Friday, May 16, 2008

3 Hot Tips for Getting Your Article Noticed

There is a knack to writing good articles, and it generally takes a few attempts before you nail it. This goes back to the old mantra of 'practise makes perfect' - which of course is not exactly true as only 'perfect practise will make perfect'. Anyway after you have developed the skills needed to write good articles what do you do? Even the best article is useless unless it gets noticed and noticed by the right people. So how do you go about doing this?

1 - Make sure your articles are keyword rich. This means that you have to know before you write your article exactly which keywords you are going to be targeting. A little bit of research before you start writing will go along way. The general rule of thumb for keyword richness is 2-5%, so basically for a ~400 word article you are looking at your keyword appearing between 8-20 times. This must be naturally occurring and blend in nicely with the flow of your article, don't just repeat your keyword over and over, this won't work. Having a keyword rich article is imperative to get your article ranking high in the search engines.

2 - Snappy title and teaser. This is one of the most important points to writing an article, and the one that is most often overlooked. Your title is the very first thing a reader sees with regards to your article. This is make or break, if your title is not interesting they won't read any more, and they most certainly won't get to your bio box where your important links are. Your teaser is also very important as it is the little piece of information about your article that is seen underneath your title in the search results. So if your reader likes the title but thinks the teaser is boring then you've lost them again.

3 - Get it in front of as many eyes as possible. Most people write an article, submit it to ezinearticles and then forget about it, hoping it will be enough to get their article read. While this will certainly be the best first step it is not all you should do. The next step will be to submit it to as many other sites and news reviews as possible, that way you will increase your readership and get both backlinks and customers coming to your site. The best way to get your article to loads more sites is to use an article submission service. There is only one that I will recommend to you, and you can find that in my bio box at the bottom of this article.

So there you have it the three most important things I can think of that will get your article noticed by thousands of prospective customers.

The only article submission service I can recommend is article marketer It has a tiered membership so you can join for free, and it really works, get your article in front of thousands of people today.


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