Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the greatest web traffic puller is the art of article writing and marketing. In short, article marketing can be learned by any web enthusiast. Article marketing is hard work, but gives much satisfaction and its rewards are plenty. The following are the simple step to learn the fabulous art of writing articles:

1. Any article starts with a title:
Anyone can write a title, but writing great title is a masters job. The title is the crown of the article. A great, attention grabbing, power filled word of group of words at the top of the article is what makes or breaks any articles success. A short word that describes the articles flavor is what the title is all about. Your title must stop a visitor and make his eyes shine with expectation of a greater body of the article to follow the punch of the title.

The title is the only part that is presented to the visitor in a long list and the visitor, very often, randomly clicks on the title that grabs his attention. Your title should be that chosen title among the long list. So, start practicing the art of writing a great title that also is the essence of the article that follows it. You'll find plenty of help in this regards on the internet. Also, go to various article marketing sites, and read the long lists of the article titles displayed as menu. Find out which interests you, grabs your attention, and induces you to click upon it.

Before clicking, find out the reason of why you want to click on that particular title. Then analyze how the words are grouped to form that title, which keywords are involved, how it represents the entire article, and try and sense the power that is enclosed inside the title words. This will give you a clear idea of how to write great article titles like the one you wanted to click. Practice makes the man perfect! So, practice the many forms of title.

2. The body:
The first paragraph and the other 3 or 4 following paragraphs are the actual parts of the body of the article. The length of any ideal article is between 200 and 700 words, seldom more than 1,000 unless the article is a technical article, or a detailed saga! The flow of the article should be smooth and should grab the attention of the reader from the beginning to the very end. The article should be written in fluent English and the grammar faultless.

The introduction should be such that the reader fluently enters the article story and come out of it at the end should have the satisfaction of having read a masterpiece. Such should be the power enclosed in those 200 to 700 words grouped together. A marketing or sales related article should be able to talk the visitor into making up his mind and buying your product. The body of the article should convince the reader that his problems can be solved, especially only through your product!

3. Closing the article:
After your main article ends, write a resource box where you introduce yourself as the author of the article. It is here that you place the link to your site, and also subtly allow the reader to make a call to action!

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