Friday, May 23, 2008

Marketing On The Internet Online Courses

Tricky, Icky, and Risky?

Marketing on the internet has lots of appeal and is a career that is gaining lots of momentum because there is the potential for great monetary profit with little effort. However marketing on the internet can be tricky, icky, and risky for several reasons. Especially for those new to the world of internet marketing.

It is crucial that the would be internet entrepreneur go through some form of course on internet marketing so as to avoid some common pitfalls. Common pitfalls such as getting slapped by google adwords and losing money in pay per click advertising. Pitfalls such as choosing a hot niche and understanding that a niche is more than just a product genre that you are trying to sell. Niches are about people. Connecting people with needs to the items that answers their needs. Playing match-maker between people, needs, and products, goods or services.

The learning curve to internet marketing is great, but so are the educational resources available, and the rewards. Learning from the right marketing on the internet online courses could be the difference between success and failure. Having access to mentors could be the difference between making thousands of dollars a month or losing thousands of dollars.

Marketing on the Internet Online Courses

What to look for in marketing on the internet online courses.

So how do you know when you have the right marketing on the internet online course? What are some things to look for in marketing on the internet online courses?

First thing to look for is credibility. What are other people online saying about a particular course on internet marketing? What kind of success are people who have taken the course having?

The second thing to look for is community. Does the course have a support community? A community of successful individuals who can mentor you through the hardest parts of achieving success online. A community who will cheer you on and help keep you motivated to succeed, no matter what the cost.

The third thing to look for is the amount of content provided. The value of what the course has to offer. Does it cover multiple ways of online marketing such as Pay per click, article marketing, bum marketing, and forum marketing? Does it cover website design? Does it have a forum where you can go to for help when you get stuck? Because believe me, it will happen.

The fourth thing I look for is experience. Do the authors of the course practice what they teach? Do they actually market and make money online with things other than their course, or do they only make their, "Millions," online selling you their crap.

The fifth and final thing I look for is cost. what does it offer for the price compared to other courses? Do I get web-hosting, the courses, the website builder, the community, and the mentoring for a low monthly fee of say $30? Or do I pay $67 dollars one time for a stack of e-books in a zip file with no other instructions and no support. Do I get a family of like minded entrepreneurs? Or do I get to pay $167 dollars one time for crap load of confusion that was really geared towards advanced internet marketers.

My Experience has been that most of the guru's only make their millions by selling you their crap while not actually practicing what they are teaching. They make money while you spend all the money you have trying to learn how to make money, because the last book you bought was crap and you keep hoping that maybe this one will be different and you will succeed, only to find out it is also re-hashed marketing crap.

Magic Bullet, Easy Button, Holy Grail of Internet Marketing? View My Recommendations for Marketing on the Internet Online Courses


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