Saturday, May 17, 2008

Article Marketing Bio Box & Google Pay Per Click Ad - Learn From One & Apply To The Other

An article marketing bio box is the space at the end of your article where you promote your product or service, if done correctly your users should want to click on you're the link in this box and visit your website.

The idea here is to give your reader or user a good reason why they should visit your website.

A Google Pay Per Click ad is an ad that comes up when a user does a search for a keyword that you are bidding on. Your ad will show up with all the other ads that are bidding on that same keyword.

The idea is the same with this ad, your ad should be compelling enough so that the searcher ignores all the other ads and clicks on your ad.

Both the article bio box and the Google pay per click ad serve the same purpose; you can use a PPC ad to improve your article marketing bio box. I know your next question is how? What you want to do is type in a keyword into Google that your prospect will type in to find your product or service.

Look at the ads that come, which ones catches your eye first? Do you want to click on it and learn more? That's the answer to your question. If a particular ad attracts you out of the ones that show up, ask your self why that one?

Whats so special about that ad. Once you answer that question, you want to use the attractive elements of that ad to create and ad for your bio box in your article. Remember to test your new ad against the one you already have in your bio box.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit


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