Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Profitable Article Marketing - Latest 4 Advanced Steps to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is one of the greatest sales lead generation techniques today. However, there are marketers who fall short in their effort to pull their readers to their website and their connection to the readers instantly end there. You wouldn't want this to happen to your article marketing campaign, would you? That is why you need to supercharge your marketing efforts to make sure that your readers will be converted to clients.

Here are the advanced steps to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Include a "bait" on your resource box. You would like your readers to click the URL on your resource box and you have to make it happen. You can easily do that by including irresistible offer that will excite your readers. Some of the effective baits that you can use are free special reports, free eBooks, vouchers, discounts or even free articles.

2. Establish your credibility and expertise. Briefly tell your readers about your experiences or your achievements so you can prompt them to visit your website and get more information. Make sure that you make your call to action statement strong and impacting, otherwise you will lose a potential client.

3. Do not bore your readers. Make sure that your resource box is no more than 3 sentences. Remember you are not writing another article. Make it brief, concise, enticing, and powerful so your readers will not have reason not to click your website's URL.

4. Maximize your resource box. Most publishing sites allow you to use a maximum of 3 URLs. Take advantage of this and include at least 2 anchor texts using the most relevant keywords to your target niche. By doing so, you make it a bit easier for your readers to get to your website quickly.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


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