all articles at once, be consistent and distribute them over time.

David Marc Fishman is the owner of Linknetics, article submission and directory site. The link marketing software that promotes link exchange


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