Friday, May 16, 2008

ITV Ventures Scam - Need To Know Truths Revealed

With their great network marketing success has come a more common reference to the ITV Ventures scam. Several colleagues of mine have at one point are another been involved with ITV Ventures and all have a somewhat similar story to tell.

Let's take a look at some of the more important parts of that story.

A) A Long Time Ago In a Loft Far, Far Away

The story goes, in 2002 ITV founder Donald Barrett was working from a loft in his parents garage, and this is where he came up with the "revolutionary" idea for an interview style infomercial and within only 12 months became a multi-millionaire. He must have had some business model!

In 2006 Barret launched ITV Ventures as an extension of his already successful direct response television company, ITV. Shortly thereafter many of the company's independent business owners realized just how lucrative having a television audience could be for their business.

B) The ITV Ventures Scam

What those who do not believe in an ITV Ventures scam always fall back on is the power of merging direct response television with Internet marketing and network marketing. True, having the company's close to 200 different health and wellness products advertised on television certainly helps your advertising campaign.

However, keep in mind that even after the products you are trying to sell end up on an infomercial, you still have to market effectively on the Internet in order to grab those potential customers in the event that they decide to search the Internet for more information. This is much more difficult than ITV would like you to believe.

Here is a quick breakdown of the costs you are to expect in order to join the ITV Ventures company as an independent business owner:

  • $499 for the business owner's package - this includes your own personalized website, over $600 retail worth of products and access to the company's back office
  • $29.95 Monthly Action Plan -this is a recurring payment every month for your "training"
  • $100 Order Assurance Program - another monthly recurring payment to make sure you buy at least $100 worth of products every month
  • $99 annual renewal fee

Wow! So, you're looking at $500 just to join, and then another $1,660 every year at a minimum. This is a pretty hefty yearly sum to ask for as far as Internet marketing companies go - this is just the beginning of the ITV Ventures Scam.

C) Financial Ruin Continued...

Once you gave joined, the ITV Ventures scam machine will then entice you with flowery bonuses such as a team mentor building bonus and even a car bonus. What they often won't tell you until you have signed up is how many products you have to sell or how many top-tier packages you need to sign people up with in order to achieve these bonuses.

Just to give you an idea of how ridiculous these bonuses are, here is what you have to do in order to achieve the very lowest car bonus:

  • personally sponsor 20 different, commissioned qualified (meaning they have to pay all those yummy fees above) business owners
  • these 20 business owners need to have sponsored at least 1 person of their own
  • and what's more, these 20 business owners under you must have at least 2 consecutive months worth of $20,000 in sales within their own power matrix

Sound like your cup of tea? Run from the ITV Ventures scam as quickly as possible and don't turn back. However, I will say that if you are a very effective marketer online, then you might have a standing chance to make some money with this company.

Lightning Quick Financial Success

If you choose to market anything from ITV Ventures or any other unrelated product, I always say that the key to amazing financial success online is mastering effective marketing strategies. A mentor can help you to do this, so always be on the lookout for one.

Once you know how to market effectively and believe in the product you are marketing, you will absolutely succeed!

About The Author:

Master internet marketer Justin Michael earns his living marketing online and helping others to do the same. For a limited time only Justin is offering a 1 on 1 mentoring to those who are serious about making money online. So, if you are genuinely determined to strengthen your marketing strategies to create more wealth than ever before, you should contact Justin ASAP.

For information on how you can take control of your financial situation and achieve great wealth online, visit Liquid Wealth Online or you may reach him at:


For helpful information on powerful marketing strategies to profit massively online, check out more ITV Ventures Marketing Secrets!


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