Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Articles as a Viral Marketing Tool

'The Money is in the List' is a common saying in the internet marketing field. Profit is almost always guaranteed to anyone, irrespective of what is up for sales, if he/she has a responsive list of subscribers. However, what most people has missed out is that you can actually build such a responsive list, ready to buy whatever you have for sales, just by writing and submitting content rich articles.

By writing articles on any chosen topic, you are actually proving your worth and demonstrating your expertise in the field. You will be seen by people who read your articles as an expert and reliable person in your chosen field. Thus, leveraging your viral marketing effort on such articles, if done right, is bound to be rewarding.

In simple language, all you have to do is right content rich, entertaining and informative articles on your area of expertise or chosen niche, then go ahead and submit your articles to a couple of article repositories i.e. sites that allow free submission of articles.

The catch here is that, with every article you submit you are allowed to append what is called the 'author bio box or resource box' which normally should include a brief description of yourself, your business and a link to your business site.

If you intend to build your list using article submission, all you have to do is make sure that your resource box URL links to your mailing list's landing page where you can get your visitor's name and email address. To make this more effective, you could promise people landing on the page a free report or any other related freebie for submitting their names and email address. Since people landing on the page would have read one or more of your articles, you would be seen as an expert, thus the level of trust is expected to be high.

Write as much articles as you can, if your articles are found worth sharing, ezine publishers will republish your articles together with your resource box for their readers and subscribers. The wonderful result: viral marketing without effort on your part!

You can begin your viral marketing effort today by writing and submitting your articles to trusted article submission sites such as http://www.ezinearticles.com/, http://www.articlemarketer.com/. The more sites you submit your articles to, the better your chances. You might want to consider getting your hands on one of the low cost, but effective auto article submitters like the one at http://www.best-article-submitter.com.

Make your Articles do more for you. Drive Insane Traffic to Your Web Site Using the Magic of My Auto Article Submitter http://www.best-article-submitter.com


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