Thursday, May 15, 2008

Has YouTube Taken The Power Away From Article Directories?

Unless you've spent the last couple of years on another planet or in the back of beyond you'll know all about YouTube. It's got so popular that even people that haven't got internet access can watch videos from it on T.V programs.

So with all this video content, and more and more marketers using it to promote and sell their products has it taken away from the power of article directories? I don't this will ever happen and for these 4 reasons.

1. Making videos takes times and a good visual eye, the internet and YouTube has moved on. Make an amateur video that's made up of only 15 seconds of a sales letter isn't going to cause a big stir for your business, (by the way I'm not making this up I've seen videos like this.) Plus if it very bad and amateurish, what do you think the chances are of that person clicking through to your site probably zilch!

But anyone can write an article I don't care how bad your writing is, if it has a good headline and gives great content that I can use, there's a better chance that I'll read it all and feel more inclined to visit your site.

2. Video hasn't taken over from the written word; if it did we'd never pick up another paper or magazine and stay glued to our T.V for information.

Take e-mail as another example, how many of the big boys are sending you e-mails in video? None. They may send you to a video on a landing page or whatever but they always use the written word in an e-mail to get you excited and get you to take that action.

3. At the moment search engines can't read or index videos only the headline and text summary that goes with it. If you don't say what the videos about the search won't have a clue.

But with articles the search engines love them and scan them quickly looking for the content and keywords that make up the article to find out what its about, making it easier to get indexed in the search engines results.

4. With the internet having so much information on it (while I know not all of its great information) we've become less patient in our surfing habits.

For example which would you rather do, sit through a 5 minute video that's only got good information at the end of it


Do a quick scan through an article and pick the information that you need from it and move on. (If you're like me you're the second option, if you're not..this will change.)

As I finish this article am I saying "No" to using video as a way to grow your business and just stick to writing articles?

Definitely not, video should be used as an extra traffic generating source "Yes" it can pull in great numbers to your site but if its done badly and not attention grabbing you shouldn't expect your web host to contact you about your bandwidth problems.

Instead, get that keyboard out and start typing your articles it's faster, cheaper, and a lot easier to do than making videos.

And when you're finished writing it and you're looking to submit it to article directories, drop by now and give us a copy of it. We'd love to showcase it for you and help drive traffic and increase your website profits but first make it unique and you will see even greater results.


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