Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One-Way Links - A Really Simple System For Building Back Links

If you want to run a successful blog at some point, you are going to have to come to terms with two very important SEO techniques. What are these two things one-way link building and RSS feeds. There is a little known way to do this though, which does not have to make it like a trip to the dentist though. As a mater of fact, it is a really simple system for Building Back links, (RSS).

So why are these SEO tactics so important? One-way links are central to search engine optimization and they can spell success or failure for your blog. Probably the quickest and easiest way to generate many high quality one-way links is to use a reliable blog pinging service. This should be part of any solid one-way link building strategy if you want a blog that delivers oodles of free search engine traffic to your blog every day.

When you use a blog pinging service to notify blog directories, blog search engines and RSS feed aggregators that your blog has been updated, you immediately get high value one-way links to your blog from these sites themselves. You also gain a secondary benefit when some of their readers directly link to you from their own blogs and websites. This generates an almost viral, targeted and theme appropriate link-building surrogate for your blog that starts to work like an autopilot one-way link builder.

Traffic Generation through One-Way Links

One-way link building is an important traffic generating strategy for two main reasons. Firstly, one-way links from relevant, respected, and high trafficked sites give extra weight in search engine page rank calculations. This means if you get a lot of inbound links from these kinds of sites you will gain a much higher page rank than if the links are coming from low traffic sites and those with unrelated content.

The higher your page rank, the more likely you are to benefit from free targeted traffic from searches. Secondly, real human visitors not just search bots follow one-way links. The more your link is displayed across the web on high traffic sites targeting a similar audience, the more genuinely interested people will click on a link to your site.

Blog search engines should be central to any link building strategy. Bloggers regularly research on blog search engines and if they discover useful blog posts, they are likely to link to them from their own blogs. More than a link, you will also get comments, which can generate discussion about your blog and create a "buzz." Three of the most effective blog search engines to attract people to your blog are Technorati, Sphere, and Ice Rocket.

RSS Feeds as One-way Link Building Strategies

The most effective link building strategies will utilize RSS Feeds. RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and is simply an easy way to mass distribute and publish material on the web. You can easily build RSS feeds into your blog that incorporate your links to blog pages.

Every time your feed is shown on another website it counts as another one-way link to your blog. You can use RSS building software to create RSS feed on your blog (RSS Builder is freeware), however many blogging platforms already have RSS feed capability built in. You just have to enable it. Once you have done this, you will be able to submit RSS feeds. Both and one of the most popular blogging scripts WordPress have this capability already no need for extra work.

A Word about Strict RSS Validation

WordPress for example also has plug-ins, which make it simple for users to add your RSS feed to their favorite RSS reader. You can find many low cost or free RSS readers and must services like My Yahoo and iGoogle along with My MSN already have this capability built in.

A word about building blog titles though be careful in how you structure your post title. Many of these services have very strict validation criteria. Punctuation such as apostrophes, quotes, and many other non-alpha numeric characters mess with clean validation and these services will end up making adding your blogs RSS feed impossible, My MSN is famous for this while iGoogle and My Yahoo are a little more forgiving.

How to Effectively use a Blog Pinging Service

These simple one-way link-building strategies are possible by intelligently using a solid blog pinging service. Of course, you will need to write interesting and informative content and update your blog regularly for this strategy to work. However, if you provide good value to readers then blog pinging is a wonderful way to get the word out.

You want to pick a pinging service, which allows you to ping multiple services from one web location. You could go to each service but this is

a) unnecessary

b) very time consuming which kind of goes against the nature of blogging. You want to be able to ping dozens of RSS aggregators, search engines and feed directories from one simple to use web form.

A side note we find it works better to ping each service individual this sounds difficult but once you generally fill in the form it is just a matter of selecting the feed service you wish to ping each time and click the ping button. Every service has their pros and cons but the time you save and the links you will build are priceless. A word of caution ping each service only once per post or you could get your site listed as a Spammer. In conclusion you should make it part of your posting schedule to ping every post too.

Next time you post to your blog, why not try pinging your blog with PingTheWeb a blog pinging service that lets you ping 40 different RSS and feed services. Pinging should be part of your one way link building campaign.

You will often find KC writing for his wife's blog about the History of the Ford Mustang

Get KC Kudra's writing tips in articles about such topics as an Outline for Articles Made Easy at the writing site for Webmasters and blog owners. A wonderful resource for anyone interested in becoming a better writer.


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