Sunday, May 11, 2008

Article Marketing Secrets That Sell

Article submission to article directories is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. Article marketing is free and can attract targeted traffic to your website.

Internet marketing articles need to have an attention grabbing headline that contains your keyword. Articles need to be informative and relevant to your targeted audience. It is also helpful to optimize your articles for search engine rankings by writing in keywords. The keyword density that should be used is open to debate. Originally, webmasters found that a 6-7% density worked well to attain a high search engine position. However, the writing was generally appalling with this type of density and often web pages were nothing but a form of spam that offered nothing of value to the reader.

Since then, search engine algorithms have become more sophisticated in an effort to catch out these poor value websites. Now, some SEO marketing professionals recommend a keyword density of between 3-4% while others recommend a density of only 1-2%. There is also a strong movement towards organic writing that doesn't bother with keywords at all. This movement is supported by Google's latent semantic indexing algorithm. Latent semantic indexing (LSI) looks for words and expressions that have a similar or connected meaning to the main keywords used in an article.

When people provide genuine information and write naturally, they tend to use a variety of related expressions. They are therefore likely to be considered by search engines to be high value, genuine sites. One of the most successful, organically written websites is His traffic and business has risen exponentially over time and he has not used SEO strategies at all. For article marketing, you may want to test your market by writing with a low keyword density and include expressions with a similar meaning to appeal to Google's LSI algorithm. Test your results by monitoring website traffic numbers. You can also write some articles that don't use SEO and compare the results.

Articles need to be written in plain English. If English is not your first language and you are unsure of colloquialisms and grammar, consider paying for a freelance writer to write your articles for you. This does not have to be expensive. Try to keep your paragraphs and sentences relatively short. Some longer sentences are fine but generally speaking keep it simple and to the point. Most article directories have word limits. Try to keep your articles under five hundred words. If you cannot do this, the article can be separated into two parts with links to the other part of the article.

The keys to successful article marketing are to write well and write often. You cannot simply write one or two articles and expect them to make a difference to your business. They are a great way to generate free website traffic but you have to submit articles regularly. The result is exponential. A good rule of thumb is "an article a day will make articles pay." Having said this, make sure your resource box is written well and has links to relevant pages on your website. You won't get any visitors from article marketing if your readers aren't enticed to click on your link.

Learn how to promote any product, service or business opportunity using the most powerful Free Web Site Traffic method - Article Marketing.


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