Friday, May 23, 2008

Generate Income With Little Guy Network Writing Articles

Some of the many powerful Web 2.0 strategies that I teach my students is article marketing. How to effectively write articles and publish them to article directories so the average person can view your article then read your article and be interested in what you have to offer and then click through to your website.

You may or may not enjoy writing articles but it does get easier the more you do it and also after you have built a marketing budgeting after applying effective Web 2.0, you can then move onto effective paid advertising and also outsource your efforts to reliable sources and then your business truly becomes automated.

I will be providing with simple yet very powerful tips and strategies to help you get started when writing articles for your Little Guy Network business. First of all what you want to do is go to a major article directory such as this one and search articles with the name of the business opportunity you are promoting.

You will then want to make a list of all the articles already published that relate to your industry and also that relate to your online business. In doing so you have given yourself plenty of ideas for what to write in each article that you will start to write in the future.

After writing your article, the most important part of article marketing is having a powerful resource box. Now this technique I'm about to share with you is a technique that most sponsors out there do not know of and do not bother to teach their students as they are really not genuine marketing mentors.

This method is called split testing your resource box. What you want to do after you have written your article is publish it to the four most popular article directories but for each resource box you want to create a total new resource box for each article directory.

After you have done so you should leave your articles for about a week and then get back to each article directory and compare the click through rates on each of your resource box then you obviously want to keep the most effective resource box and replace the other three.

A lot of people that apply article marketing forget to do this then they wonder why they write such great articles and get such a bad click through rate back to their website.

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